

以西結書 47



1 他帶我回到殿,見殿的往東流出(原來殿面朝東)。這從檻,由殿的右邊,在祭壇邊往流。

2 他帶我出,又領我從外邊轉到朝東的外,見從右邊流出。

3 拿準繩往東出去的時候,量了一肘,使我逿過到踝子骨。

4 他又量了一肘,使我逿過就到膝;再量了一肘,使我逿過便到腰;

5 又量了一肘,便成了,使我不能逿過。因為勢漲起,成為可洑的,不可逿的

6 他對我:人子啊,你見了甚麼?他就帶我回到邊。

7 我回到邊的時候,見在這邊與那邊的岸上有極多的樹木

8 他對我:這水往東方流去,必到亞拉巴,直到。所發出的水必流入鹽,使水變甜(原文是得醫治;同)。

9 所到之處,凡滋生的動物都必生活,並且因這必有極多的魚,海也變甜了。這所到之處,百物都必生活。

10 必有漁夫站在河邊,從隱基底直到隱以革蓮,都作曬(或譯:張)網之處。那魚各從其類,好像的魚甚多。

11 只是泥濘之地與窪濕之處不得治好,必為地。

12 這邊與那邊的岸上必生長各類的樹木;其果可作食物,子不枯乾,果子不斷絕。每必結新果子,因為這水是從聖所出來的。上的果子必作食物,子乃為治病。

13 耶和華如此:你們要照的境界,按以色列支派分為業。約瑟必得兩分。

14 你們承受這為業,要彼此均分;因為我曾起誓應許將這賜與你們的列祖;這必歸你們為業。

15 的四界乃是如此:界從往希特倫,直到西達達口。

16 又往哈馬、比羅他、西伯蓮(西伯蓮在大馬色與哈馬兩界中間),到浩蘭邊界的哈撒哈提干。

17 這樣,境界從邊往大馬色地界上的哈薩以難,邊以哈馬地為界。這是界。

18 東界在浩蘭、大馬色、基列,和以色列的中間,就是約但河。你們要從北界量到東。這是東界。

19 界是從他瑪到米利巴加低斯的水,延到埃及小,直到。這是界。

20 西界就是,從南界直到哈馬口對面之地。這是西界。

21 你們要按著以色列的支派彼此分這

22 要拈鬮分這地為業,歸與自己和你們中間寄居的外人,就是在你們中間生養兒女的外人。你們要看他們如同以色列人中所生的一樣;他們在以色列支派中要與你們同得地業

23 外人寄居在哪支派中,你們就在那裡分他地業。這是耶和華的。





Photo by Gretchen Keith

Generally, doors in the Bible represent the initial desires for good and concepts of truth that introduce us to new levels of love and understanding, and even to the Lord Himself. Since a “house” represents a person’s desires, affections and passions, the door serves to introduce true ideas that can put those desires into action.

In John 10:7, the door signifies the Lord, who is good itself and truth itself. (Arcana Coelestia 2356[2])

In Revelation 3:8; 4:1, the door signifies admission to the arcana of heaven revealed. (Apocalypse Explained 260[2])

The meaning depends on context, of course. For example, references to doorposts and lintels are making a distinction between introductory goods and introductory truths. And, in Sodom, Lot's house had two doors -- an inner one and an outer one. When, in Genesis 19:6, Lot tried to convince the men of Sodom not to attack the angels visiting him, he went outside the inner door, but stayed inside the outer door. There, the outer door represents a desire for good that is resistant to the falsity represented by the men of Sodom; the inner door represents true ideas springing from that desire for good. Someone nurturing a desire for good could be admitted through the first door, but would have to learn the truth about how to express that desire before being admitted through the second.

(Odkazy: Genesis 19)