

民數記 9



1 以色列人出埃及以後,第二年正耶和華在西乃的曠野吩咐摩西

2 以色列人應當在所定的日期守逾越節

3 就是本十四黃昏的時候,你們要在所定的日期守這節,要按這節的律例典章而守。

4 於是摩西吩咐以色列人逾越節

5 他們就在西乃的曠野,正十四黃昏的時候,守逾越節。凡耶和華所吩咐摩西的以色列人都照樣行了。

6 有幾個人因死屍而不潔淨,不能在那日守逾越節。當日他們到摩西亞倫面前,

7 :我們雖因死屍而不潔淨,為何被阻止、不得同以色列人在所定的日期獻耶和華的供物呢?

8 摩西對他們:你們暫且等候,我可以去耶和華指著你們是怎樣吩咐的。

9 耶和華摩西

10 你曉諭以色列人:你們和你們後中,若有因死屍而不潔淨,或在遠方行路,還要向耶和華逾越節

11 他們要在二十四黃昏的時候,守逾越節。要用無酵餅與苦菜,和逾越節的羊羔同

12 一點不可留到早晨;羊羔的骨頭一根也不可折斷。他們要照逾越節的一切律例而守。

13 那潔淨而不行路的若推辭不守逾越節,那要從民中剪除;因為他在所定的日期不獻耶和華的供物,應該擔當他的罪。

14 若有外人寄居在你們中間,願意向耶和華逾越節,他要照逾越節的律例典章行,不管是寄居的是本人,同歸例。

15 立起帳幕的那日,有彩遮蓋帳幕,就是法櫃的帳幕;從晚上早晨彩在其上,形狀如

16 常是這樣,彩遮蓋帳幕,夜間形狀如

17 彩幾時從帳幕收上去,以色列人就幾時起行;彩在那裡停住,以色列人就在那裡安營。

18 以色列人耶和華的吩咐起行,也遵耶和華的吩咐安營。彩在帳幕上停住幾時,他們就住營幾時。

19 彩在帳幕上停留許多日子,以色列人就守耶和華所吩咐的不起行。

20 有時彩在帳幕上幾,他們就照耶和華的吩咐住營,也照耶和華的吩咐起行。

21 有時從晚上早晨,有這彩在帳幕上;早晨彩收上去,他們就起行。有時晝夜彩停在帳幕上,收上去的時候,他們就起行。

22 彩停留在帳幕上,無論是兩,是一,是一年,以色列人就住營不起行;但彩收上去,他們就起行。

23 他們遵耶和華的吩咐安營,也遵耶和華的吩咐起行。他們守耶和華所吩咐的,都是憑耶和華吩咐摩西的






The sun in the Bible represents the Lord, with its heat representing His love and its light representing His wisdom. “Daytime,” then, represents a state in which we are turned toward the Lord, receiving His love and being enlightened by His truth. And “nighttime,” obviously, represents states in which we are turned away from the Lord, left cold and blind to the truth. The most common word used for it in the New Christian theology is “obscurity.” The darkness is not absolute, of course. The light of the moon represents the understanding we can have based on facts and our own intelligence. But while the moon reflects some of the sun's light, it offers almost no heat, so this kind of understanding is a cold one, without the warmth of love. And at its darkest and coldest, night represents a state of judgment. This happens when a person -- or a church -- becomes so mired in evil and falsity that there is no light or heat. The Lord can then step in, separate the good from the evil, consign the evil to hell and begin rebuilding based on the remnant that is still good. Drastic as that sounds, it is something that we all go through repeatedly in various aspects of our loves, so that we can be rid of what is evil and let the Lord rebuild us as angels.