




1 Y HABLO Jehová á Moisés, diciendo:

2 Mira, yo he llamado por su nombre á Bezaleel, hijo de Uri, hijo de Hur, de la tribu de Judá;

3 Y lo he henchido de espíritu de Dios, en sabiduría, y en inteligencia, y en ciencia, y en todo artificio,

4 Para inventar diseños, para trabajar en oro, y en plata, y en metal,

5 Y en artificio de piedras para engastar las, y en artificio de madera; para obrar en toda suerte de labor.

6 Y he aquí que yo he puesto con él á Aholiab, hijo de Ahisamac, de la tribu de Dan: y he puesto sabiduría en el ánimo de todo sabio de corazón, para que hagan todo lo que te he mandado:

7 El tabernáculo del testimonio, y el arca del testimonio, y la cubierta que está sobre ella, y todos los vasos del tabernáculo;

8 Y la mesa y sus vasos, y el candelero limpio y todos sus vasos, y el altar del perfume;

9 Y el altar del holocausto y todos sus vasos, y la fuente y su basa;

10 Y los vestidos del servicio, y las santas vestiduras para Aarón el sacerdote, y las vestiduras de sus hijos, para que ejerzan el sacerdocio;

11 Y el aceite de la unción, y el perfume aromático para el santuario: harán conforme á todo lo que te he mandado.

12 Habló además Jehová á Moisés, diciendo:

13 Y tú hablarás á los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Con todo eso vosotros guardaréis mis sábados: porque es señal entre mí y vosotros por vuestras edades, para que sepáis que yo soy Jehová que os santifico.

14 Así que guardaréis el sábado, porque santo es á vosotros: el que lo profanare, de cierto morirá; porque cualquiera que hiciere obra alguna en él, aquella alma será cortada de en medio de sus pueblos.

15 Seis días se hará obra, mas el día séptimo es sábado de reposo consagrado á Jehová; cualquiera que hiciere obra el día del sábado, morirá ciertamente.

16 Guardarán, pues, el sábado los hijos de Israel: celebrándolo por sus edades por pacto perpetuo:

17 Señal es para siempre entre mí y los hijos de Israel; porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, y en el séptimo día cesó, y reposó.

18 Y dió á Moisés, como acabó de hablar con él en el monte de Sinaí, dos tablas del testimonio, tablas de piedra escritas con el dedo de Dios.







59. The statements made in 55 above about the proclamation, holiness, and power of the law may be found in the following passages in the Word: Jehovah came down in fire upon Mount Sinai and the mountain smoked and shook; and there was thunder, lightning, thick clouds, and the sound of a trumpet (Exodus 19:16, 18; Deuteronomy 4:11; 5:22-23). Before Jehovah came down, the people spent three days preparing and sanctifying themselves (Exodus 19:10-11, 15). The mountain was fenced off so that no one would approach and come near its base and die; not even priests were allowed near; Moses alone was allowed (Exodus 19:12-13, 20-23; 24:1-2). The law was proclaimed from Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:2-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21). The law was written on two stone tablets by the finger of God (Exodus 31:18; 32:15-16; Deuteronomy 9:10). When Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain the second time, his face shone (Exodus 34:29-35). The tablets were placed in an ark (Exodus 25:16; 40:20; Deuteronomy 10:5; 1 Kings 8:9). On top of the ark there was a mercy seat, and on the mercy seat were placed angel guardians made of gold (Exodus 25:17-21). The ark, with the mercy seat and the angel guardians, formed the very heart of the tabernacle, while the golden lampstand, the golden altar of incense, and the gilded table for the showbread were placed just outside [the veil], and all these objects were surrounded in turn by the ten curtains of fine linen and purple and scarlet [thread] (Exodus 25:1 to the end; 26:1 to the end; Exodus40:17-28). The area set aside for the ark was called "the most holy place" (Exodus 26:33). The whole Israelite population camped around the dwelling, in a set arrangement tribe by tribe, and traveled behind it in a set sequence (Numbers 2:1 to the end). There was a cloud above the tabernacle in the daytime then, and fire above it at night (Exodus 40:38; Numbers 9:15-16 to the end; 14:14; Deuteronomy 1:33). The Lord spoke with Moses from above the ark, between the angel guardians (Exodus 25:22; Numbers 7:89). Because it contained the law, the ark was called "Jehovah" there: when the ark would set out, Moses would say, "Rise up, Jehovah, " and when it would come to rest he would say, "Return, Jehovah" (Numbers 10:35-36; see also 2 Samuel 6:2 and Psalms 132:7-8). Because of the holiness of the law, Aaron was not allowed to go behind the veil without sacrifices and incense (Leviticus 16:2-14 and following). David brought the ark into Zion with sacrifices and rejoicing (2 Samuel 6:1-19). At that time Uzzah died because he touched the ark (2 Samuel 6:6-7). [Solomon] placed the ark at the center of the Jerusalem temple, where he had made an inner sanctuary for it (1 Kings 6:19 and following; 8:3-9). Because of the Lord's presence and power in the law that was in the ark, the waters of the Jordan were cut off; and as long as the ark rested in its midst, the people crossed over on dry ground (Joshua 3:1-17; 4:5-20). The walls of Jericho fell because the ark was carried around them (Joshua 6:1-20). Dagon, the god of the Philistines, fell to the earth before the ark and later lay on the threshold of the shrine with its head broken off (1 Samuel 5:1-4). Tens of thousands of the people of Beth-shemesh were struck down because of the ark (1 Samuel 6:19).


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.