




1 Trong năm thứ hai đời vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa, vua thấy chiêm bao, thì trong lòng bối rối và mất giấc ngủ.

2 Vậy vua truyền đòi các đồng bóng, thuật sĩ, thầy bói, và người Canh-đê để cắt nghĩa chiêm bao cho vua. Họ bèn đến chầu trước mặt vua.

3 Vua nói cùng họ rằng: Ta đã thấy một chiêm bao; và lòng ta bối rối, muốn biết chiêm bao đó.

4 Những người Canh-đê nói cùng vua bằng tiếng A-ram rằng: Tâu vua, chúc vua sống đời đời! Xin thuật chiêm bao cho những kẻ tôi tớ vua, và chúng tôi sẽ giải nghĩa.

5 Vua trả lời cho những người Canh-đê rằng: Sự ấy đã ra khỏi ta. Nếu các ngươi không nói cho ta biết chiêm bao đó thể nào và lời giải nó làm sao, thì các ngươi sẽ bị phân thây, nhà các ngươi sẽ trở nên đống phân.

6 Nhưng nếu các ngươi tỏ chiêm bao và lời giải nó cho ta, thì các ngươi sẽ được lễ vật, phần thưởng, và vinh hiển lớn từ nơi ta. Các ngươi hãy tỏ cho ta chiêm bao đó và lời giải nó thế nào.

7 Họ tâu lại lần thứ hai rằng: Xin vua kể chiêm bao cho những kẻ tôi tớ vua, và chúng tôi sẽ cắt nghĩa.

8 Vua rằng: Ta biết chắc các ngươi tìm cách để huỡn thì giờ, vì các ngươi thấy sự ấy đã ra khỏi ta.

9 Nhưng, nếu các ngươi không tỏ cho ta biết chiêm bao, thì cũng chỉ có một luật cho các ngươi; vì các ngươi đã điều đình với nhau đem những lời giả dối bậy bạ nói cùng ta, cho đến ngày giờ sẽ thay đổi. Vậy, hãy nói chiêm bao cho ta, và ta sẽ biết rằng các ngươi có thể giải nghĩa được.

10 Những người Canh-đê tâu lại cùng vua rằng: Chẳng có người nào trên đất nầy có thể tỏ ra việc của vua; vì chẳng có vua nào, chúa nào, người cai trị nào đem việc như thế hỏi đồng bóng, thuật sĩ, hay người Canh-đê nào.

11 Vì sự vua đòi là hiếm có, và không ai có thể tỏ cho vua được, chỉ có các vì thần không ở với loài xác thịt.

12 Vậy nên vua phát tức mình và giận dữ lắm, bèn truyền mạng lịnh giết chết hết những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

13 Vậy mạng lịnh đó đã truyền ra; người ta hầu đem giết hết thảy những bác sĩ, lại tìm Ða-ni-ên cùng đồng bạn người để giết.

14 Bấy giờ Ða-ni-ên lấy sự khôn ngoan trí thức mà nói với A-ri-ốc, quan thị vệ của vua, đã đi ra đặng giết những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

15 Người cất tiếng nói cùng A-ri-ốc, quan thị vệ của vua, rằng: Sao lại có mạng lịnh nghiêm cấp dường ấy ra từ vua? A-ri-ốc bèn kể chuyện cho Ða-ni-ên rõ.

16 Tức thì Ða-ni-ên vào, xin vua cho mình một hạn nữa, hầu có thể giải nghĩa điềm chiêm bao đó cho vua.

17 Ðoạn, Ða-ni-ên trở về nhà, và tỏ sự ấy cho các bạn mình là Ha-na-nia, Mi-sa-ên và A-xa-ria.

18 Người xin họ cầu Ðức Chúa Trời ở trên trời dủ lòng thương xót họ về sự kín nhiệm nầy, hầu cho Ða-ni-ên và đồng bạn mình khỏi phải chết với những bác sĩ khác của Ba-by-lôn.

19 Vậy sự kín nhiệm được tỏ ra cho Ða-ni-ên trong sự hiện thấy ban đêm; Ða-ni-ên bèn ngợi khen Chúa trên trời.

20 Ðoạn Ða-ni-ên cất tiếng nói rằng: Ngợi khen danh Ðức Chúa Trời đời đời vô cùng! vì sự khôn ngoan và quyền năng đều thuộc về Ngài.

21 Chính Ngài thay đổi thì giờ và mùa, bỏ và lập các vua; ban sự khôn ngoan cho kẻ khôn ngoan, và sự thông biết cho kẻ tỏ sáng.

22 Chính Ngài tỏ ra những sự sâu xa kín nhiệm; Ngài biết những sự ở trong tối tăm và sự sáng ở với Ngài.

23 Hỡi Ðức Chúa Trời của tổ phụ tôi! Tôi cảm ơn và ngợi khen Ngài, vì Ngài đã ban cho tôi sự khôn ngoan và quyền phép, và bây giờ Ngài đã khiến tôi biết điều chúng tôi cầu hỏi Ngài, mà tỏ cho chúng tôi biết việc của vua.

24 Vậy nên Ða-ni-ên đến nhà A-ri-ốc, là người vua đã truyền cho diệt những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn; và nói cùng người như vầy: Ðừng diệt những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn; nhưng hãy đưa tôi vào trước mặt vua, thì tôi sẽ giải nghĩa điềm chiêm bao cho vua.

25 Bấy giờ A-ri-ốc vội vàng dẫn Ða-ni-ên đến trước mặt vua, và tâu cùng vua như vầy: Tôi đã tìm thấy một người trong những con cái Giu-đa bị bắt làm phu tù, người ấy sẽ cho vua biết sự giải nghĩa đó.

26 Vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên, mà người ta vậy gọi là Bên-sơ-xát-sa, rằng: Quả thật rằng ngươi có thể tỏ cho ta biết điềm chiêm bao ta đã thấy, và lời giải nó chăng?

27 Ða-ni-ên ở trước mặt vua trả lời rằng: Sự kín nhiệm mà vua đã đòi, thì những bác sĩ, thuật sĩ, đồng bóng, thầy bói đều không có thể tỏ cho vua được.

28 Nhưng có một Ðức Chúa Trời ở trên trời tỏ ra những đều kín nhiệm; và đã cho vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa biết điều sẽ tới trong những ngày sau rốt. Vậy, chiêm bao của vua và các sự hiện thấy của đầu vua đã thấy trên giường mình là như vầy:

29 Hỡi vua, khi vua nằm trên giường, có những tư tưởng về sự xảy đến sau nầy, thì Ðấng hay tỏ sự kín nhiệm đã cho vua biết sự sẽ xảy đến.

30 Về phần tôi, sự kín nhiệm đó đã tỏ ra cho tôi, không phải vì tôi có sự khôn ngoan gì hơn người nào sống; nhưng để được giải nghĩa cho vua hiểu, và cho vua biết những ý tưởng trong lòng mình.

31 Hỡi vua, vua nhìn xem, và nầy, có một pho tượng lớn. Pho tượng đó to lớn và rực rỡ lạ thường; đứng trước mặt vua, và hình dạng dữ tợn.

32 Ðầy pho tượng nầy bằng vàng ròng; ngực và cách tay bằng bạc; bụng và vế bằng đồng;

33 ống chơn bằng sắt; và bàn chơn thì một phần bằng sắt một phần bằng đất sét.

34 Vua nhìn pho tượng cho đến khi có một hòn đó chẳng phải bởi tay đục ra, đến đập vào bàn chơn bằng sắt và đất sét của tượng, và làm cho tan nát.

35 Bấy giờ sắt, đất sét, đồng, bạc, và vàng đều cùng nhau tan nát cả; trở nên như rơm rác bay trên sân đạp lúa mùa họ, phải gió đùa đi, chẳng tìm nơi nào cho chúng nó; nhưng hòn đã đập vào pho tượng thì hóa ra một hòn núi lớn và đầy khắp đất.

36 Ðó là điềm chiêm bao. Bây giờ chúng tôi sẽ giải nghĩa ra trước mặt vua.

37 Hỡi vua, vua là vua các vua, vì Chúa trên trời đã ban nước, quyền, sức mạnh, và sự vinh hiển cho vua.

38 Ngài đã trao trong tay vua những con cái loài người, những thú đồng và chim trời, dầu chúng nó ở nơi nào, Ngài cũng đã làm cho vua được cai trị hết thảy; vậy vua là cái đầu bằng vàng.

39 Nhưng sau vua, sẽ dấy lên một nước khác, kém nước của vua; rồi một nước thứ ba, tức là đồng, sẽ cai quản khắp đất.

40 Lại có một nước thứ tư mạnh như sắt; vì sắt hay đập vỡ và bắt phục mọi vật, thì nước ấy cũng sẽ đập vỡ và nghiền nát như là sắt vậy.

41 Còn như vua đã thấy bàn chơn và ngón chơn nửa bằng đất sét nửa bằng sắt, ấy là một nước sẽ phải phân chia ra; nhưng trong nước đó sẽ có sức mạnh của sắt, theo như vua đã thấy sắt lộn với đất sét.

42 Những ngón chơn nửa sắt nửa đất sét, nước đó cũng nửa mạnh nửa giòn.

43 Vua đã thấy sắt lộn với đất sét, ấy là chúng nó lộn nhau bởi giống loài người; song không dính cùng nhau, cũng như sắt không ăn với đất sét.

44 Trong đời các vua nầy, Chúa trên trời sẽ dựng nên một nước không bao giờ bị hủy diệt, quyền nước ấy không bao giờ để co một dân tộc khác; song nó sẽ đánh tan và hủy diệt hết các nước trước kia, mà mình thì đứng đời đời;

45 Theo như vua đã xem thấy hòn đá đục ra từ núi, chẳng phải bởi tay, đã đập vỡ sắt, đồng, đất sét, bạc và vàng. Ðức Chúa Trời lớn đã cho vua biết sự sau nầy sẽ đến. Ðiềm chiêm bao nầy là thật, và lời giải nó là chắc chắn.

46 Bấy giờ vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa sấp mặt xuống, lạy Ða-ni-ên, và truyền dâng lễ vật cùng đồ thơm cho người.

47 Ðoạn, vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên rằng: Quả thật, Ðức Chúa Trời các ngươi là Ðức Chúa Trời của các thần, và là Chúa của các vua; chính Ngài là Ðấng tỏ ra những sự kín nhiệm nầy.

48 Vua bèn tôn Ða-ni-ên lên sang trọng và ban cho người nhiều lễ vật trọng. Vua lập người cai trị cả tỉnh Ba-by-lôn, và làm đầu các quan cai những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

49 Ða-ni-ên cầu xin vua, thì vua lập Sa-đơ-rắc, Mê-sác và A-bết-Nê-gô cùng cai trị tỉnh Ba-by-lôn, còn Ða-ni-ên thì chầu nơi cửa vua.




Arcana Coelestia#9407



9407. 'There was so to speak a work of sapphire [stone]' means that it is translucent with inner truths on that level, and that all things in it are translucent from the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'a work of sapphire' as the character of the literal sense of the Word when the internal sense is discerned within it, that is, when Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, as it is in heaven, shines through it. For the Word is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord. In origin it is Divine, but as it passes through the heavens it is celestial in the inmost heaven, spiritual in the second or middle heaven, spiritual-natural in the first or lowest heaven, and natural and worldly in the world; this last is its character in the sense of the letter intended for people there. From this it is evident that the sense of the letter, which is the lowest in order, contains a spiritual and a celestial level of meaning, and inmostly the Divine Himself. And since these inner levels are contained in the lowest or literal sense and are seen by those who understand the Word in a spiritual manner, that sense is represented by 'a work of sapphire', which lets rays of heavenly light through, that is, which is translucent.

[2] To give some idea of that translucence, let human speech serve to illustrate it. Such speech has its origin in the end a person has in view which he wishes to make known through speech. This end is his love; for a person has what he loves as his end in view. From that end arises the person's thought, and finally his speech. Anyone who stops to think properly about this can see and discern the truth of it. The fact that the end is the primary component of speech is clear from the general rule that all intelligence has an end within it, and devoid of the end it is not intelligence. And everyone knows that thought is a secondary component arising from the first, for nobody can speak without thinking or think without having an end in view. The fact that spoken words ensue from this, and that these are the final component, which is properly called speech, is also well known. All this being so, when a person pays attention to what another utters he pays attention not to the words the speaker uses but to the meaning conveyed by them which is present in the speaker's thought. And one who is wise pays attention to the end in view that has given rise to the thought expressed in speech, that is, he pays attention to what the speaker's aims are and what it is he loves. These three components are present in human speech, in which the spoken words serve as the outward form.

[3] This comparison enables one to gain some idea regarding the Word in the letter. For those in heaven pay attention to the Word in the letter and perceive things there in exactly the same way as anyone is accustomed to perceive a person's thought as it presents itself in spoken words, or in the inmost heaven as anyone is accustomed to perceive a person's aims or end in view. But the difference is that when someone reads the sense of the letter of the Word this is not heard or understood in heaven, only the internal sense, because in heaven they perceive solely the spiritual and celestial levels of the Word, not the natural level of it. The one sense accordingly passes over into the other, for they correspond to each other and only things which have a correspondence have been used in the writing of the Word. All this shows what to understand when reference is made to the translucent nature of the Word, meant by 'a work of sapphire'.

[4] But a person who is unable to think on a higher level of understanding, that is, on a level altogether above material things, cannot grasp any of this, not even the idea that it is possible for a sense to exist in the Word other than the one perceived in the letter. If that person is told that the letter holds within itself a spiritual sense which has to do with truth, and that this in turn holds within itself a celestial sense which has to do with good, and also that these senses shine through the literal sense, he will be taken aback at first, then dismiss the idea as nonsense, and finally ridicule it. Actual experience has shown me that this is what people are like in the Christian world at the present day, especially the learned, and that those who reason against that truth boast of being wiser than those who uphold it. Yet the learning in earliest times, which were called golden and silver ages, had consisted in speaking and in writing in ways in which no attention was be paid to the literal meaning other than to enable hidden wisdom to shine through it, as becomes perfectly clear from the oldest books, including those by gentile authors, as well as from fragments in their languages. For their knowledge was primarily the knowledge of correspondences and the knowledge of representations, which forms of knowledge at the present day are some of those which have been lost.

[5] The reason why there appeared under the Lord's feet 'so to speak a work of sapphire' and why this means the translucence of the Word in the sense of the letter is that 'stone' in general means truth, and 'precious stone' truth shining through from what is Divine and the Lord's. For the meaning of 'stone' in general as truth, see 643, 1298, 3720, 3769, 3771, 3773, 3789, 3798, 6426, 8609, 8940-8942. As for 'precious stone' being truth shining through from what is Divine and the Lord's, this was meant by the twelve precious stones in Aaron's breastplate, which was called the Urim and Thummim, 3862, 6335, 6640.

[6] Something similar occurs in Ezekiel,

Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, you were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering - ruby, topaz, diamond, tarshish, shoham, and jasper, sapphire, chrysoprase, emerald, and gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and your pipes was within you; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were perfect in your ways on the day you were created. Ezekiel 28:12-13, 15.

This refers to Tyre, by which the Church in respect of interior cognitions or knowledge of truth and good is meant, 1201. Its intelligence and wisdom as these had been in its infancy or earliest period are described by those precious stones. 'The day you were created' means the first state when they were regenerated, for 'creation' in the Word means the regeneration or new creation of a person, 16, 88.

[7] Similar things are meant by 'the precious stones' in John,

The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. Revelation 21:19-20.

This refers to the holy Jerusalem coming down from heaven, by which a new Church among gentile nations is meant, after the present-day Church in our European world has been laid waste. 'The precious stones that are its foundations' are God's truths shining through on the lowest level of order.

[8] God's truth shining through on the lowest level of order, which is the Word in the letter, is meant by 'sapphire' in particular, as in Isaiah,

O afflicted one and storm-tossed, and receiving no comfort! Behold, I am arranging your stones with antimony, and will lay your foundations in sapphires. Isaiah 54:11.

This too refers to the Church which will take the place of the former one, meant in verse 1 of that chapter by 'her that is desolate who is going to have more sons than the previously married one'. 'Arranging stones' stands for the Church's truths, 'foundations in sapphires' for truths shining through on lowest levels.

[9] 'Sapphire' is used with a similar meaning in Jeremiah,

Her Nazirites were brighter than snow, they were whiter than milk. Their bones 1 were ruddier than pearls, 2 polished like sapphire. 3 Lamentations 4:7.

'Nazirites' in the representative sense meant the Lord in respect of the Divine Natural, 3301, 6437, and therefore also Divine Truth emanating from Him as it exists on its lowest levels, that is, the Word in the sense of the letter. For 'the hair', which is implied by 'Nazirites' here, and is said to be 'brighter than snow and whiter than milk', means truth on its lowest levels, 3301, 5247, 5570, 'brightness' and 'whiteness' having reference to truth, 3301, 5319. 'Bones that were ruddy' means factual knowledge of truth, or truth on its lowest level, which acts as servant to all other levels, 6592, 8005, 'ruddiness' having reference to the good of love present in truths, 3300. From all this it is evident that 'sapphire' means truth on the lowest levels which is translucent with inner truths.

[10] In Ezekiel,

Above the expanse that was above the heads of the cherubs, in appearance like a sapphire stone, there was the likeness of a throne, and above the likeness of a throne there was the appearance of a man (homo) sitting upon it. Ezekiel 1:26; 10:1.

'The cherubs' are the Lord's protection and providence, guarding against access to Him except through good, 9277 (end). 'A throne over which there was the appearance of a man' is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, 5313, 6397, 9039. From this it is evident that 'a sapphire stone' means truth translucent with inner truths; that is to say, 'a stone' means truth, and 'sapphire' translucence.

[11] The reason why all things of the Word are translucent with the Lord is that Divine Truth emanating from the Lord is the one and only source of everything there. For what is primary is the one and only vital element present in the things which follow and are derived from it, because they have their being in it and come into being from it; and the Divine Truth is the Lord. Here also lies the reason why the subject in the highest sense of the Word is the Lord alone, His love, providence, kingdom in heaven and on earth, and especially the glorification of His Human.

[12] The fact that the Divine Truth is the Lord Himself is evident from the consideration that whatever emanates from someone is the someone himself. What emanates for instance from a person when he speaks or acts originates in his will and understanding; and will and understanding constitute a person's life, thus the person himself. For the human being is not a human being by virtue of the shape of face and body but by virtue of an understanding that sees what is true and a will that intends what is good. From this it becomes clear that what emanates from the Lord is the Lord; and the fact that this is Divine Truth has been shown often in what has gone before.

[13] But anyone unacquainted with the arcana of heaven may suppose that the nature of Divine Truth which emanates from the Lord is no different from that of spoken words emanating from a human being. It is not spoken words however; rather It is the Divine filling the heavens, like light and heat from the sun filling the world. This may be illustrated by means of the spheres which emanate from the angels in heaven, dealt with in 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504-1520, 1695, 2401, 4464, 5179, 6206 (end), 6598-6613, 7454, 8063, 8630, 8794, 8797. In these places it has been shown and may be seen that they are spheres of the truth of faith and the good of love received from the Lord. But the Divine sphere which emanates from the Lord and is called Divine Truth spreads everywhere; as has been stated, it fills the whole of heaven and composes all of the life there. It appears before the eyes there as light, which enlightens not only angels' sight but also their minds. That same light is in addition what composes a person's understanding in the world. This is the meaning in John,

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. He was the true light which enlightens every person coming into the world. And the world was made by Him. John 1:4, 9-10.

These words refer to Divine Truth, which in this chapter is called 'the Word'; and Divine Truth or 'the Word' - it says - is the Lord Himself.

[14] That light, which is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, was described by the ancients as radiating rings of golden hue around the head and body of God represented as a human being. For the ancients had no thought of God except of Him in human form.

[15] When a person is governed by good, and because of good is guided by truths, this person is raised to that Divine light, and - according to the amount and essential nature of the good - to interior light. This provides him with a general enlightenment in which the Lord enables him to see countless truths and to perceive them from good. At this time that person is led by the Lord to discern and absorb those which are suitable to him. He is led to do so as regards the most specific things, in keeping with order, so far as it contributes to his eternal life. The words 'as regards the most specific things' are used because the Lord's providence reigns universally, and it does so because it is present in the most specific things. For specific things are at the same called what is universal, 1919 (end), 6159, 6338, 6482, 6483, 8864, 8865.


1. i.e. bodies

2. In other places where Swedenborg quotes this verse he has rubies or gem stones.

3. literally, sapphire their polishing


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4966



4966. 'The chief of the attendants' means which facts come first and foremost in explanations. This is clear from the meaning of 'the chief of the attendants' as the facts which come first and foremost in explanations, dealt with in 4790. Ones which come first and foremost in explanations are those which are pre-eminently suitable for explaining the Word, and so for coming to understand teachings drawn from the Word about love to God and charity towards the neighbour. It should be recognized that the factual knowledge of the people of old was entirely different from that existing at the present day. As stated above, the factual knowledge of the people of old had to do with the correspondences of things in the natural world with realities in the spiritual world. Knowledge which at the present day is called philosophical knowledge, such as Aristotelian systems and their like, did not exist among them. This is also evident from the books written by ancient authors, most of which consisted of descriptions of such things as were signs of, represented, and corresponded to more internal realities, as may be seen from the following evidence, and ignoring all else.

[2] They envisaged Helicon on a mountain and took it to mean heaven, and Parnassus on a hill below that, and took it to mean factual knowledge. They spoke of a flying horse, called Pegasus by them, which broke open a fountain there with its hoof; they called branches of knowledge virgins; and so on. For with the help of correspondences and representatives they knew that 'a mountain' meant heaven, 'a hill' the heaven beneath this, which is heaven as it exists among men, a horse' the power of understanding, 'its wings with which it flew' spiritual things, 'its hoof' that which was natural, 'a fountain' intelligence, while three virgins called 'the Graces' meant affections for good, and virgins who were named 'the Heliconians and 'the Parnassians' meant affections for truth. To the sun they likewise allotted horses, whose food they called ambrosia and whose drink they called nectar; for they knew that 'the sun' meant heavenly love, 'horses' powers of the understanding which sprang from that love, while 'food' meant celestial things and 'drink' spiritual ones.

[3] The Ancients are also the originators of customs that are still followed when kings are crowned. The king has to sit on a silver throne, wear a purple robe, and be anointed with oil. He has to wear a crown on his head, while holding in his hands a sceptre, a sword, and keys. He has to ride in regal splendour on a white horse shed with horseshoes made of silver; and he has to be waited on at table by the chief nobles of the kingdom. And many other customs are followed besides these. The Ancients knew that 'a king' represented Divine Truth that is rooted in Divine Good, and from this they knew what was meant by a silver throne, a purple robe, anointing oil, crown, sceptre, sword, keys, white horse, horseshoes made of silver, and what was meant by being waited on at table by the chief nobles. Who at the present day knows the meaning of any of these customs, or where the information exists to show him their meaning? People refer to them as symbols, but they know nothing at all about correspondence or representation. All this evidence shows what the factual knowledge possessed by the Ancients was like, and that this knowledge gave them a discernment of spiritual and heavenly realities, which at the present day are scarcely known to exist.

[4] The factual knowledge that has replaced that of the Ancients, and which strictly speaking is called philosophical knowledge, tends to draw the mind away from knowing such things because such knowledge can also be employed to substantiate false ideas. Furthermore, even when used to substantiate true ones it introduces darkness into the mind, because for the most part mere terms are used to substantiate them, which few people can understand and which the few who do understand them argue about. From this it may be seen how far the human race has departed from the learning of the Ancients, which led to wisdom. Gentiles received their factual knowledge from the Ancient Church, whose external worship consisted in representatives and meaningful signs and whose internal worship consisted in the realities represented and meant by these. This was the kind of factual knowledge that is meant in the genuine sense by 'Egypt'.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.