

以西结书 45



1 你们拈阄分为业,要献上一分给耶和华,长二万五肘,宽一万肘。这分以内,四围都为

2 其中有作为所之地,长五肘,宽五肘,四面见方。四围再有五十肘为郊野之地。

3 要以肘为度量地,长二万五肘,宽一万肘。其中有所,是至的。

4 这是全的一分,要归与供所职事的祭司,就是亲近事奉耶和华的,作为他们房屋所之

5 又有一分,长二万五肘,宽一万肘,要归与在殿中供职的利未人,作为二十房屋之业。

6 也要分定属城的地业,宽五肘,长二万五肘,挨着那分供地,要归以色列全家。

7 归王之地要在供地和属城之地的两旁,就是供地和属城之地的旁边,西至西头,东至东头,从西到东,其长与每支派的分样。

8 以色列中必归王为业。我所立的王必不再欺压我的民,却要按支派将以色列家。

9 耶和华如此以色列的王啊,你们应当知足,要除掉强暴和抢夺的事,施行公平和公,不再勒索我的民。这是耶和华的。

10 你们要用公道天平、公道伊法、公道罢特。

11 伊法与罢特大小要样。罢特可盛贺梅珥十分之一,伊法也可盛贺梅珥十分之一,都以贺梅珥的大小为准。

12 舍客勒二十季拉;二十舍客勒二十舍客勒十五舍客勒,为你们的弥那。

13 你们当献的供物乃是这样:一贺梅珥麦子要献伊法分之一;一贺梅珥大麦要献伊法分之一。

14 你们献所分定的,按的罢特,一柯珥要献罢特十分之一(原来罢特就是一贺梅珥)。

15 以色列滋润的草场上每二中,要献羔。这都可作素祭、燔祭、平安祭,为民赎罪。这是耶和华的。

16 的民都要奉上这供物给以色列中的王。

17 王的本分是在节期、朔、安息日,就是以色列家一切的节期,奉上燔祭、素祭、奠祭。他要预备赎祭、素祭、燔祭,和平安祭,为以色列家赎

18 耶和华如此:正日,你要取无残疾的公牛犊,洁净圣所。

19 祭司要取些赎祭牲的血,抹在殿的柱上和磴台的角上,并内院的框上。

20 日(十士译本是初一日)也要为误犯罪的和愚蒙犯罪的如此行,为殿赎罪。

21 十四日,你们要守逾越节,守节七日,要无酵饼。

22 当日,王要为自己和国内的众民预备一只公牛作赎祭。

23 这节的日,每日他要为耶和华预备无残疾的公牛只、公绵只为燔祭。每日又要预备公山羊一只为赎祭。

24 他也要预备素祭,就是为一只公牛同献一伊法细面,为一只公绵同献一伊法细面,每一伊法细面加

25 十五日守节的时候,日他都要如此行,照逾越节的赎祭、燔祭、素祭,和的条例一样。





People around a village gate, by Adrianus Eversen

Gates" in ancient times had a significance that does not hold in the modern world. Cities then were enclosed by walls for protection; gates in the walls let people in and out to do their business, but were also the weak points in the cities' defenses. In the Bible, cities on one level represent the minds of individual people. On a broader level, they represent beliefs shared by a community. The gates, then, represent openings where the Lord can feed us an understanding of truth and a desire for good. They also represent points where the hells can invade and sway us with false ideas and evil desires. We are kept in balance during our lifetimes, with influences from both the Lord and from hell. Ideally, we will over our lifetimes continue to invite the Lord farther and farther in and drive the hells back until ultimately the Lord can occupy our minds completely. And that point our belief in Him and His power and love will hold the gates and deny evil any entrance. As individuals, we at that point become angels. As communities, we at that point become part of the Lord's church. And at that point the gates become an entry point, introductory truths that allow people to enter churches and start bringing the Lord into their lives.