

阿摩司书 2



1 耶和华如此摩押次地犯罪,我必不免去他的刑罚;因为他将以东王的骸焚烧成灰。

2 我却要降摩押,烧灭加略的宫殿摩押必在哄嚷呐喊吹角之中亡。

3 我必剪除摩押中的审判者,将其中的一切首领和他一同杀戮。这是耶和华的。

4 耶和华如此犹大次地犯罪,我必不免去他们的刑罚;因为他们厌弃耶和华的训诲,不遵守他的律例。他们列祖所随从虚假的偶像使他们走迷了。

5 我却要降犹大,烧灭耶路撒冷宫殿

6 耶和华如此以色列人次地犯罪,我必不免去他们的刑罚;因他们为人,为一双鞋了穷人。

7 他们见穷上所蒙的灰也都垂涎,阻碍谦卑道路。父子同一个女子行淫,亵渎我的名。

8 他们在各旁铺人所当的衣服,卧在其上,又在他们的庙中受罚之人的酒。

9 我从以色列人面前除灭亚摩利人。他虽大如香柏树,坚固如橡树,我却上灭他的果子,绝他的本。

10 我也将你们从埃及领上来,在旷野引导你们四十年,使你们得亚摩利人之为业。

11 我从你们子弟中兴起先知,又从你们少年人中兴起拿细耳人。以色列人哪,不是这样麽?这是耶和华的。

12 你们却给拿细耳人酒喝,嘱咐先知:不要预言

13 看哪,在你们所住之地,我必压你们,如同装满禾捆的车压物一样。

14 快跑的不能逃脱;有力的不能用力;刚勇的也不能自救。

15 的不能站立;腿快的不能逃脱;骑的也不能自救。

16 到那日,勇士中最有胆量的,必赤身逃跑。这是耶和华的。






The first altar mentioned in the Word was the one built by Noah after he came out of the ark, after being saved from the great flood. On that altar, he sacrificed clean animals to the Lord.

Mountains represent the Lord because of their height; we need to raise our thoughts above worldly things when "talking" with the Lord. An altar is a small artificial mountain. When it's used in worship, it can call to mind this raising of thought. The fire and smoke that rise from an altar are symbolically being sent to the Lord.

Most altars were made from unhewn stones. Stones represent truths. Unhewn stones - ones that have not been shaped by men - represent truths from the Word, truths that have not been adulterated.

The clean beasts to be sacrificed represent good things, charitable acts done because they are right. The clean birds represent thoughts about doctrine and actions, and about what is right. Presenting these things is an acknowledgment that we have them from the Lord, and a giving thanks to Him for them.

In the Israelitish Tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering represented the acknowledgment of good and the altar of incense that of truth. For this reason this larger altar, which was outside by the door, was made of brass which signifies natural good, while the altar of incense was made of gold, which signifies love to the Lord from whom comes truth.