

民數記 27



1 屬約瑟的兒子瑪拿西的各族,有瑪拿西的玄孫,瑪吉的曾孫,基列的孫子,希弗的兒子西羅非哈的女兒,名叫瑪拉、挪阿、曷拉、密迦、得撒。他們前來,

2 站在會幕口,在摩西和祭司以利亞撒,並眾首領與全會眾面前,

3 我們父親在曠野。他不與可拉同黨聚集攻擊耶和華,是在自己罪中的;他也沒有兒子

4 為甚麼因我們父親沒有兒子就把他的名從他族中除掉呢?求你們在我們父親的弟兄中分我們產業。

5 於是,摩西將他們的案件呈到耶和華面前。

6 耶和華曉諭摩西

7 西羅非哈的女兒得有理。你定要在他們父親的弟兄中,把地分他們為業;要將他們父親的產業歸他們。

8 你也要曉諭以色列人死了沒有兒子,就要把他的產業歸給他的女兒。

9 他若沒有女兒,就要把他的產業他的弟兄。

10 他若沒有弟兄,就要把他的產業父親的弟兄。

11 父親若沒有弟兄,就要把他的產業他族中最近的親屬,他便要得為業。這要作以色列人的律例典章,是照耶和華吩咐摩西的

12 耶和華摩西:你上這亞巴琳,觀我所賜以色列人

13 了以後,你也必歸到你列祖(原文作本民)那裡,像你哥哥亞倫一樣。

14 因為你們在尋的曠野,當會眾爭鬧的時候,違背了我的命,沒有在湧之地、會眾眼前尊我為。(這就是尋的曠野加低斯米利巴。)

15 摩西耶和華

16 耶和華之靈的,立一個治理會眾,

17 可以在他們面前出入,也可以引導他們,免得耶和華的會眾如同沒有牧人的羊群一般。

18 耶和華摩西:嫩的兒子約書亞是心中有聖靈的;你將他領來,按在他頭上,

19 使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會眾面前,囑咐他,

20 又將你的尊榮他幾分,使以色列全會眾都從他。

21 他要站在祭司以利亞撒面前;以利亞撒要憑烏陵的判斷,在耶和華面前為他求問。他和以色列全會眾都要遵以利亞撒的命出入。

22 於是摩西耶和華所吩咐的將約書亞領來,使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會眾面前。

23 在他頭上,囑咐他,是照耶和華摩西的話。





A nice mother-daughter hug.

Marriages among people – both in the Bible and in life – represent spiritual marriage. Women represent the desire to be good and to do good things; men represent the understanding of how to be good and how to do good things. Each one of us, male or female, can experience that marriage within us if we work to learn about the Lord and dedicate ourselves to doing His will. And just as natural marriages produce children, so do spiritual marriages. Daughters represent affections, the emotional response we have to good things and positive ideas. Sons represent those positive ideas, facts and knowledge leading to a greater understanding. This makes sense if you think about it. If in life you’re working to be a good person and thinking about how to do that, finding a nugget of wisdom in the Word – or from another source – is a joyful thing. Finding a way to be good to someone and serve them is a joyful thing as well (it helps if they appreciate it, but that’s not really the point). That joy, that affection for what is true and what is good, is a "daughter." On a broader level, daughters also sometimes represent churches, since churches are based on an affection for truth. And as with all representations, the meaning of "daughter" can also be reversed, representing the thrill of evil.

In Psalm 45:9, this signifies a church from goods. (Arcana Coelestia 490)

In Genesis 20:12, this signifies the rational, conceived of celestial good as a father, but not of spiritual truth as a mother. (Arcana Coelestia 2557)