

何西阿書 1


1 當烏西雅、約坦、亞哈斯、希西家作猶大,約阿施的兒子耶羅波安作以色列的時候,耶和華的臨到備利的兒子何西阿

2 耶和華初次與何西阿說話,對他:你去娶淫婦為妻,也收那從淫亂所生的兒女;因為這大行淫亂,離棄耶和華

3 於是,何西阿去娶了滴拉音的女兒歌篾。這婦人懷孕,給他生了一個兒子

4 耶和華對何西阿:給他起名耶斯列;因為再過片時,我必討耶戶家在耶斯列殺人流血的罪,也必使以色列家的國滅絕。

5 到那日,我必在耶斯列平原折斷以色列的

6 歌篾又懷孕生了一個女兒,耶和華對何西阿:給她起名哈瑪(就是不蒙憐憫的意思);因為我必不再憐憫以色列家,決不赦免他們。

7 我卻要憐憫猶大家,使他們靠耶和華─他們的,不使他們靠、刀、爭戰、馬匹,與兵得

8 歌篾給羅路哈瑪斷奶以後,又懷孕生了一個兒子

9 耶和華:給他起名羅阿米(就是非我民的意思);因為你們不作我的子民,我也不作你們的神。

10 然而,以色列的必如沙,不可量,不可。從前在甚麼地方對他們你們不是我的子民,將來在那裡必對他們你們是永生神的兒子

11 猶大人和以色列人同聚集,為自己立個首領,從這上去(或譯:從被擄之上來),因為耶斯列的日子必為日。



列王纪下 14:23



23 猶大王約阿施的兒子亞瑪謝十五年,以色列王約阿施的兒子耶羅波安在撒瑪利亞登基,作王四十年。





Water generally represents “natural truth,” or true concepts about day-to-day matters and physical things. Since all water ultimately flows into the seas, then, it follows that a sea represents a huge agglomeration of such natural truths -- usually all of the natural truth a person has, or all the natural truth a church has. Water in the sea mixes freely, and is easily stirred up by winds and currents. This is also true of the concepts we hold about natural things -- they are not all related to each other, and when relationships do exist they usually can change without damaging the concepts themselves. Many of the concepts are easily disputed, and arguments can arise like waves on the ocean -- generally with little effect other than a mixing of waters. But the sea also offers great bounty. We draw fish from it (spiritual food), float ships (doctrinal systems) on it, bathe in it (using true concepts to purify ourselves), and the water that evaporates from it and falls as rain (purer forms of truth that can attach to desires for good) makes life possible.