

出埃及記 10



1 耶和華摩西:你進去見法老。我使他和他臣僕的剛硬,為要在他們中間顯我這些神蹟,

2 並要叫你將我向埃及人所做的事,和在他們中間所行的神蹟,傳於你兒子和你孫子的耳中,好叫你們知道我是耶和華

3 摩西亞倫就進去見法老,對他耶和華希伯來人這樣:你在我面前不肯自卑要到幾時呢?容我的百姓去,好事奉我。

4 你若不肯容我的百姓去,明天我要使蝗蟲進入你的境內,

5 遮滿地面,甚不見,並且冰雹所剩的和田間所長的一切樹木

6 你的宮殿和你眾臣僕的房屋,並一切埃及人房屋,都要被蝗蟲佔滿了;自從你祖宗和你祖宗的祖宗在世以來,直到今日,沒有見過這樣的災。摩西就轉身離開法老出去。

7 法老的臣僕對法老:這人為我們網羅要到幾時呢?容這些人去事奉耶和華─他們的罷!埃及已經敗壞了,你還不知道麼?

8 於是摩西亞倫被召回來法老法老對他們:你們去事奉耶和華─你們的;但那要去的是誰呢?

9 摩西:我們要和我們老的少的、兒子女兒同去,且把羊群牛群一同帶去,因為我們務要向耶和華守節。

10 法老對他們:我容你們和你們婦人孩子去的時候,耶和華與你們同在罷!你們要謹慎;因為有禍在你們眼前(或作:你們存著惡意),

11 不可都去!你們這壯年人去事奉耶和華罷,因為這是你們所求的。於是把他們從法老面前攆出去。

12 耶和華摩西:你向埃及伸杖,使蝗蟲埃及上來,上一切的菜蔬,就是冰雹所剩的。

13 摩西就向埃及伸杖,那一晝一夜,耶和華使東颳在埃及上;到了早晨,東蝗蟲颳了來。

14 蝗蟲上來,落在埃及的四境,甚是厲害;以前沒有這樣的,以也必沒有。

15 因為這蝗蟲遮滿地面,甚至都黑暗了,又上一切的菜蔬和冰雹上的果子。埃及,無論是樹木,是田間的菜蔬,連一點青的也沒有留下。

16 於是法老急忙召了摩西亞倫來,:我得罪耶和華─你們的,又得罪了你們。

17 現在求你,只這一次,饒恕我的,求耶和華─你們的使我脫離這一次的死亡。

18 摩西就離開法老去求耶和華

19 耶和華了極大的西,把蝗蟲颳起,吹入紅;在埃及的四境連個也沒有留下。

20 耶和華使法老的剛硬,不容以色列人去。

21 耶和華摩西:你向伸杖,使埃及黑暗;這黑暗似乎摸得著。

22 摩西伸杖,埃及就烏黑了

23 之久,不能相見,誰也不敢起來離開本處;惟有以色列人家中都有亮

24 法老就召摩西來,:你們去事奉耶和華;只是你們的羊群牛群要留下;你們的婦人孩子可以和你們同去。

25 摩西:你總要把祭物和燔祭牲交我們,使我們可以祭祀耶和華我們

26 我們的牲畜也要帶去,連一也不留下;因為我們要從其中取出,事奉耶和華我們我們未到那裡,還不知道用甚麼事奉耶和華

27 耶和華使法老的剛硬,不肯容他們去。

28 法老對摩西:你離開我去罷,你要小心,不要再見我的面!因為你見我面的那日你就必

29 摩西:你得好!我必不再見你的面了。






At the inmost level, the story of Moses -- like all of the Bible -- is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. Moses's role represents establishing forms of worship and to make the people obedient. As such, his primary representation is "the Law of God," the rules God gave the people of Israel to follow in order to represent spiritual things. This can be interpreted narrowly as the Ten Commandments, more broadly as the books of Moses, or most broadly as the entire Bible. Fittingly, his spiritual meaning is complex and important, and evolves throughout the course of his life. To understand it, it helps to understand the meaning of the events in which he was involved. At a more basic level, Moses's story deals with the establishment of the third church to serve as a container of knowledge of the Lord. The first such church -- the Most Ancient Church, represented by Adam and centered on love of the Lord -- had fallen prey to human pride and was destroyed. The second -- the Ancient Church, represented by Noah and the generations that followed him -- was centered on love of the neighbor, wisdom from the Lord and knowledge of the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. It fell prey to the pride of intelligence, however -- represented by the Tower of Babel -- and at the time of Moses was in scattered pockets that were sliding into idolatry. On an external level, of course, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt through 40 years in the wilderness to the border of the homeland God had promised them. Along the way, he established and codified their religious system, and oversaw the creation of its most holy objects. Those rules and the forms of worship they created were given as containers for deeper ideas about the Lord, deeper truth, and at some points -- especially when he was first leading his people away from Egypt, a time before the rules had been written down -- Moses takes on the deeper representation of Divine Truth itself, truth from the Lord. At other times -- especially after Mount Sinai -- he has a less exalted meaning, representing the people of Israel themselves due to his position as their leader. Through Moses the Lord established a third church, one more external than its predecessors but one that could preserve knowledge of the Lord and could, through worship that represented spiritual things, make it possible for the Bible to be written and passed to future generations.