

利未記 21



1 耶和華摩西:你告訴亞倫子孫作祭司祭司不可為民中的死人沾染自己,

2 除非為他骨肉之親的父母、兒女、弟兄,

3 和未曾出嫁、作處女的姊妹,才可以沾染自己。

4 祭司既在民中為首,就不可從俗沾染自己。

5 不可使禿;不可剃除鬍鬚的周圍,也不可用刀劃身。

6 要歸,不可褻瀆的名;因為耶和華的火祭,就是的食物,是他們獻的,所以他們要成為

7 不可娶妓女或被污的女人為妻,也不可娶被休的婦人為妻,因為祭司是歸為聖。

8 所以你要使他成聖,因為他奉獻你的食物;你要以他為,因為我─使你們成聖耶和華─是的。

9 祭司的女兒若行淫辱沒自己,就辱沒了父親,必用將他焚燒。

10 在弟兄中作祭司上倒了膏、又承接聖職,穿了聖衣的,不可蓬散髮,也不可撕裂衣服

11 不可挨近屍,也不可為父母沾染自己。

12 不可出聖所,也不可褻瀆的聖所,因為的冠冕在他頭上。我是耶和華

13 他要娶處女為妻。

14 寡婦或是被休的婦人,或是被污為妓的女人,都不可娶;只可娶本民中的處女為妻。

15 不可在民中辱沒他的兒女,因為我是叫他成聖耶和華

16 耶和華摩西

17 你告訴亞倫:你世世代的後裔,凡有殘疾的,都不可近前來獻他的食物。

18 因為凡有殘疾的,無論是瞎眼的、瘸腿的、塌鼻子的、肢體有餘的、

19 的、

20 駝背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、長癬的、長疥的,或是損壞腎子的,都不可近前來。

21 祭司亞倫的後裔,凡有殘疾的,都不可前來,將火祭獻給耶和華。他有殘疾,不可前來獻的食物。

22 的食物,無論是的,至的,他都可以

23 但不可進到幔子前,也不可就前;因為他有殘疾,免得褻瀆我的所。我是叫他成聖耶和華

24 於是,摩西曉諭亞倫亞倫的子孫,並以色列眾人。





Älteres Paar im Kücheninterieur, by Friedrich Friedländer (1825–1901)

In general, men are driven by intellect and women by affections, and because of this men in the Bible generally represent knowledge and truth and women generally represent love and the desire for good. This generally carries over into marriage, where the man's growing knowledge and understanding and the woman's desire to be good and useful are a powerful combination. In many cases in the Bible, then, "husband" refers to things of truth and understanding, much as "man" does. Magnificent things can happen in a true marriage, though, when both partners are looking to the Lord. If a husband opens his heart to his wife, it's as though she can implant her loves inside him, transforming his intellectual urges into a love of growing wise. She in turn can grow in her love of that blooming wisdom, and use it for joy in their married life and in their caring for children and others in their life. Many couples, even in heaven, stay in that state -- called "Spiritual" -- growing deeper and deeper to eternity. There is the potential, though, for the couple to be transformed: through the nurturing love of his wife the husband can pass from a love of growing wise to an actual love of wisdom itself, and the wife can be transformed from the love of her husband's wisdom into the wisdom of that love -- the actual expression of the love of the Lord they have built together. In that state -- called "Celestial" -- the husband represents love and the desire for good, and the wife represents truth and knowledge.