

如申命记 11



1 你要耶和華─你的,常守他的吩咐、律例、典章、誡命

2 你們今日當知道,我本不是和你們的兒女說話;因為他們不知道,也沒有耶和華─你們的管教、威嚴、大能的,和伸出來的膀

3 並他在埃及中向埃及法老和其全所行的神蹟奇事;

4 也沒有看見他怎樣待埃及的軍兵、車,他們追趕你們的時候,耶和華怎樣使紅淹沒他們,將他們滅絕,直到今日,

5 並他在曠野怎樣待你們,以至你們到這地方

6 也沒有看見他怎樣待流便子孫以利押的兒子大坍、亞比蘭,怎樣在以色列人中間開了他們和他們的家眷,並帳棚與跟他們的一切活物。

7 惟有你們親眼耶和華所做的一切事。

8 所以,你們要守我今日所吩咐的一切誡命,使你們膽壯,能以進去,得你們所要得的那

9 並使你們的日子在耶和華向你們列祖起誓、應許他們和他們後裔的上得以長久;那是流奶與蜜之

10 你要進去得為業的那,本不像你出埃及。你在那裡撒種,用澆灌,像澆灌菜園一樣。

11 你們要過去得為業的那乃是有有谷、滋潤之

12 耶和華─你所眷顧的;從歲首到年終,耶和華─你的眼目時常看顧那

13 你們若留意從我今日所吩咐的誡命耶和華─你們的,盡心盡性事奉他,

14 他(原文是我)必按時降秋在你們的上,使你們可以收藏五穀、新酒和油,

15 也必使你飽足,並使田野為你的牲畜

16 你們要謹慎,免得心中受迷惑,就偏離正,去事奉敬拜別

17 耶和華的怒氣向你們發作,就使閉塞不下雨也不出產,使你們在耶和華所賜你們的美上速速滅亡。

18 你們要將我這存在心內,留在意中,繫在上為記號,戴在額上為經文;

19 也要教訓你們的兒女,無論在家裡,行在上,躺下,起來,都要談論;

20 又要房屋框上,並城上,

21 使你們和你們子孫的日子在耶和華向你們列祖起誓、應許他們的上得以增多,如的日子那樣多。

22 你們若留意謹守遵行我所吩咐這一切的誡命耶和華─你們的,行他的道,專靠他,

23 他必從你們面前趕出這一切國民,就是比你們更更強的國民,你們也要得他們的地。

24 凡你們掌所踏之地都必歸你們;從曠野和利巴嫩,並伯拉大,直到西,都要作你們的境界。

25 必無一能在你們面前站立得住;耶和華─你們的必照他所的,使懼怕驚恐臨到你們所踏之的居民。

26 哪,我今日將祝福與咒詛的話都陳明在你們面前。

27 你們若耶和華─你們誡命,就是我今日所吩咐你們的,就必蒙福。

28 你們若不耶和華─你們誡命,偏離我今日所吩咐你們的道,去事奉你們素來所不認識的別,就必受禍。

29 及至耶和華─你的領你進入要去得為業的那,你就要將祝福的話陳明在基利心上,將咒詛的話陳明在以巴路上。

30 這二山豈不是在約但河那邊,日落之處,在亞拉巴的迦南人之吉甲相對,靠近摩利橡樹麼?

31 你們要過約但河,進去得耶和華─你們所賜你們為業之,在那居住

32 你們要謹守遵行我今日在你們面前所陳明的一切律例典章。




Jordan (the river)

Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, by Benjamin West

The river Jordan separates the land of Canaan from the lands to the east. This separation represents the division of the human mind into an internal part and an external part, and it is the internal mind where the church is formed in a person. The river is also limited by two lakes in the north, Merom and Galilee, and the Dead Sea in the south. Inside these limits are the interior things of the mind, and outside are the exterior things. The countries outside, as they are mentioned in the Bible, can be helpful. They represent basic knowledge, reasoning ability, rationality, curiosity, and other qualities that, as friends, can support our religious beliefs, or as enemies can argue against them or conjure up false gods for us to worship. The land inside represents a regenerating state, or it can represent the ultimate end of that state, which is heaven. From outside, then, the Jordan is the entrance to something better, the goal of the journey, and its waters represent the mental washing of repentance, which is the first thing of the church, which is why John baptized there, and Naaman washed there. From the inside the Jordan is the edge of what is outside the church, and for this reason the Children of Israel were so often troubled by those nations outside: the Midianites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, Egypt, and Babylon, and the other nations we read about in the Books of Judges and Kings, and in the Prophets. The mental abilities of our external minds can work for what is good, but they can also work for what is bad.