

以西结书 35



1 耶和华的又临到我说:

2 人子啊,你要面向西珥发预言,攻击他,

3 对他耶和华如此:西珥哪,我与你为敌,必向你伸攻击你,使你荒凉,令人惊骇。

4 我必使你的城邑变为荒场,成为凄凉。你就知道我是耶和华

5 因为你永怀仇恨,在以色列人遭灾、罪孽到了尽头的时候,将他们交与刀

6 所以耶和华:我指着我的永生起誓,我必使你遭遇流血的报应,罪(原文是血;本节同)必追赶你;你既不恨恶杀人流血,所以这罪必追赶你。

7 我必使西珥荒凉,令人惊骇,来往经过的人我必剪除。

8 我必使西珥满有被杀的人。被刀杀的,必倒在你小谷,并一切的溪水中。

9 我必使你永远荒凉,使你的城邑无人居住,你的民就知道我是耶和华

10 因为你曾:这国这邦必归於我,我必得为业(其实耶和华仍在那里),

11 所以耶和华:我指着我的永生起誓,我必照你的怒气和你从仇恨中向他们所发的嫉妒待你。我审判你的时候,必将自己显明在他们中间。

12 你也必知道我─耶和华见了你的一切毁谤,就是你攻击以色列的话,:这些荒凉,是归我们吞灭的。

13 你们也用向我夸大,增添与我反对的,我都见了。

14 耶和华如此:全欢乐的时候,我必使你荒凉。

15 你怎样因以色列家的地业荒凉而喜乐,我必照你所行的待你。西珥哪,你和以东全地必都荒凉。你们就知道我是耶和华






In most cases, "mouth" in the Bible represents thought and logic, especially the kind of active, concrete thought that is connected with speech. The reason for this is pretty obvious, but it also holds when people, for instance, remove a stone from the mouth of a well, which represents gaining access to spiritual ideas. The mouth is used for eating as well as speaking, of course. In those circumstances, it represents our first, most external perception of a new spiritual idea or desire. This also makes sense, mirroring the way tasting food in the mouth gives us an instant impression of the quality of the food.