

撒迦利亞書 14



1 耶和華的日子臨近,你的財物必被搶掠,在你中間分散。

2 因為我必聚集萬國與耶路撒冷爭戰,城必被攻取,房屋被搶奪,婦女被玷污,城中的民一半被擄去;剩下的民仍在城中,不致剪除。

3 那時,耶和華必出去與那些國爭戰,好像從前爭戰一樣。

4 那日,他的必站在耶路撒冷前面朝東的橄欖上。這必從中間分裂,自東至西成為極的谷。的一半向北挪移,一半向南挪移。

5 你們要從我的谷中逃跑,因為谷必延到亞薩。你們逃跑,必如猶大王烏西雅年間的人逃避大地震一樣。耶和華─我的必降臨,有一切聖者同

6 那日,必沒有,三必退縮。

7 那日,必是耶和華知道的,不是白晝,也不是黑夜,到了晚上才有明。

8 那日,必有活水從耶路撒冷出來,一半往東流,一半往西流;冬夏都是如此。

9 耶和華必作全的王。那日耶和華必為獨無二的,他的名也是獨無二的。

10 ,從迦巴直到耶路撒冷方的臨,要變為亞拉巴。耶路撒冷必仍居位,就是從便雅憫第一之處,又到角門,並從哈楠業樓,直到王的酒醡。

11 人必在其中,不再有咒詛。耶路撒冷人必安然居住

12 耶和華用災殃攻擊那與耶路撒冷爭戰的列國人,必是這樣:他們兩站立的時候,必消沒,眼在眶中乾癟,吞在中潰爛。

13 那日,耶和華必使他們大大擾亂。他們各彼此揪住,舉攻擊。

14 猶大也必在耶路撒冷爭戰。那時四圍各國的財物,就是許多衣服,必被收聚。

15 那臨到馬匹、騾駱駝,和中一切牲畜的災殃是與那災殃一般。

16 所有攻擊耶路撒冷列國中剩下的人,必年年上敬拜大君王─萬軍之耶和華,並守住棚節。

17 上萬族中,凡不上耶路撒冷敬拜大君王─萬軍之耶和華的,必無雨降在他們的上。

18 埃及族若不上,雨也不降在他們的地上;凡不上住棚節的列國人,耶和華也必用這災攻擊他們。

19 這就是埃及的刑罰和那不上來守住棚節之列國的刑罰。

20 當那日,的鈴鐺上必有歸耶和華的這句話。耶和華殿內的必如祭壇前的碗一樣。

21 耶路撒冷猶大都必歸萬軍之耶和華。凡獻祭的都必取這肉在其中。當那日,在萬軍之耶和華的殿中必不再有迦南人。





by Mask: anonymous, Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Gold means good, and just as gold was the most precious metal known to ancient mankind so it represents the good of the highest and wisest of the angels. These angels foremostly love the Lord, and because they do they act from that love at all times. So the things they do are from love or as the writings for the new church often say, their acts are "goods of love". This is what gold represents. As soon as God planted the garden of Eden, He created a river in it, to water it. This river went out and branched into four, the first branch mentioned, Pishon, encompassed the "…land of Havilah, where there is gold… and the gold…is good". Another mention of gold comes in Exodus where the Lord is telling Moses how to make the Tabernacle. If you pay attention you will see that inside the tabernacle the main thing you see is gold, the boards of the wall are covered with it and all the furniture is either wood covered completely with gold, or is made of solid gold. Then at the end of the Word the holy city descends from God and it is made of gold, "gold like unto clear glass" good of love that can be clearly and completely understood. And it has its river. This is a promise from the Lord that we can come into a state similar to that of the garden of Eden, if we follow Him so as to come into love for Him, and act from that love.