

以西结书 26



1 第十一年十一初一日,耶和华的临到我说:

2 人子啊,因推罗向耶路撒冷:阿哈,那作众民之的已经坏,向我开放;他既变为荒场,我必丰盛。

3 所以,耶和华如此:推罗啊,我必与你为敌,使许多国民上来攻击你,如同使波浪涌上来一样。

4 他们必破坏推罗的墙垣,拆毁他的城楼。我也要刮净尘土,使他成为净光的磐石。

5 他必在中作晒网的地方,也必成为列国的掳物。这是耶和华的。

6 属推罗城邑的居民(原文是田间的众女;八节同)必被刀杀灭,他们就知道我是耶和华

7 耶和华如此:我必使诸的巴比伦尼布甲尼撒率领马匹车辆、兵、军队,和许多人民从北方来攻击你推罗。

8 他必用刀杀灭属你城邑的居民,也必造台、筑垒、举盾牌攻击你。

9 他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣,用铁器拆毁你的城楼。

10 因他的马匹众多,尘土扬起遮蔽你。他进入你的城,好像人进入已有破口之城。那时,你的墙垣必因骑的和战车、辎重车的响声震动。

11 他的必践踏你一切的街道,他必用刀杀戮你的居民;你坚固的柱子(或译:柱像)必倒在上。

12 人必以你的财宝为掳物,以你的货财为掠物,破坏你的墙垣,拆毁你华美的房屋,将你的石头头、尘土都抛在中。

13 我必使你唱歌声音止息,人也不再见你弹琴的声音

14 我必使你成为净光的磐石,作晒网的地方;你不得再被建造,因为这是耶和华的。

15 耶和华对推罗如此:在你中间行杀戮,受伤之人唉哼的时候,因你倾倒的响声,海岂不都震动麽?

16 那时靠的君王必都位,除去朝服,脱花衣,披上战兢,上,时刻发抖,为你惊骇。

17 他们必为你作起哀歌:你这有名之城,素为航之人居住,在上为最坚固的;平日你和居民使一切在那里的人无不惊恐;现在何竟毁灭了?

18 如今在你这倾覆的日子,都必战兢;中的群见你归於无有就都惊惶。

19 耶和华如此:推罗啊,我使你变为荒凉,如无人居住的城邑;又使深水漫过你,大水淹没你。

20 那时,我要叫你入阴府,与古时的人一同在的深处、久已荒凉之居住,使你不再有居民。我也要在活人之显荣耀(我也……荣耀:或译在活人之不再有荣耀)。

21 我必叫你令人惊恐,不再存留於世;人虽寻你,却永寻不见。这是耶和华的。


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属天的奥秘 # 5954

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5954. “又给他们各人一套新衣服” 表始于良善的真理。这从 “衣服” 的含义清楚可知, “衣服” 是指真理, 如下文所述。因此, “新衣服” 是指新真理; 当真理在良善中开始时, 它们就变新, 因为那时它们获得了生命。所论述的主题是属世人与属灵人, 或外在人与内在人的联结。当联结正在实现时, 真理就会发生变化并变新, 因为它们从流入它们的良善那里获得了生命, 如刚才所述 (5951节)。“换衣服” 代表披上神圣真理, 这也是 “换衣服” 的起源 (参看4545节)。

在圣言中, “衣服 (或译衣裳)” 之所以表示真理, 是因为真理包裹良善, 几乎如同血管包裹血液, 或纤维包裹灵。“衣服” 有真理的意思, 是因为灵人, 以及天使看上去都穿着衣服, 并且各自都照着属于他的真理而着装。看上去身穿白衣的, 那些处于作为通向良善之路的信之真理的灵人或天使; 而看上去身穿闪亮衣服的, 是那些处于从良善发出的信之真理的灵人或天使。因为良善通过真理发光, 产生光辉 (参看5248节)。

灵人和天使看上去穿着衣服, 这一点从圣言中提到天使显现的地方也能看出来, 如马太福音:

坐在主坟墓上的天使像貌如同闪电, 衣服洁白如雪。(马太福音 28:3)


我看见二十四位长老坐在宝座上, 身穿白衣。(启示录 4:4)


骑在白马上的穿着溅了血的衣服; 祂的名称为神之道。在天上的众军骑着白马, 穿着细麻衣, 又白又洁, 跟随祂。(启示录 19:11, 13, 14)

“衣服洁白如雪” 和 “白色的细麻衣” 表示神圣真理, 因为洁白和闪亮论及真理 (3301, 3993, 4007, 5319节), 原因是它们最靠近光, 从主发出的光就是神性真理。这解释了为何当主变了形像时, 祂衣服显如光; 马太福音:

耶稣就变了形像, 脸面明亮如日头, 衣裳洁白如光。(马太福音 17:2)

在教会, 众所周知, “光” 是指神性真理; 但从诗篇清楚看出来, 它被比作 “衣裳”:

耶和华披上亮光, 如披衣裳。(诗篇 104:2)

“衣服或衣裳” 是指真理, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文明显看出来, 如马太福音:

王进来观看宾客, 见那里有一个没有穿礼服的人。就对他说, 同伴哪, 你到这里来, 怎么不穿礼服呢?于是, 他就被丢在外边的黑暗里。(马太福音 22:11-13)

至于 “不穿礼服的人” 是谁, 可参看前文 (2132节)。以赛亚书:

锡安哪!你要醒来; 醒来; 披上你的能力。圣城耶路撒冷啊, 穿上你华美的衣服!因为从今以后, 未受割礼、不洁净的, 必不再进入你中间。(以赛亚书 52:1)

“华美的衣服 “表示源于良善的真理。


我也使你身穿绣花衣服, 穿上海狗皮鞋, 并用细麻布给你束腰, 用丝绸披在你身上。你的衣服是细麻布和丝绸并绣花衣; 吃的是细面、蜂蜜并油。(以西结书 16:10, 13)

这论及耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷在此表示属灵的古教会, 该教会是在上古教会气绝之后由主建立的。赋予该教会的真理以 “衣服” 来描述; “绣花衣” 是指记忆知识, 当记忆知识是纯正的时, 它在来世看似绣花衣, 又看似有网眼的织物, 正如我蒙允许所看到的。“细麻衣和丝绸” 是指源于良善的真理; 但在天堂, 这些织物是极其明亮和透明的, 因为它们在天堂之光中。


你的帆是用埃及绣花细麻布做的; 你的篷是用以利沙岛的蓝色、紫色布做的。(以西结书 27:7)

这论及推罗, 推罗代表对真理与良善的认知 (1201节)。当这些认知是纯正的时, 它们就是 “埃及绣花细麻布”; “蓝色、紫色布” 表示由此衍生的良善, 或真理之良善。


王女极其荣华, 她的衣服是用金线绣的; 她要穿刺绣衣服, 被引到王前。(诗篇 45:13, 14)

“王女” 表示对真理的情感; “她的衣服是用金线绣的” 表示拥有良善在里面的真理; “刺绣衣服” 表示最低级的真理。


然而在撒狄, 你还有几个名字是未曾污秽自己衣服的; 他们要穿白衣与我同行, 因为他们是配得过的。凡得胜的, 必穿白衣。(启示录 3:4, 5)

“未曾污秽衣服” 表示没有用虚假玷污真理。


那儆醒, 看守衣服, 免得赤身而行, 叫他们见他羞耻的, 有福了。(启示录 16:15)

“衣服” 以同样的方式表示真理。这就是 “那儆醒, 看守衣服, 免得赤身而行, 叫他们见他羞耻的” 所表示的。


约书亚穿着污秽的衣服, 站在使者面前。使者吩咐站在他面前的说, 你们要脱去他污秽的衣服。又对约书亚说, 看哪, 我使你的罪孽离开你, 要给你换上衣服。(撒迦利亚书 3:3, 4)

“污秽的衣服” 表示被源于邪恶的虚假玷污的真理; 因此, 当脱去这些衣服, 穿上其它衣服时, 经上说: “看哪, 我使你的罪孽离开你”。谁都能知道, 罪孽不会因换了衣服就消失; 谁也都能由此得出结论: 换衣服是代表行为, 正如洗衣服也是代表行为一样, 当百姓自洁时, 如当他们靠近西乃山时 (出埃及记 19:14), 当他们从污秽之物中洁净时 (利未记 11:25, 40; 14:8, 9; 民数记 8:6, 7; 19:21; 31:19-24), 就会被吩咐洗衣服。

事实上, 从污秽之物中洁净是通过信之真理实现的, 因为这些真理教导何为良善, 何为仁爱, 何为邻舍, 何为信仰, 以及主、天堂和永生的存在。没有教导人的真理, 人们就不知道这些事, 甚至不知道它们的存在。凭自己, 除了爱自己爱世界的良善是属于人的唯一良善外, 谁还知道别的?因为这二者构成他生命的快乐。若不通过信之真理, 谁能知道还有别的良善能被赋予人, 即对神之爱的良善, 或对邻之仁的良善?有谁知道这些良善拥有天上的生命在里面, 或这些良善在此人不再爱自己胜过他人, 爱世界胜过天堂的范围内从主经由天堂流入?由此清楚可知, 洗衣服所代表的洁净通过信之真理实现。

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Arcana Coelestia # 3993

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3993. 'Removing from it every speckled and spotted member of the flock' means that everything good and true that is meant by 'Laban' and which - when mingled with evil, meant by 'speckled', or mingled with falsity, meant by 'spotted' - will be separated. This is clear from the meaning of 'removing' as separating, and from the meaning of 'member of the flock', in this case she-goats and lambs, as goods and truths, dealt with in 1824, 3519. The fact that these details and those that follow in this chapter hold arcana within them may be recognized from the consideration that for the most part they would not be worth mentioning in the Divine Word if they did not include any deeper arcana than those to be seen in the letter, such as the following: For his wages Jacob asked for the speckled and the spotted among the she-goats and for the black among the lambs; and after this, in the runners he placed rods - which he had peeled down to the white and which were of hazel and of plane - in front of Laban's flocks when these came on heat, and in the case of the lambs he set the faces of the flock towards the variegated and the black in Laban's flock, thereby making himself rich not by the use of a good skill but of an evil one. These details do not seem to hold anything Divine within them, and yet the Word is Divine in every single part, even to the smallest part of a letter. And what is more, knowing all these details does not contribute one tiny bit to a person's salvation, yet being Divine the Word does not contain within itself anything else than such things as lead to salvation and eternal life.

[2] From these details and others like them elsewhere anyone may come to the conclusion that some arcanum is concealed within them, and that although in the literal sense they are the kind of facts that are not worth mentioning, those details - every single one - are pregnant with ideas much more Divine. But what exactly these ideas may be cannot possibly be seen by anyone except from the internal sense, that is, unless he knows the way in which angels perceive these matters; for they perceive the spiritual sense when man sees the historical natural sense. How remote these two senses seem to be from each other when in fact they are closely linked to one another may become quite evident from the historical details explained above and from all other such details. The actual arcanum present within the details here and in those after them in this chapter may, it is true, be known to some extent from what has been stated already about Laban and Jacob - about 'Laban' meaning the kind of good by means of which genuine goods and truths are able to be introduced, while 'Jacob' means the good of truth. Yet few know what natural good corresponding to spiritual good is, even fewer what spiritual good is and that a correspondence ought to exist between the two, and fewer still that a type of good which merely looks like good is the means for introducing genuine goods and truths. This being so, the arcana which describe these matters cannot be explained easily and intelligibly since they fall within the poorly lit parts of the understanding. It is rather like someone talking in a foreign language, in that no matter how clearly the thing is explained in that language the hearer does not understand. Even so, because what is concealed in the internal sense of the Word is to be made known, the actual arcanum within the details here has to be discussed.

[3] In the highest sense the subject at this point is how the Lord made His own Natural Divine, and in the representative sense how the Lord regenerates the natural as it exists with man and brings it into correspondence with his interior man, that is, with that which is going to live after the death of the body. At that point it is called man's spirit which, when released from the body, takes with it every part of the external man except the flesh and bones. If the correspondence of the internal man with the external has not been effected in the temporal state, that is, during a person's life in the body, it is not effected after that. The Lord's joining of the two together through regeneration is the subject in the internal sense here.

[4] Previous sections have dealt with the general truths which a person ought to receive and acknowledge before he can be regenerated, those truths being meant by Jacob's ten sons by Leah and the servant-girls; then they deal - after he has received and acknowledged them - with the joining of the external man to the interior, that is, of the natural man to the spiritual, which was meant by 'Joseph'. Now in the sequence of ideas the subject is the fruitfulness of good and the multiplication of truth which begin to occur once the rational man has been joined to the spiritual, and in the measure that they are so joined. These are the considerations meant by the flock which Jacob acquired to himself by means of Laban's flock. 'Flock' here means good and truth, as it does many times elsewhere in the Word. 'Laban's flock' means the good that is represented by 'Laban', the nature of which has been stated above; 'Jacob's flock' means the genuine good and truth which is acquired by means of that good represented by Laban.

[5] It is the way in which genuine goods and truths are acquired that is described here. Yet this cannot by any means be comprehended unless one knows what is meant in the internal sense by 'speckled', 'spotted', 'black' and 'white', and therefore these must first be dealt with here. That which is speckled or that which is spotted consists of black and of white. In general 'black' means that which is evil, in particular man's proprium since this is nothing but evil. 'Dark' however means that which is false, and in particular false assumptions. 'White' in the internal sense means truth; strictly speaking it means the Lord's Righteousness and Merit, and from this the Lord's righteousness and merit as these exist with man. This whiteness is called bright because it shines from the light that radiates from the Lord. But 'white' in the contrary sense means self-righteousness or one's own merit. Indeed truth devoid of good has such merit within it, for when any good action performed by a person does not stem from the good of truth that person always desires something in return since he acts for the sake of himself. But when good lies behind the truth that a person carries into effect, that truth is enlightened by the light which radiates from the Lord. From this one may see what is meant by 'spotted', namely truth with which falsity has been mingled, and what by 'speckled', namely good with which evil has been mingled.

[6] Actually visible in the next life are colours so beautiful and bright that they defy description, 1053, 1624. They are the product of the variegation of light and shade within white and black. But although it appears before the eyes as light, the light there is unlike the light in the world. The light in heaven includes intelligence and wisdom, for Divine Intelligence and Wisdom from the Lord manifest themselves there as light and also light up the whole of heaven, 2776, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339-3341, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3862. Shade likewise in the next life, although it appears as shade, is unlike shade in the world, since the shade in that life is the absence of light and as a consequence the lack of intelligence and wisdom. So because the white and the black are in the next life a product of light which has intelligence and wisdom within it, and a product of the shade which is the lack of these, it is evident that white and black mean such things as have been stated above. Consequently, since colours are the modifications of light and shade within surfaces consisting of white and black, it is the variegations produced by those modifications that are called colours, 1042, 1043, 1053.

[7] From all this one may see what is meant by speckled, or marked and dotted with black and white specks, namely good with which evil has been mingled, and also what is meant by spotted, namely truth with which falsity has been mingled. These are the things that were taken from 'Laban good' to serve in the introducing of genuine goods and truths. But in what way they are able to serve is an arcanum which can indeed be presented clearly to those who see in the light of heaven because this light, as has been stated, holds intelligence within it, but not to those who see in the light of the world unless their light of the world is lit up by the light of heaven, as it is with those who are regenerate. For every regenerate person sees goods and truths within his own natural light from the light of heaven, because the light of heaven brings sight to his understanding even as the inferior light of the world gives him natural sight.

[8] But all this needs to be taken a little further. No pure good, or good with which evil is not mingled, exists with anyone. Neither does any pure truth, or truth with which falsity is not mingled, exist with him. This is because man's will is nothing but evil, from which falsity is constantly passing into his understanding; for as is well known, he possesses by inheritance the evil that has been accumulated consecutively by his forefathers. From this inheritance he brings out evil into his own actions and makes it his own, adding further evil from himself to the inheritance. But the evils residing with man are of various kinds. There are evils with which goods cannot be mingled and there are evils with which they can. And the same applies to falsities. If this were not so nobody could ever have been regenerated. The evils and falsities with which goods and truths cannot be mingled are ones that are contrary to love to God and love towards the neighbour - forms of hatred, revenge, and cruelty, and consequent contempt for others in comparison with oneself, and also consequent false persuasions. But the evils and falsities with which goods and truths can be mingled are ones that are not contrary to love to God and love towards the neighbour.

[9] Take for example anyone who loves himself more than others and because of that love strives to excel others in private life and in public life, to excel them in knowledge and doctrine, and to be promoted to positions of greater importance than others, and also to greater affluence than others. If at the same time he acknowledges and adores the Lord, from the heart performs acts of kindness to the neighbour, and from conscience behaves justly and fairly, the evil that belongs to his self-love is such that good and truth can be mingled with it. For this is an evil which belongs to a person as his own and into which he is born by heredity. And to take that away from him suddenly would be to put out the fire of life that burns in him at first. But in the case of someone who loves himself more than others and because of that love despises others in comparison with himself, hates those who do not hold him in esteem and so to speak adore him, and therefore enjoys the feelings of hatred that are present in revenge and cruelty, the evil of that love is such that good and truth cannot be mingled with it because they are contraries.

[10] Take as another example anyone who believes that he is pure from sins, and so is cleansed like somebody from whom dirt has been washed away by means of much water, once he has repented and carried out the prescribed penances, or after he has made his confession and heard the confessor declare him free from sins, or after he has been to the Holy Supper. If he leads a new life, being stirred by an affection for good and truth, that falsity is such that good can be mingled with it. But if he goes on leading a carnal and worldly life as before, it is in that case a falsity with which good cannot be mingled. Also, with anyone who believes that man is saved by virtue of believing what is good and not of willing it, and yet who does will what is good and therefore does it, that falsity is such that good and truth can be attached to it. But not so if he does not will what is good and therefore does not do it.

[11] Take yet another example. If anyone does not know that man rises again after death and consequently does not believe in the resurrection, or else if anyone who does know but nevertheless doubts or practically denies it, and yet each one leads a life of truth and goodness, good and truth can be mingled with that falsity also. But if a person leads a life of falsity and evil they cannot be mingled with that same falsity because they are contraries. The falsity destroys the truth, and the evil destroys the good.

[12] And still another example. Pretence and shrewdness which have a good end in view, whether the good of the neighbour, or of one's country, or of the Church, constitute prudence. The evils that are mixed up with them can be mingled with good by reason of and for the sake of the end in view. But presence and shrewdness which have an evil end in view do not constitute prudence but trickery and deceit. Good cannot possibly be joined to these, for deceit which goes with an evil end in view brings what is of hell into every single part of a person, sets evil in the middle, and casts good away to the circumferences. This order is the order itself of hell. And so with countless other examples that could be taken.

[13] The fact that there are some evils and falsities to which goods and truths can be attached may be seen merely from the consideration that so many different dogmas and teachings exist, many of them totally heretical, and yet subscribing to each one there are people who are saved. The same may also be seen from the consideration that among gentiles outside of the Church there is another Church that is the Lord's, and that those are saved who lead charitable lives, even though falsities exist with them, 2589 2604. This could by no means be the case if there were no evils with which goods can be mingled, and no falsities with which truths can be mingled. For the evils with which goods are mingled, and the falsities with which truths are mingled, are wonderfully arranged into order by the Lord. For they are not combined with one another, still less are they made into one, but lie adjacent to and touch one another, so that in fact the goods together with the truths occupy the middle, at the central point so to speak, while the evils and falsities occupy positions radiating outwards to the surrounding areas or circumferences. Consequently the evils and falsities receive light from the goods and truths, and are variegated like patches of white and black created by light radiating from the middle or centre. This constitutes heavenly order. These are the things meant in the internal sense by 'speckled' and 'spotted'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.