

何西阿书 6



1 来罢,我们归向耶和华!他撕裂我们,也必医治;他打伤我们,也必缠裹。

2 过两他必使我们苏醒,第三他必使我们兴起,我们就在他面前得以存活。

3 我们务要认识耶和华,竭力追求认识他。他出现确如晨光,他必临到我们像甘,像滋润田的春

4 主说:以法莲哪,我可向你怎样行呢?犹大啊,我可向你怎样做呢?因为你们的良善如同早晨雾,又如速散的甘

5 因此,我藉先知砍伐他们,以我中的杀戮他们;我施行的审判如发出。

6 我喜爱良善(或译:怜恤),不喜爱祭祀;喜爱认识,胜於燔祭。

7 他们却如亚当背约,在境内向我行事诡诈。

8 基列是作孽之人的城,被血沾染。

9 强盗成群,怎样埋伏杀祭司结党,也照样在示剑的上杀戮,行了邪恶。

10 以色列家,我见了可憎的事;在以法莲那里有淫行,以色列被玷污。

11 犹大啊,我使被掳之民归回的时候,必有为你所命定的收场。





Sailing ships at dawn by Constantine Volanakis

Since the sun represents the Lord, the early morning and sunrise represent a state of enlightenment with a new and clear understanding coming after a time of darkness. There are many ways this representation appears in modern life. For one, it’s long been tradition to orient churches with the sanctuary in the east, toward the rising sun. People grappling with a problem often decide to “sleep on it,” anticipating that answers will be more clear in the morning. And we actually use “dawn” as a verb for sudden enlightenment: “As he stared out the window, it dawned on him that the answer had been in his hands all along.”





Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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