

利未記 10



1 亞倫的兒子拿答、亞比戶各拿自己的香爐,盛上,加上香,在耶和華面前獻上凡,是耶和華沒有吩咐他們的,

2 就有耶和華面前出來,把他們燒滅,他們就耶和華面前。

3 於是摩西亞倫:這就是耶和華:我在親近我的人中要顯為;在眾民面前,我要得榮耀。亞倫就默默不言。

4 摩西召了亞倫叔父烏薛的兒子米沙利、以利撒反來,對他們:上前來,把你們的親屬從所前抬到外。

5 於是二人上前來,把他們穿著袍子抬到外,是照摩西所吩咐的。

6 摩西亞倫和他兒子以利亞撒、以他瑪:不可蓬散髮,也不可撕裂衣裳,免得你們亡,又免得耶和華向會眾發怒;只要你們的弟兄以色列全家為耶和華所發的火哀哭。

7 你們也不可出會幕,恐怕你們亡,因為耶和華的在你們的身上。他們就照摩西的行了。

8 耶和華曉諭亞倫

9 你和你兒子進會幕的時候,清酒、濃酒都不可,免得你們亡;這要作你們世世代永遠的定例。

10 使你們可以將的、俗的,潔淨的、不潔淨的,分別出來;

11 又使你們可以將耶和華摩西曉諭以色列人的一切律例教訓他們。

12 摩西亞倫和他下的兒子以利亞撒、以他瑪:你們獻給耶和華火祭中所的素祭,要在旁不帶酵而,因為是至的。

13 你們要在聖處;因為在獻給耶和華的火祭中,這是你的分和你兒子的分;所吩咐我的本是這樣。

14 所搖的胸,所舉的腿,你們要在潔淨地方。你和你的兒女都要同;因為這些是從以色列人平安祭中你,當你的分和你兒子的分。

15 所舉的腿,所搖的胸,他們要與火祭的脂油一同帶來當搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖;這要歸你和你兒子,當作永得的分,都是照耶和華所吩咐的。

16 當下摩西急切的尋找作贖祭的公山羊,誰知已經焚燒了,便向亞倫下的兒子以利亞撒、以他瑪發怒,

17 這贖祭既是至的,了你們,為要你們擔當會眾的孽,在耶和華面前為他們贖,你們為何沒有在呢?

18 看哪,這祭牲的血並沒有拿到所裡去,你們本當照我所吩咐的,在所裡這祭肉。

19 亞倫摩西今天他們在耶和華面前獻上贖祭和燔祭,我又遇見這樣的災,若今天吃了祭,耶和華豈能看為美呢?

20 摩西見這話,便以為美。





Seven alter lamps in stained glass, Bryn Athyn Cathedral

The Bible describes many things as being holy, or sacred. The Ark of the Covenant is one very holy object. The inmost chamber of the tabernacle is called the "Holy of Holies". Things that proceed from the Lord are holy. Objects are holy if they contain something, or represent something, from the Lord. For that reason, the names of the Lord in human languages are holy because they represent qualities of the Lord, things that are Him. The Bible is holy because it contains, interiorly, the Lord's divine truth. The tabernacle of Israel was holy -- not because of the wood or gold or dyed cloth -- but because those things represented qualities that the Lord has. Those same qualities exist, as in an image, in the spiritual states of people who follow the Lord's laws. No person is holy, but if a person's mind contains truth from the Lord and his or her will comes to love the truths and the actions that these truths suggest to him, then his or her mind will contain holy things, because those truths and loves come from the Lord. These things become that person's life and they remain with that person in heaven, after death.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 3997, 4091, 8302)