

撒母耳記上 7



1 基列耶琳人就下,將耶和華的約櫃接上去,放在山上亞比拿達的家中,分派他兒子以利亞撒看守耶和華的約櫃。

2 約櫃在基列耶琳許久。過了二十年,以色列都傾向耶和華

3 撒母耳對以色列全家:你們若一心歸順耶和華,就要把外邦的和亞斯他錄從你們中間除掉,專心歸向耶和華,單單地事奉他。他必救你們脫離非利士人

4 以色列人就除掉諸巴力和亞斯他錄,單單地事奉耶和華

5 撒母耳:要使以色列眾人聚集在米斯巴,我好為你們禱告耶和華

6 他們就聚集在米斯巴,打澆在耶和華面前,當日禁食,:我們得罪了耶和華。於是撒母耳在米斯巴審判以色列人

7 非利士人以色列人聚集在米斯巴,非利士的首領就上來要攻擊以色列人以色列人見,就懼非利士人

8 以色列人對撒母耳:願你不住地為我們呼求耶和華我們我們脫離非利士人

9 撒母耳就把隻吃奶的羊羔獻與耶和華作全牲的燔祭,為以色列人呼求耶和華耶和華就應允他。

10 撒母耳正獻燔祭的時候,非利士人前來要與以色列人爭戰。當日,耶和華雷聲,驚亂非利士人,他們就敗在以色列人面前。

11 以色列人從米斯巴出來,追趕非利士人,擊殺他們,直到伯甲的邊。

12 撒母耳將石頭立在米斯巴和善的中間,給石頭起名以便以謝,:到如今耶和華都幫助我們

13 從此,非利士人就被制伏,不敢再入以色列人的境內。撒母耳作士師的時候,耶和華的攻擊非利士人

14 非利士人所取以色列人的城邑,從以革倫直到迦特,都歸以色列人了。屬這些城的四境,以色列人也從非利士人下收回。那時以色列人與亞摩利人和好。

15 撒母耳平生作以色列的士師。

16 他每年巡行到伯特利吉甲、米斯巴,在這幾處審判以色列人

17 隨後回到拉瑪,因為他的家在那裡;也在那裡審判以色列人,且為耶和華築了一座





The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, by David Roberts

In the ancient world cities were nearly nations unto themselves – they existed within walls, with their own laws and customs, generally centered on the common purpose of trade. This is not as much the case in the modern world, but we still tend to divide ourselves city by city in terms of sports teams, accents, music and culture, and still tend to generalize the character of people from other cities. It follows, then, that in the Bible cities represent various doctrines – collections of inter-related ideas about spiritual reality. Such doctrines can be based on anything from the Lord’s true teachings – the New Jerusalem seen by John in Revelation – to the falsity and heresy of Sodom and various cities obliterated by the people of Israel at God’s command. On the most personal level, a city can also represent the natural mind of one person – which makes sense since we each to some extent have our own doctrine and our own set of ideas and beliefs.