

出埃及記 37



1 比撒列用皂莢做櫃,長二肘半,寬一肘半,一肘半。

2 裡外包上精,四圍鑲上牙邊,

3 又鑄,安在櫃的腳上:這邊兩,那邊兩

4 用皂莢做兩根杠,用包裹。

5 把杠穿在櫃旁的內,以便抬櫃。

6 用精做施恩座,長二肘半,寬一肘半。

7 子錘出兩個基路伯來,安在施恩座的兩頭,

8 這頭做基路伯,那頭做基路伯基路伯接連塊,在施恩座的兩頭。

9 基路伯翅膀,遮掩施恩座;基路伯是臉對臉,朝著施恩座。

10 他用皂莢做一張桌子,長二肘,寬一肘,一肘半,

11 又包上精,四圍鑲上牙邊。

12 桌子的四圍各做一掌寬的橫梁,橫梁上鑲著牙邊,

13 又鑄了,安在桌子角上。

14 子的地方是挨近橫梁,可以穿杠抬桌子

15 他用皂莢做兩根杠,用包裹,以便抬桌子

16 又用精桌子上的器皿,就是盤子、調羹,並奠酒的瓶和爵。

17 他用精做一個臺;這臺的座和榦,與杯、球、,都是接連一塊錘出來的。

18 臺兩旁杈出個枝子:這旁個,那旁個。

19 這旁每枝上有個杯,形狀像杏,有球有;那旁每枝上也有個杯,形狀像杏,有球有。從臺杈出來的個枝子都是如此。

20 臺上有個杯,形狀像杏,有球有

21 燈臺每兩個枝子以有球,與枝子接連一塊;燈臺杈出的個枝子是如此。

22 球和枝子是接連塊,都是塊精錘出來的。

23 用精臺的盞,並臺的蠟剪和蠟花盤。

24 他用精一他連得做燈臺和燈臺的一切器具。

25 他用皂莢做香,是四方的,長一肘,寬一肘,二肘,的四角與接連一塊;

26 又用精把壇的上面與壇的四面並壇的四角包裹,又在壇的四圍鑲上牙邊。

27 做兩個,安在牙子邊以,在壇的兩旁、兩根橫撐上,作為穿杠的用處,以便抬壇。

28 用皂莢做杠,用包裹。

29 又按做之法做和馨料的淨






A company might have executives setting policy and strategy, engineers designing products, managers handling personnel and others handling various functions. They all do different things -- but if they're doing them with a shared underlying purpose, the company -- and the individuals in it -- will likely be successful. The Lord wants all human society to function in a similar way. We have different skills and individual loves, but if we all share a mutual love -- a love of serving others -- then society will function as one, will be a reflection of heaven and will be a good receptacle for the Lord's love. This can also happen within each of us, as we unify our talents and ideas around a central love. And in an abstract sense, it illustrates how a wide collection of varying ideas can be unified around a shared good intention. That is the kind of love pictured when “one” is used in the Bible, either as a specific number or in the sense of several people or objects “being one.” In more casual references -- when used to identify a specific person or object -- the meaning is relatively literal, and is connected to that person or object.