

约书亚记 17



1 玛拿西是约瑟的长子,他的支派拈阄所得之地记在下面。至於玛拿西长子基列之父(父或作:主)玛吉,因为是勇士就得了基列和巴珊。

2 玛拿西其馀的子孙,按着宗族拈阄分地,就是亚比以谢子孙,希勒子孙,亚斯列子孙,示剑子孙,希弗子孙,示米大子孙;这些按着宗族,都是约瑟儿子玛拿西子孙的男丁。

3 玛拿西的元孙,玛吉的曾孙,基列的孙子,希弗的儿子西罗非哈没有儿子,只有女儿。他的女儿名叫玛拉、挪阿、曷拉、密迦、得撒;

4 他们来到祭司以利亚撒和嫩的儿子约书亚并众首领面前,说:耶和华曾吩咐摩西我们弟兄中分我们产业。於是约书亚照耶和华所吩咐的,在他们伯叔中,把产业分他们。

5 除了约但河东的基列和巴珊之外,还有玛拿西

6 因为玛拿西的孙女们在玛拿西的孙子中得了产业。基列是属玛拿西其馀的子孙。

7 玛拿西的境界:从亚设起,到示剑前的密米他,往北到隐他普亚居民之地。

8 他普亚玛拿西,只是玛拿西境界上的他普亚城归以法莲子孙。

9 其界到加拿边。在玛拿西城邑中的这些城邑都归以法莲玛拿西的地界是在直通到为止;

10 以法莲玛拿西,以为界;边到亚设,东边到以萨迦。

11 玛拿西在以萨迦和亚设境内,有伯善和属伯善的镇市,以伯莲和属以伯莲的镇市,多珥的居民和属多珥的镇市;又有处山冈,就是隐多珥和属隐多珥的镇市;他纳的居民和属他纳的镇市,米吉多的居民和属米吉多的镇市。

12 只是玛拿西子孙不能赶出这些城的居民,迦南人偏要在那

13 及至以色列人强盛了,就使迦南人做苦工,没有把他们全然赶出。

14 约瑟的子孙约书亚耶和华到如今既然赐福与我们,我们也族大人多,你为甚麽仅将段之地分我们为业呢?

15 约书亚:你们如果族大人多,嫌以法莲窄小,就可以上比利洗人、利乏音人之,在树林中砍伐树木

16 约瑟的子孙:那容不下我们,并且平原的迦南人,就是伯善和属伯善的镇市,并耶斯列平原的人,都有车。

17 约书亚对约瑟家,就是以法莲玛拿西人,:你是族人多,并且强盛,不可仅有阄之地,

18 地也要归你,虽是树林,你也可以砍伐;靠近之地必归你。迦南人虽有车,虽是强盛,你也能把他们赶出去。





A nice mother-daughter hug.

Marriages among people – both in the Bible and in life – represent spiritual marriage. Women represent the desire to be good and to do good things; men represent the understanding of how to be good and how to do good things. Each one of us, male or female, can experience that marriage within us if we work to learn about the Lord and dedicate ourselves to doing His will. And just as natural marriages produce children, so do spiritual marriages. Daughters represent affections, the emotional response we have to good things and positive ideas. Sons represent those positive ideas, facts and knowledge leading to a greater understanding. This makes sense if you think about it. If in life you’re working to be a good person and thinking about how to do that, finding a nugget of wisdom in the Word – or from another source – is a joyful thing. Finding a way to be good to someone and serve them is a joyful thing as well (it helps if they appreciate it, but that’s not really the point). That joy, that affection for what is true and what is good, is a "daughter." On a broader level, daughters also sometimes represent churches, since churches are based on an affection for truth. And as with all representations, the meaning of "daughter" can also be reversed, representing the thrill of evil.

In Psalm 45:9, this signifies a church from goods. (Arcana Coelestia 490)

In Genesis 20:12, this signifies the rational, conceived of celestial good as a father, but not of spiritual truth as a mother. (Arcana Coelestia 2557)