

耶利米书 47



1 法老攻击迦萨之先,有耶和华非利士人临到先知耶利米

2 耶和华如此:有水从北方发起,成为涨溢的,要涨过遍和其中所有的,并城和其中所的。人必呼喊;境内的居民都必哀号

3 听见敌人壮马跳的响声和战车隆隆、车轮轰轰;为父的就发软,不回头看顾儿女。

4 因为日子将到,要毁灭一切非利士人,剪除帮助推罗、西顿所剩下的人。原耶和华必毁灭非利士人,就是迦斐托海馀剩的人。

5 迦萨成了光;平原中所剩的亚实基伦归於无有。你用刀划身,要到几时呢?

6 耶和华的哪,你到几时才止息呢?你要入鞘,安靖不动。

7 耶和华既吩咐你攻击亚实基伦和边之地,他已经派定你,焉能止息呢?






Water generally represents “natural truth,” or true concepts about day-to-day matters and physical things. Since all water ultimately flows into the seas, then, it follows that a sea represents a huge agglomeration of such natural truths -- usually all of the natural truth a person has, or all the natural truth a church has. Water in the sea mixes freely, and is easily stirred up by winds and currents. This is also true of the concepts we hold about natural things -- they are not all related to each other, and when relationships do exist they usually can change without damaging the concepts themselves. Many of the concepts are easily disputed, and arguments can arise like waves on the ocean -- generally with little effect other than a mixing of waters. But the sea also offers great bounty. We draw fish from it (spiritual food), float ships (doctrinal systems) on it, bathe in it (using true concepts to purify ourselves), and the water that evaporates from it and falls as rain (purer forms of truth that can attach to desires for good) makes life possible.