

弥迦书 5



1 成群的民(原文是女子)哪,现在你要聚集成队;因为仇敌围攻我们,要用杖击打以色列审判者的脸。

2 伯利恒以法他啊,你在犹大诸城中为小,将来必有一位从你那里出来,在以色列中为我作掌权的;他的根源从亘古,从太初就有。

3 耶和华必将以色列人交付敌人,直等那生产的妇人生下子来。那时掌权者(原文是他)其馀的弟兄必归到以色列人那里。

4 他必起来,倚靠耶和华的大能,并耶和华─他之名的威严,牧养他的羊群。他们要安然居住;因为他必日见尊大,直到极。

5 这位必作我们的平安。当亚述人进入我们的境,践踏宫殿的时候,我们就立起个牧者,个首领攻击他。

6 他们必用刀毁坏亚述和宁录的关口。亚述人进入我们境践踏的时候,他必拯救我们

7 雅各馀剩的必在多国的民中,如从耶和华那里降下的水,又如甘霖降在上;不仗赖力,也不等候世之功。

8 雅各馀剩的人必在多国多民中,如林间百中的狮子,又如少壮狮子羊群中。他若经过就必践踏撕裂,无人搭

9 愿你的举起,敌人!愿你的仇敌都被剪除!

10 耶和华:到那日,我必从你中间剪除马匹,毁坏车辆,

11 也必从你国中除灭城邑,拆毁一切的保障,

12 又必除掉你中的邪术;你那里也不再有占卜的。

13 我必从你中间除灭雕刻的偶像和柱像,你就不再跪拜自己所造的。

14 我必从你中间拔出木偶,又毁灭你的城邑。

15 我也必在怒气和忿怒中向那不从的列国施报。





You do so much for me, thank you

Intellectual things -- ideas, knowledge, facts, even insight and understanding -- are more separate and free-standing than emotional things, and it's easier to imagine numbering them as individual things. Our loves and affections tend to be more amorphous -- they can certainly be powerful, but would be harder to measure. Using words like “much,” “many,” myriad” and “multitude” to describe a collection of things gives the sense that there is an exact number, even if we don't know what it is and don't want to bother trying to count. These words, then, are used in the Bible in reference to intellectual things -- our thoughts, knowledge and concepts. Words that indicate largeness without the idea of number -- “great” is a common one -- generally refer to loves, affections and the desire for good. Here's one way to think about this: Say you want to take some food to a friend who just had a baby. That's a desire for good (assuming you're doing it from genuinely good motives). To actually do it, though, takes dozens of thoughts, ideas, facts and knowledges. What does she like to eat? What do you have to cook? What do you cook well? Can you keep it hot getting to her house? Is it nutritious? Does she have any allergies? So one good desire can bring a multitude of ideas into play.