

耶利米书 41



1 间,王的大臣宗室以利沙玛的孙子、尼探雅的儿子以实玛利带着个人,到米斯巴见亚希甘的儿子基大利。他们在米斯巴一同饭。

2 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利和同他来的那个人起来,用刀杀了沙番的孙子亚希甘的儿子基大利,就是巴比伦王所立为全省长的。

3 以实玛利又杀了在米斯巴、基大利那里的一切犹大人和所遇见的迦勒底兵丁。

4 他杀了基大利,无知道

5 第二天,有八十示剑和示罗,并撒玛利亚,胡须剃去,衣服撕裂,身体划破,拿素祭和乳香,要奉到耶和华的殿。

6 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利出米斯巴迎接他们,随走随哭。遇见了他们,就对他们:你们可以见亚希甘的儿子基大利。

7 他们到了城中,尼探雅的儿子以实玛利和同着他的人就将他们杀了,抛在中。

8 只是他们中间个人对以实玛利:不要杀我们,因为我们有许多大麦、小麦、蜜藏在田间。於是他住了手,没有将他们杀在弟兄中间

9 以实玛利将所杀之人的尸首都抛在里基大利的旁边;这是从前亚撒王因怕以色列王巴沙所挖的。尼探雅的儿子以实玛利将那些被杀的人满了

10 以实玛利将米斯巴剩下的人,就是众公主和仍住在米斯巴所有的百姓,原是护卫长尼布撒拉旦交给亚希甘的儿子基大利的,都掳去了。尼探雅的儿子以实玛利掳了他们,要往亚扪人那里去。

11 加利亚的儿子约哈难和同着他的众军长见尼探雅的儿子以实玛利所行的一切恶,

12 就带领众人前往,要和尼探雅的儿子以实玛利争战,在基遍的大水旁(或译:大水池旁)遇见他。

13 以实玛利那里的众人见加利亚的儿子约哈难和同着他的众军长,就都欢喜。

14 这样,以实玛利从米斯巴所掳去的众人都转身归加利亚的儿子约哈难去了。

15 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利个人脱离约哈难的手,逃往亚扪人那里去了。

16 尼探雅的儿子以实玛利杀了亚希甘的儿子基大利,从米斯巴将剩下的一切百姓、兵丁、妇女、孩童、太监掳到基遍,加利亚的儿子约哈难和同着他的众军长将他们都夺回来

17 带到靠近伯利恒的金罕寓(或译:基罗特金罕)下,要进入埃及去;

18 因为尼探雅的儿子以实玛利杀了巴比伦王所立为省长的亚希甘的儿子基大利,约哈难惧迦勒底人






In most places in the Word, "ten" represents "all," or in some cases "many" or "much." The Ten Commandments represent all the guidance we get from the Lord in life; the ten horns on the beast of Revelation represent all power of falsity; the ten virgins with lamps in Matthew 25 represent all people of the church.

Yet in other places, ten, or especially a "tenth," signifies representing remnants, or tiny scraps of goodness preserved for the future. These can be the remnants of a church -- a few good people that can be built up into a new church. Or they can be tiny subconscious memories of love and joy which the Lord stores in each of us in early childhood, feelings He can use later to draw us toward a life of goodness and affection.

These two meanings seem nearly opposite, but they're actually not. Love is whole and indivisible, so that the tiniest feeling buried inside someone contains all the elements of the love it can become. In a similar way, a remnant of a church that has preserved that church's knowledge has everything it needs to grow into a new church. In a sense, then, those remnants are indeed "all," they're just a version of "all" that is still in a state of potential.