

如申命记 24



1 若娶妻以後,見他有甚麼不合理的事,不喜悅他,就可以休書交在他中,打發他離開夫家。

2 離開夫家以後,可以去嫁別

3 後夫若恨惡他,休書交在他中,打發他離開夫家,或是娶他為妻的後夫死了

4 打發他去的前夫不可在婦人玷污之再娶他為妻,因為這是耶和華所憎惡的;不可使耶和華─你所賜為業之被玷污了。

5 新娶妻之不可從軍出征,也不可託他辦理甚麼公事,可以在家清閒年,使他所娶的妻快活。

6 不可拿人的全盤磨石或是上磨石作當頭,因為這是拿人的命作當頭。

7 若遇見拐帶以色列中的一個弟兄,當奴才待他,或是了他,那拐帶的就必治。這樣,便將那惡從你們中間除掉。

8 在大痲瘋的災病上,你們要謹慎,照祭司利未人一切所指教你們的留意遵行。我怎樣吩咐他們,你們要怎樣遵行。

9 當記念出埃及後,在上,耶和華─你向米利暗所行的事。

10 給鄰舍,不拘是甚麼,不可進他家拿他的當頭。

11 要站在外面,等那向你貸的把當頭拿出來交給你。

12 他若是窮,你不可留他的當頭過夜。

13 日落的時候,總要把當頭還他,使他用那件衣服蓋著睡覺,他就為你祝福;這在耶和華─你面前就是你的了。

14 困苦窮乏的雇工,無論是你的弟兄或是在你城裡寄居的,你不可欺負他。

15 要當日他工價,不可等到日落─因為他窮苦,把心放在工價上─恐怕他因你求告耶和華,罪便歸你了。

16 不可因子殺父,也不可因父殺子;凡被殺的都為本身的罪。

17 你不可向寄居的和孤兒屈枉正直,也不可拿寡婦的衣裳作當頭。

18 要記念你在埃及作過奴僕。耶和華─你的從那裡將你救贖,所以我吩咐你這樣行。

19 你在田間收割莊稼,若忘下一,不可回去再取,要留給寄居的與孤兒寡婦。這樣,耶和華─你必在你裡所辦的一切事上賜福與你。

20 你打橄欖樹,枝上剩下的,不可再打;要留給寄居的與孤兒寡婦。

21 你摘葡萄園的葡萄,所剩下的,不可再摘;要留給寄居的與孤兒寡婦。

22 你也要記念你在埃及作過奴僕,所以我吩咐你這樣行。






Generally, in the Word, writing signifies making something permanent or serious.

If knowing what’s right were the same as doing what’s right, we would all be thin, healthy, hard-working, law-abiding, faithful to our spouses and free of addiction, and the idea of a New Year’s resolution would not exist. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to know what’s right, say what’s right, even believe what’s right and still do what’s wrong. If we don’t internalize it, make it a part of us, commit to it it doesn’t mean anything. That is essentially what “writing” means in the Bible – when something was written down, that meant it was permanent, taken to heart, impressed or inscribed on someone’s life – much more meaningful than what was simply said. Such a meaning is still reflected in modern language. If we’re serious about what we’re saying, we might tell someone to “write it down.” Things that are sure might be “written in stone,” harking back to ancient times. Police still want written confessions, and those in love still treasure hand-written notes. All that, of course, is in an age where everyone’s literate and writing is mostly electronic. Writing had far more significance in Biblical times, when few could write and writing materials were clumsy and expensive. For something to be written was significant.