

耶利米書 41



1 間,王的大臣宗室以利沙瑪的孫子、尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利帶著個人,到米斯巴見亞希甘的兒子基大利。他們在米斯巴一同飯。

2 尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利和同他來的那個人起來,用刀殺了沙番的孫子亞希甘的兒子基大利,就是巴比倫王所立為全省長的。

3 以實瑪利又殺了在米斯巴、基大利那裡的一切猶大人和所遇見的迦勒底兵丁。

4 他殺了基大利,無知道

5 第二天,有八十示劍和示羅,並撒瑪利亞,鬍鬚剃去,衣服撕裂,身體劃破,拿素祭和乳香,要奉到耶和華的殿。

6 尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利出米斯巴迎接他們,隨走隨哭。遇見了他們,就對他們:你們可以見亞希甘的兒子基大利。

7 他們到了城中,尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利和同著他的人就將他們殺了,拋在中。

8 只是他們中間個人對以實瑪利:不要殺我們,因為我們有許多大麥、小麥、蜜藏在田間。於是他住了手,沒有將他們殺在弟兄中間

9 以實瑪利將所殺之人的屍首都拋在裡基大利的旁邊;這是從前亞撒王因怕以色列王巴沙所挖的。尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利將那些被殺的人滿了

10 以實瑪利將米斯巴剩下的人,就是眾公主和仍住在米斯巴所有的百姓,原是護衛長尼布撒拉旦交給亞希甘的兒子基大利的,都擄去了。尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利擄了他們,要往亞捫人那裡去。

11 加利亞的兒子約哈難和同著他的眾軍長見尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利所行的一切惡,

12 就帶領眾人前往,要和尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利爭戰,在基遍的大水旁(或譯:大水池旁)遇見他。

13 以實瑪利那裡的眾人見加利亞的兒子約哈難和同著他的眾軍長,就都歡喜。

14 這樣,以實瑪利從米斯巴所擄去的眾人都轉身歸加利亞的兒子約哈難去了。

15 尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利個人脫離約哈難的手,逃往亞捫人那裡去了。

16 尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利殺了亞希甘的兒子基大利,從米斯巴將剩下的一切百姓、兵丁、婦女、孩童、太監擄到基遍,加利亞的兒子約哈難和同著他的眾軍長將他們都奪回來

17 帶到靠近伯利恆的金罕寓(或譯:基羅特金罕)下,要進入埃及去;

18 因為尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利殺了巴比倫王所立為省長的亞希甘的兒子基大利,約哈難懼迦勒底人






In most places in the Word, "ten" represents "all," or in some cases "many" or "much." The Ten Commandments represent all the guidance we get from the Lord in life; the ten horns on the beast of Revelation represent all power of falsity; the ten virgins with lamps in Matthew 25 represent all people of the church.

Yet in other places, ten, or especially a "tenth," signifies representing remnants, or tiny scraps of goodness preserved for the future. These can be the remnants of a church -- a few good people that can be built up into a new church. Or they can be tiny subconscious memories of love and joy which the Lord stores in each of us in early childhood, feelings He can use later to draw us toward a life of goodness and affection.

These two meanings seem nearly opposite, but they're actually not. Love is whole and indivisible, so that the tiniest feeling buried inside someone contains all the elements of the love it can become. In a similar way, a remnant of a church that has preserved that church's knowledge has everything it needs to grow into a new church. In a sense, then, those remnants are indeed "all," they're just a version of "all" that is still in a state of potential.