

以西结书 28



1 耶和华的又临到我说:

2 人子啊,你对推罗君王耶和华如此:因你傲,:我是;我在之位。你虽然居自比,也不过是人,并不是

3 看哪,你比但以理更有智慧,甚麽秘事都不能向你隐藏。

4 你靠自己的智慧聪明得了财宝,收入中。

5 你靠自己的大智慧和贸易增添资财,又因资财心里傲。

6 所以耶和华如此:因你居自比

7 我必使外邦人,就是列国中的强暴人临到你这里;他们必拔刀砍坏你用智慧得来的美物,亵渎你的荣光。

8 他们必使你坑;你必中,与被杀的人一样。

9 在杀你的人面前你还能我是麽?其实你在杀害你的人中,不过是人,并不是

10 你必在外邦人中,与未受割礼(或译:不洁;下同)的人一样,因为这是耶和华的。

11 耶和华的临到我说:

12 人子啊,你为推罗王作起哀歌耶和华如此:你无所不备,智慧充足,全然美丽

13 你曾在伊甸的园中,佩戴各样宝,就是红宝、红璧玺、、水苍玉、红玛瑙、碧玉蓝宝石、绿宝、红玉,和黄;又有精美的笛在你那里,都是在你受造之日预备齐全的。

14 你是那受膏遮掩约柜的基路伯;我将你安置在上;你在发光如的宝中间往来。

15 你从受造之日所行的都完全,後来在你中间又察出不义。

16 因你贸易很多,就被强暴的事充满,以致犯罪,所以我因你亵渎圣地,就从驱逐你。遮掩约柜的基路伯啊,我已将你从发光如的宝中除灭。

17 你因美丽傲,又因荣光败坏智慧,我已将你摔倒在,使你倒在君面前,好叫他们目睹眼见。

18 你因罪孽众多,贸易不公,就亵渎你那里的圣所。故此,我使从你中间发出,烧灭你,使你在所有观的人眼前变为上的炉灰。

19 各国民中,凡认识你的,都必为你惊奇。你令人惊恐,不再存留於世,直到永远

20 耶和华的临到我说:

21 人子啊,你要向西顿预言攻击他,

22 耶和华如此:西顿哪,我与你为敌,我必在你中间得荣耀。我在你中间施行审判、显为的时候,人就知道我是耶和华

23 我必使瘟疫进入西顿,使血流在他街上。被杀的必在其中仆倒,四围有刀临到他,人就知道我是耶和华

24 四围恨恶以色列家的人,必不再向他们作刺人的荆棘,伤人的蒺藜,人就知道我是耶和华

25 耶和华如此:我将分散在万民中的以色列招聚回来,向他们在列邦人眼前显为的时候,他们就在我赐仆人雅各之地,仍然居住

26 他们要在这地上安然居住。我向四围恨恶他们的众人施行审判以後,他们要盖造房屋,栽种葡萄园,安然居住,就知道我是耶和华─他们的


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 4453

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4453. “做买卖, 置产业” 表因他们交流而将彼此一致的教义. 这从 “做买卖” 和 “置产业” 的含义清楚可知: “做买卖” 是指为自己获取认知, 以及交流它们 (参看2967节), 因此在这地 “做买卖” 表示进入哈抹的儿子示剑及其城所表示的良善与真理的认知; “置产业” 是指合一, 因而是指彼此一致. “做买卖” 之所以表示为自己获取认知, 以及交流它们, 是因为在天上, 就是照内义觉悟圣言的地方, 是没有买卖的; 事实上, 天上没有金, 银, 或诸如在这个世上用来交易的那类事物; 因此, 当我们在圣言中读到 “买卖” (trading, 或译贸易, 交易等) 时, 是以灵义来理解的, 在天上被感知为与 “买卖” (trading, 或译贸易, 交易等) 相对应的某种事物, 一般来说, 是认知的获取和交流, 具体来说是所提到的物体所指的实体. 例如, 若提到 “金”, 就理解为爱与智慧的良善 (113, 1551, 1552节); 若提到 “银”, 就理解为属于聪明和信仰的真理 (1551, 2048, 2954节); 若提到人们在古时用来交易的 “母绵羊”, “公绵羊”, “小山羊” 或 “羔羊”, 就理解为诸如这些动物所表示的那类事物, 等等.


告诉推罗, 你居住海口, 跟众民到许多海岛交易; 他施人因你多有各类的财物, 就作你的客商, 拿银, 铁, 锡, 铅兑换你的货物. 雅完人, 土巴人, 米设人都用人口与你交易, 拿铜器兑换你的商品. 底但人与你交易; 许多海岛成了你手里的货品. 亚兰人因你的手工艺品很多, 就作你的客商; 犹大和以色列地的人都与你交易; 他们用米匿的麦子, 饼, 蜜, 油, 乳香兑换你的商品. 大马色人因你的手工艺品很多, 又因你多有各类的财物, 就拿黑本酒和沙哈 (Zahar) 羊毛与你交易. 威但人和雅完人拿纺成的线兑换你的货物. 底但人用马车的敞篷与你交易. 亚拉伯人和基达的一切首领都作你手下的客商, 用羊羔, 公绵羊, 公山羊与你交易. 示巴和拉玛的商人与你交易, 他们用各类上好的香料, 各类的宝石和黄金兑换你的货物. 哈兰人, 干尼人, 伊甸人, 示巴的商人和亚述人, 基抹人与你交易. 这些商人以美好的货物与你交易, 用蓝色包袱, 刺绣的衣服; 盛华丽衣服香柏木的宝箱, 用绳捆着兑换你的货物. 他施的船只接连成帮为你运货, 你便在海心丰满, 极其荣华. (以西结书 27:3, 12-13, 15-19, 21-25)

由此处和圣言中的许多其它经文明显可知, “交易”, “商品”, “货品” 和 “货物” 无非是指与良善并真理的认知有关的事物. 因为若非推罗的交易活动表示属灵和属天的事物, 预言的圣言与这些活动有什么相干呢? 既如此, 那么显而易见, 不仅 “货物” 表示其它事物, 而且此处所提到的民族也表示拥有这些其它事物的人民. 还显而易见, 若不凭内义, 没有人知道所有这些表示什么; 如不知道他施, 雅完人, 土巴人, 米设人, 底但人, 亚兰人, 犹大, 以色列, 威但人, 雅完, 底但人, 阿拉伯人, 示巴, 拉玛, 哈兰人, 干尼人, 伊甸人, 亚述人, 基抹人表示什么; 也不知道他们的货物表示什么, 如银, 铁, 锡, 铅, 铜器, 麦子, 米匿, 饼, 蜜, 油, 乳香, 黑本酒, 沙哈羊毛, 纺成的线, 马车敞篷, 羊羔, 公绵羊, 公山羊, 香料, 宝石, 黄金, 蓝色包袱, 刺绣的衣服, 捆绳, 香柏木制成的物件. 这些及类似事物表示教会和主国度的良善与真理, 以及对这些良善与真理的认知. 正因推罗表示认知 (1201节), 所以此处论述的主题是推罗. 由于这类财物, 也就是良善与真理, 就存在于主的教会和国度中, 故表示主的教会和国度的迦南地自上古时代就具有一个源于表示货物或货品的词的名字, 因为这就是原文中 “迦南” 这个名的含义. 综上所述, 明显可知在这地 “做买卖” 是什么意思.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 195

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195. The most ancient people did not compare all things in man to beasts and birds but actually called them such. This was their manner of speaking, which also remained throughout in the Ancient Church after the Flood; and a similar manner of speaking was preserved among the Prophets. Man's sensory powers they called serpents, for just as serpents are next to the ground so do the sensory powers come next to the body. Consequently reasonings based on sensory evidence concerning mysteries of faith they called serpent-poisons, and those who reasoned in that way they called serpents. And it is their basing reasonings so much on sensory evidence - that is, on visual, as is the evidence of earthly, bodily, worldly, and natural objects - that is the reason for the statement 'the serpent was subtle, more than every wild animal of the field'.

[2] A similar usage occurs in David,

They make their tongue sharp, like a serpent. Under their lips is the poison of an asp. Psalms 140:3-5.

This refers to people who mislead a person by means of reasonings. In the same author,

They go astray even from the womb, in uttering what is untrue; their poison is like serpent's poison; they are like the poisonous deaf-adder which stops up its ear to the sound of those whispering [to it], of the wise one who belongs to the fraternity [of charmers]. Psalms 58:3-5.

Reasonings whose nature is such that those who resort to them do not even hear that which is wise, that is, do not hear 'the sound of the wise one', are here called 'serpent's poison'. This was the origin of the popular saying with the ancients about 'the serpent stopping its ear'. In Amos,

As if someone went into the house and leaned with his hand against the wall, and a serpent bit him. Is not the day of Jehovah darkness and not light, and thick darkness, and no brightness in it? Amos 5:19-20.

'His hand against the wall' stands for power that is one's own and trust in sensory evidence, which results in the benightedness described here.

[3] In Jeremiah,

The sound of Egypt will go forth like a serpent, for [her enemies] will go forth in force, and they will come to her with axes, like woodcutters. Let them cut down her forest, says Jehovah, for it will not be explored; they are more numerous than locusts, they are without number. The daughter of Egypt has been put to shame; she will be given into the hand of a people from the north. Jeremiah 46:20, 22-24.

'Egypt' stands for reasoning about Divine matters that is based on sensory evidence and factual knowledge. Reasonings are called 'the sound of a serpent', and the benightedness that results is meant by 'a people from the north'. In Job,

He will suck the poison of asps, the tongue of a viper will kill him; he will not see the brooks, the streams flowing with honey and butter. Job 20:16-17.

'Streams of honey and butter' are spiritual and celestial things, which reasoners will not see. Reasonings are called 'the poison of asps and 'the tongue of a viper'. For more concerning the serpent, see at verses 14-15, below.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.