

撒母耳記下 4



1 掃羅的兒子伊施波設見押尼珥在希伯崙,就發軟;以色列眾人也都驚惶

2 掃羅的兒子伊施波設有兩個軍長,名巴拿,名利甲,是便雅憫支派、比錄人臨門的兒子。比錄也屬便雅憫。

3 比錄人早先逃到基他音,在那裡寄居,直到今日。

4 掃羅的兒子約拿單有一個兒子名叫米非波設,是瘸腿的。掃羅和約拿單死亡的消息從耶斯列傳到的時候,他才五歲。他乳母抱著他逃跑;因為跑得太急,孩子掉在地上,腿就瘸了。

5 一日,比錄人臨門的兩個兒子利甲和巴拿出去,約在熱的時候到了伊施波設的家;伊施波設正睡覺。

6 他們進了房子,假作要取麥子,就刺透伊施波設的肚腹,逃跑了。

7 他們進房子的時候,伊施波設正在臥房裡躺在上,他們將他殺死,割了他的首級,拿著首級在亞拉巴走了一夜,

8 將伊施波設的首級拿到希伯崙見大衛王,:王的仇敵掃羅曾尋索王的性命。看哪,這是他兒子伊施波設的首級;耶和華今日為我我王在掃羅和他後裔的身上報了仇。

9 大衛對比錄人臨門的兒子利甲和他兄弟巴拿:我指著救我性命脫離一切苦難、永生的耶和華起誓:

10 從前有人報告我掃羅死了,他自以為報好消息;我就拿住他,將他殺在洗革拉,這就作了他報消息的賞賜。

11 何況惡殺在他的上,我豈不向你們討流他血的罪、從世上除滅你們呢?

12 於是大衛吩咐少年人將他們殺了,砍斷他們的在希伯崙的池旁,卻將伊施波設的首級葬在希伯崙押尼珥的墳墓裡。






These days we tend to think of "roads" as smooth swaths of pavement and judge them by how fast we can drive cars on them. A "path" is something different, suitable only for walking or maybe bicycles, and a "way" has more to do with giving directions than any physical reality. When we get "lost" it usually means we're in a car on an unfamiliar road -- a far cry from being in the middle of a trackless wilderness with no idea which direction to go. The ancient world was very different, with isolated towns and endless square miles of trackless wilderness. Then a "way" was a set of landmarks to follow to get from one place to another through the wilderness. A "path" was a way used enough to leave a visible trace on the ground, and a "road" was a heavily used path, easily followed and walkable. So it makes sense that when used in the Bible, all three terms represent guiding truth, ideas that lead us where we want to go. This is pictured in the modern use of "way" -- when we talk about the "way" to do something or the "way" to get somewhere. We're talking about the correct, best, most efficient method of doing something or getting somewhere. And it's good information -- truth -- that helps us find that best way.