

阿摩司书 3



1 以色列人哪,你们全家是我从埃及领上来的,当耶和华攻击你们的

2 在地上万族中,我只认识你们;因此,我必追讨你们的一切罪孽。

3 人若不同心,岂能同行呢?

4 狮子若非抓食,岂能在林中咆哮呢?少壮狮子若无所得,岂能从洞中发声呢?

5 若没有机槛,雀岂能陷在网罗里呢?网罗若无所得,岂能从上翻起呢?

6 城中若吹角,百姓岂不惊恐呢?灾祸若临到一城,岂非耶和华所降的麽?

7 耶和华若不将奥秘指示他的仆人─众先知,就一无所行。

8 狮子吼叫,谁不惧呢?耶和华发命,谁能不预言呢?

9 要在亚实突的宫殿中和埃及宫殿里传扬:你们要聚集撒玛利亚上,就见城中有何等大的扰乱与欺压的事。

10 那些以强暴抢夺财物、积蓄在自己家中的人不知道行正直的事。这是耶和华的。

11 所以耶和华如此:敌人必来围攻这,使你的势力衰微,抢掠你的家宅。

12 耶和华如此:牧人怎样从狮子中抢回两条羊或半个耳朵,撒玛利亚以色列人躺卧在床角上或铺绣花毯的榻上,他们得救也不过如此。

13 耶和华─万军之:当这话,警戒雅各家。

14 我讨以色列罪的日子,也要讨伯特利祭坛的罪;角必被砍下,坠落於

15 我要拆毁过冬和过夏的房屋象牙房屋也必毁灭;高大的房屋都归无有。这是耶和华的。





"Hunting Camp on the Plains" by Henry Farny

To “dwell” somewhere, then, is significant – it’s much more than just visiting – but is less permanent than living there. And indeed, to dwell somewhere in the Bible represents entering that spiritual state and engaging it, but not necessary permanently. A “dwelling,” meanwhile, represents the various loves that inspire the person who inhabits it, from the most evil – “those dwelling in the shadow of death” in Isaiah 9, for example – to the exalted state of the tabernacle itself, which was built as a dwelling-place for the Lord and represents heaven in all its details. Many people were nomadic in Biblical times, especially the times of the Old Testament, and lived in tents that could be struck, moved and raised quickly. Others, of course, lived in houses, generally made of stone and wood and quite permanent. In between the two were larger, more elaborate tent-style structures called tabernacles or dwellings; the tabernacle Moses built for the Ark of the Covenant is on this model.