

撒母耳記下 9



1 大衛掃羅家還有下的人沒有?我要因約拿單的緣故向他施恩。

2 掃羅家有一個僕人,名洗巴,有人他來見大衛,王問他:你是洗巴麼。回答僕人是。

3 掃羅家還有沒有?我要照的慈愛恩待他。洗巴對王:還有約拿單的一個兒子,是瘸腿的。

4 :他在哪裡?洗巴對王:他在羅底巴,亞米利的兒子瑪吉家裡。

5 於是大衛王打發人去,從羅底巴亞米利的兒子瑪吉家裡召了他來。

6 掃羅的孫子、約拿單的兒子米非波設大衛,伏地叩拜。大衛:米非波設!米非波設僕人在此。

7 大衛:你不要懼,我必因你父親約拿單的緣故施恩與你,將你祖父掃羅的一切田地都歸還你;你也可以常與我同席飯。

8 米非波設又叩拜,僕人算甚麼,不過如一般,竟蒙王這樣眷顧!

9 王召了掃羅的僕人洗巴來,對他:我已將屬掃羅和他的一切家產都賜人的兒子了。

10 你和你的眾子、僕人要為你人的兒子米非波設耕種田地,把所產的拿來供他食用;他卻要常與我同席飯。洗巴有十五兒子二十僕人

11 洗巴對王:凡我我王吩咐僕人的僕人都必遵行。王又:米非波設必與我同席飯,如王的兒子樣。

12 米非波設有一個小兒子,名叫米迦。凡在洗巴家裡的人都作了米非波設的僕人

13 於是米非波設耶路撒冷,常與王同席飯。他兩腿是瘸的。





Rudolf von Arthaber with his Children, by Friedrich von Amerling

Father in the Word means what is most interior, and in those things that are following the Lord's order, it means what is good. In the highest sense Father means the Lord Himself, the creator. In the generation of natural children it is the father who provides the soul or the most interior receptacle of life, and an internal heredity, and the mother who provides all of the substance that the soul uses to form its body, plus an external heredity. In this process the soul comes from the Lord through the father, and not from the father, since all life is from the Lord. The wise person calls the Lord his father and the church his mother because his interior loves come from the Lord, but are given form and actuality through the truths taught by the church. Those things thus brought forth are a person's spiritual "children". In the New Testament, when speaking of Jesus and the Father, what is meant is the outward manifestation with the divine itself as the soul inside. Because Jesus was born from a natural mother, He had a natural body and a natural Jewish heredity. Throughout his life as He was tempted by the hells, He slowly put off all he had from His mother and replaced it with what He had from Himself inside, the Father. In doing this he made himself one with the Father that was His inmost so He could truly say, "I and my Father are one".