




1 Y ACONTECIO después de estas cosas, que el copero del rey de Egipto y el panadero delinquieron contra su señor el rey de Egipto.

2 Y enojóse Faraón contra sus dos eunucos, contra el principal de los coperos, y contra el principal de los panaderos:

3 Y púsolos en prisión en la casa del capitán de los de la guardia, en la casa de la cárcel donde José estaba preso.

4 Y el capitán de los de la guardia dió cargo de ellos á José, y él les servía: y estuvieron días en la prisión.

5 Y ambos á dos, el copero y el panadero del rey de Egipto, que estaban arrestados en la prisión, vieron un sueño, cada uno su sueño en una misma noche, cada uno conforme á la declaración de su sueño.

6 Y vino á ellos José por la mañana, y mirólos, y he aquí que estaban tristes.

7 Y él preguntó á aquellos eunucos de Faraón, que estaban con él en la prisión de la casa de su señor, diciendo: ¿Por qué parecen hoy mal vuestros semblantes?

8 Y ellos le dijeron: Hemos tenido un sueño, y no hay quien lo declare. Entonces les dijo José: ¿No son de Dios las declaraciones? Contádmelo ahora.

9 Entonces el principal de los coperos contó su sueño á José, y díjole: Yo soñaba que veía una vid delante de mí,

10 Y en la vid tres sarmientos; y ella como que brotaba, y arrojaba su flor, viniendo á madurar sus racimos de uvas:

11 Y que la copa de Faraón estaba en mi mano, y tomaba yo las uvas, y las exprimía en la copa de Faraón, y daba yo la copa en mano de Faraón.

12 Y díjole José: Esta es su declaración: Los tres sarmientos son tres días:

13 Al cabo de tres días Faraón te hará levantar cabeza, y te restituirá á tu puesto: y darás la copa á Faraón en su mano, como solías cuando eras su copero.

14 Acuérdate, pues, de mí para contigo cuando tuvieres ese bien, y ruégote que uses conmigo de misericordia, y hagas mención de mí á Faraón, y me saques de esta casa:

15 Porque hurtado he sido de la tierra de los Hebreos; y tampoco he hecho aquí porqué me hubiesen de poner en la cárcel.

16 Y viendo el principal de los panaderos que había declarado para bien, dijo á José: También yo soñaba que veía tres canastillos blancos sobre mi cabeza;

17 Y en el canastillo más alto había de todas las viandas de Faraón, obra de panadero; y que las aves las comían del canastillo de sobre mi cabeza.

18 Entonces respondió José, y dijo: Esta es su declaración: Los tres canastillos tres días son;

19 Al cabo de tres días quitará Faraón tu cabeza de sobre ti, y te hará colgar en la horca, y las aves comerán tu carne de sobre ti.

20 Y fué el tercero día el día del nacimiento de Faraón, é hizo banquete á todos sus sirvientes: y alzó la cabeza del principal de los coperos, y la cabeza del principal de los panaderos, entre sus servidores.

21 E hizo volver á su oficio al principal de los coperos; y dió él la copa en mano de Faraón.

22 Mas hizo ahorcar al principal de los panaderos, como le había declarado José.

23 Y el principal de los coperos no se acordó de José, sino que le olvidó.




Arcana Coelestia#5126



5126. 'And you will put Pharaoh's cup into his hand' means in order that they might consequently serve the interior natural. This is clear from the meaning of 'putting the cup to drink' as making one's own, dealt with above in 5120, besides the obvious meaning of serving; and from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the interior natural, dealt with in 5080, 5095, 5118. For there is an interior natural and there is an exterior natural, the exterior natural being made up of impressions which enter in directly from the world by way of the senses into the natural mind, that is to say, they enter the memory belonging to that mind and therefore enter the place where mental images are formed, see 5118.

[2] So that people can know what the exterior natural and what the interior natural are like, which make up the exterior man, and from this can know what the rational is which makes up the interior man, a brief reference to them must be made here. From infancy to childhood a person relies solely on his senses, for during those years he is receiving, through his bodily senses, nothing but earthly, bodily, and worldly impressions, which during those years are also the raw material from which he forms his ideas and thoughts. Communication with the interior man has not yet been opened up, except insofar as he is able to take in and hold on to those impressions. The innocence which exists in him at this time is solely external, not internal, because true innocence resides within wisdom. But the Lord uses this - his external innocence - to bring order into what enters through the senses. If innocence did not come to him from the Lord in that first period no foundation would ever be laid down on which the intellectual or rational degree of the mind proper to a human being could be established.

[3] From childhood to early youth communication is opened up with the interior natural, by the person's learning about what is decent, public-spirited, and honourable, both through what parents and teachers tell him and through his own efforts to find out about such matters. During early youth to later youth however communication is opened up between the natural and the rational, by his learning about what is true and what is good so far as his public life and private life are concerned, and above all about what is good and what is true so far as his spiritual life is concerned, all of which he learns about through listening to and reading the Word. Indeed insofar as he uses truths to immerse himself in good deeds, that is, insofar as he puts the truths he learns into practice, the rational is opened up; but insofar as he does not use truths to immerse himself in good deeds, or does not put truths into practice, the rational is not opened up. Nevertheless the things he has come to know remain within the natural; that is to say, they remain in his memory, left on the doorstep so to speak outside the house.

[4] But insofar - during these years and the next period of life - as he impairs the things he knows, refuses to accept them, and acts contrary to them, that is, insofar as he believes falsities and practises evils instead, the rational is closed, as is the interior natural also. But in spite of that, the Lord's Divine Providence enables communication to remain open enough to give him the ability to understand the good or truth he knows about. But he does not make these his own unless he truly repents and for a long while after that wrestles with falsities and evils. With people however who allow themselves to be regenerated the opposite takes place; for gradually, that is, in consecutive stages, their rational is opened up, the interior natural then becoming ranged in order beneath it, and the exterior natural beneath that. This occurs especially in the period from late youth to adulthood; it also continues in progressive stages to the final period of those regenerating people's lives, and after that in heaven for ever. From all this one may know what constitutes a person's interior natural and what his exterior natural.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.