

出埃及记 13



1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 以色列中凡头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都是我的,要分别为归我。

3 摩西对百姓:你们要记念从埃及为奴之家出来的这日,因为耶和华用大能的将你们从这地方领出来。有的饼都不可

4 亚笔间的这日是你们出来的日子。

5 将来耶和华领你进迦南人、赫人、亚摩利人、希未人、耶布斯人之,就是他向你的祖宗起誓应许你那流奶与蜜之,那时你要在这间守这礼。

6 你要无酵日,到第七日要向耶和华守节。

7 日之久,要无酵饼;在你四境之内不可见有的饼,也不可见发酵的物。

8 当那日,你要告诉你的儿子:这是因耶和华在我出埃及的时候为我所行的事。

9 这要在你上作记号,在你额上作纪念,使耶和华的律法常在你中,因为耶和华曾用大能的将你从埃及领出来。

10 所以你每年要按着日期守这例。

11 将来,耶和华照他向你和你祖宗所起的誓将你领进迦南人之,把这你,

12 那时你要将一切头生的,并牲畜中头生的,归给耶和华;公的都要属耶和华

13 凡头生的,你要用羊羔代赎;若不代赎,就要打折他的颈项。凡你儿子中头生的都要赎出来。

14 日後,你的儿子问你:这是甚麽意思?你就耶和华用大能的我们埃及为奴之家领出来。

15 那时法老几乎不容我们去,耶和华就把埃及所有头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都杀了。因此,我把一切头生的公牲畜献给耶和华为祭,但将头生的儿子都赎出来。

16 这要在你上作记号,在你额上作经文,因为耶和华用大能的我们埃及领出来。

17 法老容百姓去的时候,非利士道路虽近,却不领他们从那里走;因为:恐怕百姓遇见打仗後悔,就回埃及去。

18 所以领百姓绕道而行,走红旷野以色列人埃及,都带着兵器上去。

19 摩西把约瑟的骸一同带去;因为约瑟曾叫以色列人严严地起誓,对他们说:必眷顾你们,你们要把我的骸从这里一同带上去。

20 他们从疏割起行,在旷野边的以倘安营。

21 日间,耶和华中领他们的;夜间,在中光照他们,使他们日夜都可以行走。

22 日间,夜间,总不离开百姓的面前。





Ancient of Days, by William Blake

When the Bible speaks of "Jehovah," it is representing love itself, the inmost love that is the essence of the Lord. That divine love is one, whole and complete in itself, and Jehovah also is one, a name applied only to the Lord. The divine love expresses itself in the form of wisdom. Love, then, is the essence of God -- His inmost. Wisdom -- the loving understanding of how to put love into action -- is slightly more external, giving love a way to express itself. Wisdom, however, is expressed in a great variety of thoughts and ideas, what the Writings collectively call divine truth. There are also many imaginary gods, and sometimes angels and people can be called gods (the Lord said Moses would be as a god to Aaron). So when the Bible calls the Lord "God," it is in most cases referring to divine truth. In other cases, "God" has reference to what is called the divine human. The case there is this: As human beings, we cannot engage the Lord directly as divine love. It is too powerful and too pure. Instead, we have to approach Him by understanding Him through divine truth. Divine truth, then, is the Lord in human form, a form we can approach and understand. Thus "God" is also used in reference to this human aspect, because it is an expression of truth.

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