

如申命记 9



1 以色列阿,你當!你今日要過約但河,進去趕出比你強的國民,得著廣堅固、得頂的城邑。

2 那民是亞衲族的人,又又高,是你所知道的;也曾見有人指著他們:誰能在亞衲族人面前站立得住呢?

3 你今日當知道耶和華─你的在你前面過去,如同烈,要滅絕他們,將他們制伏在你面前。這樣,你就要照耶和華的趕出他們,使他們速速滅亡。

4 耶和華─你的將這些國民從你面前攆出以後,你心裡不可耶和華將我領進來得這是因我的。其實,耶和華將他們從你面前趕出去是因他們的惡。

5 你進去得他們的,並不是因你的,也不是因你心裡正直,乃是因這些國民的惡,耶和華─你的將他們從你面前趕出去,又因耶和華要堅定他向你列祖亞伯拉罕以撒雅各起誓所應許的

6 你當知道耶和華─你將這美賜你為業,並不是因你的;你本是硬著頸項的百姓。

7 你當記念不忘,你在曠野怎樣惹耶和華─你發怒。自從你出了埃及的那日,直到你們到這地方,你們時常悖逆耶和華

8 你們在何烈山又惹耶和華發怒;他惱怒你們,要滅絕你們。

9 我上了,要領受兩塊版,就是耶和華與你們立約的版。那時我在四十晝夜,沒有飯,也沒有

10 耶和華把那兩塊版交我,是用指頭的。版上所的是照耶和華在大會的日子、在上、從中對你們所的一切

11 過了四十晝夜,耶和華把那兩塊版,就是約版,交我。

12 對我:你起來,趕快去!因為你從埃及領出來的百姓已經敗壞了自己;他們快快的偏離了我所吩咐的道,為自己鑄成了偶像。

13 耶和華又對我:我這百姓是硬著頸項的百姓。

14 你且由著我,我要滅絕他們,將他們的名從塗抹,使你的後裔比他們成為更大更強的國。

15 於是我轉身燒著,兩塊約版在我兩之中。

16 我一見你們得罪了耶和華─你們的,鑄成了犢,快快的偏離了耶和華所吩咐你們的道,

17 我就把那兩塊版從我中扔下去,在你們眼前摔碎了。

18 因你們所犯的一切,行了耶和華眼中看為惡的事,惹他發怒,我就像從前俯伏在耶和華面前四十晝夜,沒有飯,也沒有

19 我因耶和華向你們大發烈怒,要滅絕你們,就甚害怕;但那次耶和華又應允了我。

20 耶和華也向亞倫甚是發怒,要滅絕他;那時我又為亞倫祈禱。

21 我把那叫你們犯所鑄的犢用焚燒,又搗磨得很細,以至細如灰塵,我就把這灰塵撒在從來的水中。

22 你們在他備拉、瑪撒、基博羅哈他瓦又惹耶和華發怒。

23 耶和華打發你們離開加低斯巴尼亞,說:你們上去得我所賜你們的。那時你們違背了耶和華─你們的命令,不信服他,不從他的話。

24 自從我認識你們以來,你們常常悖逆耶和華

25 我因耶和華要滅絕你們,就在耶和華面前照舊俯伏四十晝夜。

26 我祈禱耶和華耶和華阿,求你不要滅絕你的百姓。他們是你的產業,是你用大力救贖的,用大能從埃及領出來的。

27 求你記念你的僕人亞伯拉罕以撒雅各,不要想念這百姓的頑梗、邪惡、罪過

28 免得你領我們出來的那之人耶和華因為不能將這百姓領進他所應許之,又因恨他們,所以領他們出去,要在曠野殺他們。

29 其實他們是你的百姓,你的產業,是你用能和伸出來的膀領出來的。






Generally, in the Word, writing signifies making something permanent or serious.

If knowing what’s right were the same as doing what’s right, we would all be thin, healthy, hard-working, law-abiding, faithful to our spouses and free of addiction, and the idea of a New Year’s resolution would not exist. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to know what’s right, say what’s right, even believe what’s right and still do what’s wrong. If we don’t internalize it, make it a part of us, commit to it it doesn’t mean anything. That is essentially what “writing” means in the Bible – when something was written down, that meant it was permanent, taken to heart, impressed or inscribed on someone’s life – much more meaningful than what was simply said. Such a meaning is still reflected in modern language. If we’re serious about what we’re saying, we might tell someone to “write it down.” Things that are sure might be “written in stone,” harking back to ancient times. Police still want written confessions, and those in love still treasure hand-written notes. All that, of course, is in an age where everyone’s literate and writing is mostly electronic. Writing had far more significance in Biblical times, when few could write and writing materials were clumsy and expensive. For something to be written was significant.