

以西结书 26



1 第十一年十一初一日,耶和华的临到我说:

2 人子啊,因推罗向耶路撒冷:阿哈,那作众民之的已经坏,向我开放;他既变为荒场,我必丰盛。

3 所以,耶和华如此:推罗啊,我必与你为敌,使许多国民上来攻击你,如同使波浪涌上来一样。

4 他们必破坏推罗的墙垣,拆毁他的城楼。我也要刮净尘土,使他成为净光的磐石。

5 他必在中作晒网的地方,也必成为列国的掳物。这是耶和华的。

6 属推罗城邑的居民(原文是田间的众女;八节同)必被刀杀灭,他们就知道我是耶和华

7 耶和华如此:我必使诸的巴比伦尼布甲尼撒率领马匹车辆、兵、军队,和许多人民从北方来攻击你推罗。

8 他必用刀杀灭属你城邑的居民,也必造台、筑垒、举盾牌攻击你。

9 他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣,用铁器拆毁你的城楼。

10 因他的马匹众多,尘土扬起遮蔽你。他进入你的城,好像人进入已有破口之城。那时,你的墙垣必因骑的和战车、辎重车的响声震动。

11 他的必践踏你一切的街道,他必用刀杀戮你的居民;你坚固的柱子(或译:柱像)必倒在上。

12 人必以你的财宝为掳物,以你的货财为掠物,破坏你的墙垣,拆毁你华美的房屋,将你的石头头、尘土都抛在中。

13 我必使你唱歌声音止息,人也不再见你弹琴的声音

14 我必使你成为净光的磐石,作晒网的地方;你不得再被建造,因为这是耶和华的。

15 耶和华对推罗如此:在你中间行杀戮,受伤之人唉哼的时候,因你倾倒的响声,海岂不都震动麽?

16 那时靠的君王必都位,除去朝服,脱花衣,披上战兢,上,时刻发抖,为你惊骇。

17 他们必为你作起哀歌:你这有名之城,素为航之人居住,在上为最坚固的;平日你和居民使一切在那里的人无不惊恐;现在何竟毁灭了?

18 如今在你这倾覆的日子,都必战兢;中的群见你归於无有就都惊惶。

19 耶和华如此:推罗啊,我使你变为荒凉,如无人居住的城邑;又使深水漫过你,大水淹没你。

20 那时,我要叫你入阴府,与古时的人一同在的深处、久已荒凉之居住,使你不再有居民。我也要在活人之显荣耀(我也……荣耀:或译在活人之不再有荣耀)。

21 我必叫你令人惊恐,不再存留於世;人虽寻你,却永寻不见。这是耶和华的。




以西结书 19



1 你当为以色列的王作起哀歌

2 :你的母亲是甚麽呢?是个母狮子,蹲伏在狮子中间,在少壮狮子中养育小狮子

3 在他小狮子中养大个,成了少壮狮子,学会抓食而人。

4 列国见了就把他捉在他们的坑中,用钩子拉到埃及去。

5 母狮见自己等候失了指望,就从他小狮子中又将个养为少壮狮子。

6 他在众狮子中走来走去,成了少壮狮子,学会抓食而人。

7 知道列国的宫殿,又使他们的城邑变为荒场;因他咆哮的声音,遍和其中所有的就都荒废。

8 於是四围邦国各省的人来攻击他,将撒在他身上,捉在他们的坑中。

9 他们用钩子钩住他,将他放在笼中,到巴比伦王那里,将他放入坚固之所,使他的声音以色列上不再见。

10 你的母亲先前如葡萄树,极其茂盛(原文是在你血中),栽於旁。因为多,就多结果子,满生枝子;

11 生出坚固的枝干,可作掌权者的杖。这枝干举在茂密的枝中,而且他生长大,枝子繁多,远远可见。

12 但这葡萄树因忿怒被拔出摔在上;东吹乾其上的果子,坚固的枝干折断枯乾,被烧毁了;

13 如今栽於旷野乾旱无水之

14 也从他枝干中发出,烧灭果子,以致没有坚固的枝干可作掌权者的杖。这是哀歌,也必用以作哀歌






Stones in the Bible in general represent truths, or things we know concerning the Lord and what He wants from us and for us in life. This is why the people of Israel built altars of stone, and is also why stoning was a principal form of capital punishment (using truth to destroy falsity, or in the negative sense using falsity to destroy truth). It is also why precious stones are described in such detail on Aaron's breastplate and ephod, and also in the New Jerusalem in Revelation; precious stones represent true ideas directly from the Lord with the various colors showing various forms of love. Stones are not alone in representing truth, of course -- it sometimes seems that almost everything in the Bible represents either true ideas or desires for good. But that makes sense, since our thoughts and our desires together are everything we are in life, and the interplay between them is what life is all about. The many ways they are represented in the Bible reflect the incredible variety in our feelings and thoughts, though we can only distantly understand how those representations work. In the case of stones, in their weight, strength and permanence they tend to represent true ideas that come from a desire for good, the understanding we can have if we are truly good and loving -- and in the highest sense the exalted ideas that come from the Lord's love. Those ideas are ones that are not easily moved or changed, and make wonderful foundations for the things we want to build in our spiritual lives.