

西番雅书 3



1 这悖逆、污秽、欺压的城有祸了!

2 他不听从命令,不领受训诲,不倚靠耶和华,不亲近他的

3 他中间的首领是咆哮的狮子;他的审判官是晚上的豺,一点食物也不留到早晨

4 他的先知是虚浮诡诈的人;他的祭司亵渎所,强解律法。

5 耶和华在他中间是公的,断不做非的事,每早晨显明他的公,无日不然;只是的人不知羞耻。

6 我─耶和华已经除灭列国的民;他们的城楼毁坏。我使他们的街道荒凉,以致无经过;他们的城邑毁灭,以致无,也无居民。

7 :你只要敬畏我,领受训诲;如此,你的住处不致照我所拟定的除灭。只是你们从起来就在一切事上败坏自己。

8 耶和华:你们要等候我,直到我兴起掳掠的日子;因为我已定意招聚列国,聚集列邦,将我的恼怒─就是我的烈怒都倾在他们身上。我的忿怒如,必烧灭全

9 那时,我必使万民用清洁的言语好求告我─耶和华的名,同心合意地事奉我。

10 祈祷我的,就是我所分散的民(原文是女子;下同),必从古实外来,给我献供物。

11 当那日,你必不因你一切得罪我的事自觉羞愧;因为那时我必从你中间除掉矜夸高傲之辈,你也不再於我的狂傲。

12 我却要在你中间留下困苦贫寒的民;他们必投靠我─耶和华的名。

13 以色列所剩下的人必不作罪孽,不谎言中也没有诡诈的舌头;而且吃喝躺卧,无人惊吓。

14 锡安的民哪,应当歌唱!以色列啊,应当欢呼!耶路撒冷的民哪,应当满欢喜快乐!

15 耶和华已经除去你的刑罚,赶出你的仇敌。以色列的王─耶和华在你中间;你必不再惧怕灾祸。

16 当那日,必有话向耶路撒冷:不要惧!锡安哪;不要软!

17 耶和华─你的是施行拯、大有能力的。他在你中间必因你欢欣喜乐,默然爱你,且因你喜乐而欢呼。

18 那些属你、为无大会愁烦、因你担当羞辱的,我必聚集他们。

19 那时,我必罚办一切苦待你的人,又拯你瘸腿的,聚集你被赶出的。那些在全羞辱的,我必使他们得称赞,有名声。

20 那时,我必领你们进,聚集你们;我使你们被掳之人归回的时候,就必使你们在上的万民中有名声,得称赞。这是耶和华的。





Seven alter lamps in stained glass, Bryn Athyn Cathedral

The Bible describes many things as being holy, or sacred. The Ark of the Covenant is one very holy object. The inmost chamber of the tabernacle is called the "Holy of Holies". Things that proceed from the Lord are holy. Objects are holy if they contain something, or represent something, from the Lord. For that reason, the names of the Lord in human languages are holy because they represent qualities of the Lord, things that are Him. The Bible is holy because it contains, interiorly, the Lord's divine truth. The tabernacle of Israel was holy -- not because of the wood or gold or dyed cloth -- but because those things represented qualities that the Lord has. Those same qualities exist, as in an image, in the spiritual states of people who follow the Lord's laws. No person is holy, but if a person's mind contains truth from the Lord and his or her will comes to love the truths and the actions that these truths suggest to him, then his or her mind will contain holy things, because those truths and loves come from the Lord. These things become that person's life and they remain with that person in heaven, after death.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 3997, 4091, 8302)