




1 Y vino Palabra del SEÑOR a mí, diciendo:

2 Y tú, hijo de hombre, ¿no juzgarás tú, no juzgarás tú a la ciudad derramadora de la sangre inocente, y le mostrarás todas sus abominaciones?

3 Dirás, pues: Así dijo el Señor DIOS: ¡Ciudad derramadora de sangre en medio de sí, para que venga su hora, y que hizo ídolos contra sí misma para contaminarse!

4 En tu sangre que derramaste has pecado, y te has contaminado con tus ídolos que hiciste; y has hecho acercar tus días, y has llegado a tus años; por tanto, te he dado en oprobio a los gentiles, y en escarnio a todas las tierras.

5 Las que están cerca, y las que están lejos de ti, se reirán de ti, amancillada de fama, y de grande turbación.

6 He aquí que los príncipes de Israel, cada uno según su poder, fueron en ti para derramar sangre.

7 Al padre y a la madre despreciaron en ti; al extranjero trataron con calumnia en medio de ti; al huérfano y a la viuda despojaron en ti.

8 Mis santuarios menospreciaste, y mis sábados has profanado.

9 Calumniadores hubo en ti para derramar sangre; y sobre los montes comieron en ti; hicieron en medio de ti suciedades.

10 La desnudez del padre descubrieron en ti; la inmunda de menstruo forzaron en ti.

11 Y cada uno hizo abominación con la mujer de su prójimo; y cada uno contaminó su nuera torpemente; y cada uno forzó en ti a su hermana, hija de su padre.

12 Precio recibieron en ti para derramar sangre; usura y logro tomaste, y a tus prójimos defraudaste con violencia; te olvidaste de mí, dijo el Señor DIOS.

13 Y he aquí, que herí mi mano a causa de tu avaricia que cometiste, y a causa de tus sangres que fueron en medio de ti.

14 ¿Estará firme tu corazón? ¿Tus manos serán fuertes en los días que obraré yo contra ti? Yo, el SEÑOR, he hablado, y lo haré.

15 Y yo te esparciré por los gentiles, y te aventaré por las tierras; y haré fenecer de ti tu inmundicia.

16 Y tomarás heredad en ti a los ojos de los gentiles; y sabrás que yo soy el SEÑOR.

17 Y vino Palabra del SEÑOR a mí, diciendo:

18 Hijo de hombre, la Casa de Israel se me ha tornado en escoria; todos ellos como bronce, y estaño, y hierro, y plomo, en medio del horno; escorias de plata se tornaron.

19 Por tanto, así dijo el Señor DIOS: Por cuanto todos vosotros os habéis tornado en escorias, por tanto, he aquí que yo os junto en medio de Jerusalén.

20 Como quien junta plata y bronce y hierro y plomo y estaño en medio del horno, para soplar fuego en él para fundir; así os juntaré en mi furor y en mi ira, y haré os reposar, y os fundiré.

21 Yo os juntaré y soplaré sobre vosotros en el fuego de mi furor, y en medio de él seréis fundidos.

22 Como se funde la plata en medio del horno, así seréis fundidos en medio de él; y sabréis que yo, el SEÑOR, habré derramado mi enojo sobre vosotros.

23 Y vino Palabra del SEÑOR a mí, diciendo:

24 Hijo de hombre, di a ella: Tú no eres tierra limpia, ni rociada con lluvia en el día del furor.

25 La conjuración de sus profetas en medio de ella, como león bramando que arrebata presa; devoraron almas, tomaron haciendas y honra, aumentaron sus viudas en medio de ella.

26 Sus sacerdotes violentaron mi ley, y contaminaron mis santuarios, entre lo santo y lo profano no hicieron diferencia, ni entre inmundo y limpio hicieron manifestación; y de mis sábados escondieron sus ojos, y yo era profanado en medio de ellos.

27 Sus príncipes en medio de ella como lobos que arrebataban presa, derramando sangre, para destruir las almas, para seguir su avaricia.

28 Y sus profetas los pañetaban con lodo suelto, profetizándoles vanidad, y adivinándoles mentira, diciendo: Así dijo el Señor DIOS; y el Señor no había hablado.

29 El pueblo de la tierra usaba de opresión, y cometía robo, y al pobre y menesteroso hacían violencia, y al extranjero oprimían sin derecho.

30 Y busqué de ellos hombre que hiciese vallado y que se pusiese al portillo delante de mí por la tierra, para que yo no la destruyese; y no lo hallé.

31 Por tanto, derramé sobre ellos mi ira; con el fuego de mi ira los consumí; torné el camino de ellos sobre su cabeza, dijo el Señor DIOS.




Apocalypse Explained#126



126. And I will give thee a crown of life. That this signifies wisdom, and thence eternal happiness, is evident from the signification of a crown, when said of those who are in the spiritual affection of the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good, as being wisdom, concerning which more will be said in what follows; and from the signification of life, as being eternal happiness, which is also called life eternal. The reason why those who are in the spiritual affection of truth and good, and who are here treated of, have eternal happiness is, that heaven is implanted in man by means of the knowledges of truth and good from the Word. He who believes that heaven is implanted by any other means, is much deceived; for man is born natural only, with the faculty of becoming spiritual; but he becomes spiritual by means of truths from the Word, and by a life according to them. How can any one ever become spiritual, unless he be instructed about the Lord, about heaven, a life after death, faith, and love, and other things which are the means of salvation? If man is ignorant of these things, he must remain natural; and a merely natural man cannot have anything in common with the angels of heaven, who are spiritual.

Man has two minds, one exterior, and the other interior; the exterior mind is called the natural mind, but the interior is called the spiritual mind; the former is opened by means of the knowledges (cognitiones) of things in the world, but the latter by the knowledges (cognitiones) of things which are in heaven; these the Word teaches, and the church from the Word; by means of these man becomes spiritual, when he knows them and lives according to them.

[2] This is meant by the words of the Lord in John:

"Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (3:5):

by water, are signified the truths of faith, and by spirit, a life according to them (as may be seen above, n. 71; and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 202-209). Very many people believe at this day, that mankind will go to heaven solely by sacred worship performed in temples, and by adorations and prayers; but such of them as are unconcerned about the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good from the Word, and who neglect to furnish not only the memory, but also the life, with these, remain natural as before, nor do they become spiritual, because their sacred worship, adorations and prayers, do not proceed from a spiritual origin; for their spiritual mind is not opened by the knowledges of spiritual things and by a life according to them, but is empty; and worship proceeding from what is void is only a natural gesture, within which there is nothing spiritual. If such persons are insincere and unjust as to moral and civil life, then their sacred worship, adorations and prayers are inwardly of such a nature as to repel heaven, instead of which they believe that they receive heaven by this means; for such worship is like a vessel containing putrid or filthy matters, which filter through; it is also like a splendid garment that clothes a body covered with ulcers: I have seen many thousands of such cast into hell. But it is otherwise with the holy worship, the adorations and prayers of those who are in the knowledges of truth and good, and whose life is in accordance with them; with such, those things are pleasing to the Lord, for they are the effects of their spirit in the body, or the effects of their faith and love, and thus are not only natural gestures, but spiritual acts.

From these considerations it is evident that the knowledges of truth and good from the Word, and a life in agreement with them, alone make man spiritual: and that he who is thus made spiritual can be gifted with angelic wisdom from the Lord, together with eternal happiness; nor do the angels derive happiness from any other source than wisdom.

[3] The reason why a crown signifies wisdom is, that all those things that clothe man, and distinguish him, derive their signification from that part of him which they clothe or adorn (see Arcana Coelestia 9827), and a crown signifies wisdom, because it is worn on the head, by which in the Word wisdom is signified, for there wisdom resides. Accordingly it is written in Ezekiel:

"I have adorned thee with ornament, and I have placed bracelets upon thy hands; and a chain upon thy neck. Moreover, I have put a jewel upon thy nose, and earrings upon thine ears, and a crown of ornament upon thy head" (16:11, 12).

Jerusalem is here treated of, by which is signified the church, as established by the Lord, and its quality; by the particular adornments here mentioned are meant, in the spiritual sense, such things as belong to the church; these derive their respective significations from the part to which they are applied; by a crown is here meant wisdom. (But what is meant specifically by ornament, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 10536, 10540; what by bracelets, n. 3103, 3105; what by a chain, n. 5320; what by a jewel, n. 4551; and what by earrings, n. 4551, 10402.) Similarly the wisdom that is from the knowledges of truth and good from the Word and from a life according to them, is signified by a crown in many other passages in the Word, as in Isaiah 28:5; Jeremiah 13:18; Lamentations 5:15, 16; Ezekiel 21:25, 26; 23:42; Zech. 6:11-13; Psalms 89:38, 39; 132:17, 18; Job. 19:9; Apoc. 3:11; 4:4. The custom of crowning kings comes down from ancient times, when men were acquainted with representatives and significatives, for they knew that kings represented the Lord as to Divine truth, and that a crown was used to signify wisdom. (That kings represented the Lord as to Divine truth, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4581, 4966, 5068, 6148.) That those who are in truths are called kings and kings' sons (see above, n. 31). And because those who are in the knowledges of truth are called kings in the Word, and kings have crowns, therefore in this place, where they are treated of, it is said that they should receive a crown of life.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.