

彌迦書 5



1 成群的民(原文是女子)哪,現在你要聚集成隊;因為仇敵圍攻我們,要用杖擊打以色列審判者的臉。

2 伯利恆以法他啊,你在猶大諸城中為小,將來必有一位從你那裡出來,在以色列中為我作掌權的;他的根源從亙古,從太初就有。

3 耶和華必將以色列人交付敵人,直等那生產的婦人生下子來。那時掌權者(原文是他)其餘的弟兄必歸到以色列人那裡。

4 他必起來,倚靠耶和華的大能,並耶和華─他之名的威嚴,牧養他的羊群。他們要安然居住;因為他必日見尊大,直到極。

5 這位必作我們的平安。當亞述人進入我們的境,踐踏宮殿的時候,我們就立起個牧者,個首領攻擊他。

6 他們必用刀毀壞亞述和寧錄的關口。亞述人進入我們境踐踏的時候,他必拯救我們

7 雅各餘剩的必在多國的民中,如從耶和華那裡降下的水,又如甘霖降在上;不仗賴力,也不等候世之功。

8 雅各餘剩的人必在多國多民中,如林間百中的獅子,又如少壯獅子羊群中。他若經過就必踐踏撕裂,無人搭

9 願你的舉起,敵人!願你的仇敵都被剪除!

10 耶和華:到那日,我必從你中間剪除馬匹,毀壞車輛,

11 也必從你國中除滅城邑,拆毀一切的保障,

12 又必除掉你中的邪術;你那裡也不再有占卜的。

13 我必從你中間除滅雕刻的偶像和柱像,你就不再跪拜自己所造的。

14 我必從你中間拔出木偶,又毀滅你的城邑。

15 我也必在怒氣和忿怒中向那不從的列國施報。





The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, by David Roberts

In the ancient world cities were nearly nations unto themselves – they existed within walls, with their own laws and customs, generally centered on the common purpose of trade. This is not as much the case in the modern world, but we still tend to divide ourselves city by city in terms of sports teams, accents, music and culture, and still tend to generalize the character of people from other cities. It follows, then, that in the Bible cities represent various doctrines – collections of inter-related ideas about spiritual reality. Such doctrines can be based on anything from the Lord’s true teachings – the New Jerusalem seen by John in Revelation – to the falsity and heresy of Sodom and various cities obliterated by the people of Israel at God’s command. On the most personal level, a city can also represent the natural mind of one person – which makes sense since we each to some extent have our own doctrine and our own set of ideas and beliefs.