




1 Y HABLO Dios todas estas palabras, diciendo:

2 Yo soy JEHOVA tu Dios, que te saqué de la tierra de Egipto, de casa de siervos.

3 No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí.

4 No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza de cosa que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni en las aguas debajo de la tierra:

5 No te inclinarás á ellas, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, fuerte, celoso, que visito la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos, sobre los terceros y sobre los cuartos, á los que me aborrecen,

6 Y que hago misericordia en millares á los que me aman, y guardan mis mandamientos.

7 No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano; porque no dará por inocente Jehová al que tomare su nombre en vano.

8 Acordarte has del día del reposo, para santificarlo:

9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra;

10 Mas el séptimo día será reposo para Jehová tu Dios: no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas:

11 Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, la mar y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día: por tanto Jehová bendijo el día del reposo y lo santificó.

12 Honra á tu padre y á tu madre, porque tus días se alarguen en la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da.

13 No matarás.

14 No cometerás adulterio.

15 No hurtarás.

16 No hablarás contra tu prójimo falso testimonio.

17 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.

18 Todo el pueblo consideraba las voces, y las llamas, y el sonido de la bocina, y el monte que humeaba: y viéndolo el pueblo, temblaron, y pusiéronse de lejos.

19 Y dijeron á Moisés: Habla tú con nosotros, que nosotros oiremos; mas no hable Dios con nosotros, porque no muramos.

20 Y Moisés respondió al pueblo: No temáis; que por probaros vino Dios, y porque su temor esté en vuestra presencia para que no pequéis.

21 Entonces el pueblo se puso de lejos, y Moisés se llegó á la osbcuridad en la cual estaba Dios.

22 Y Jehová dijo á Moisés: Así dirás á los hijos de Israel: Vosotros habéis visto que he hablado desde el cielo con vosotros.

23 No hagáis conmigo dioses de plata, ni dioses de oro os haréis.

24 Altar de tierra harás para mí, y sacrificarás sobre él tus holocaustos y tus pacíficos, tus ovejas y tus vacas: en cualquier lugar donde yo hiciere que esté la memoria de mi nombre, vendré á ti, y te bendeciré.

25 Y si me hicieres altar de piedras, no las labres de cantería; porque si alzares tu pico sobre él, tú lo profanarás.

26 Y no subirás por gradas á mi altar, porque tu desnudez no sea junto á él descubierta.




Apocalypse Revealed#457



457. Still did not repent of the works of their hands. This symbolically means, nor did they refrain from their native proclivities, which are evils of every kind, as being sins.

The works of a person's hands symbolize a person's native proclivities, which are evils and their attendant falsities, because the hands symbolize in summary the things that emanate from a person; for the forces of the mind and consequently of the body are directed into the hands and terminate there. Consequently the hands in the Word symbolize power. For the same reason the works of a person's hands symbolize his native proclivities, which are evils and falsities of every kind. Evils are the native proclivities of his will, and the attendant falsities the native proclivities of his intellect.

We are told regarding the people who are the subject here that they did not repent, because people who make faith alone the totality of religion say to themselves, "What need do I have of repentance, when through faith alone our sins are forgiven and we are saved? What do our works contribute to this? I know that I was born in sin and that I am a sinner. If I confess this and pray that my faults not be imputed to me, then I have repented. What need do I have of anything more?"

Thus the person then gives no thought to sin, even to the point of not knowing what sins are. Consequently the delight and gratification they afford continually carry him along in them and into them, the way a favorable wind and current carry a ship onto rocks when both captain and crew are asleep.

[2] In the natural sense of the Word, the works of a person's hands mean carved images, cast images, and idols; but in its spiritual sense, they symbolize evils and falsities of every kind, which are a person's native proclivities. As, for example, in the following passages:

...do not provoke Me to anger by the work of your hands...; (if you were) to provoke Me to anger by the work of your hands to your own hurt..., I will repay them according to their work and according to the deeds of their hands. (Jeremiah 25:6-7, 14)

...the children of Israel have provoked Me... to anger by the work of their hands... (Jeremiah 32:30, cf. 44:8)

I will utter My judgments against them concerning all their wickedness, because they... bowed themselves to the works of their hands. (Jeremiah 1:16)

In that day... people's eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel, and... not to the altars, the work of their hands, and... what their fingers have made... (Isaiah 17:7-8, cf. 31:7; 37:19, Jeremiah 10:9)

[3] The work of a person's hands is his own doing, thus evil and falsity, and this can be clearly seen from the fact that it was for this reason that the Israelites were forbidden to built an altar or temple out of hewn stones, or to use an iron tool on those stones; for they symbolized the work of a person's hands:

If you make Me an altar of stones, you shall not build it of hewn stones; for if you use your chisel on it, you will profane it. (Exodus 20:25)

Joshua built... an altar of... stones, on which he did not use an iron tool. (Joshua 8:30-31)

The temple (at Jerusalem)...was built of whole stone, and no hammer or axe or any iron tool was heard... while it was being built. (1 Kings 6:7)

[4] Everything that the Lord does is likewise called the work of His hands, and these are His inherent attributes, which in themselves are goods and truths. As, for example, in the following places:

The works of (Jehovah's) hands are truth and judgment. (Psalms 111:7)

Your mercy, O Jehovah, endures forever; do not cease the works of Your hands. (Psalms 138:8)

Thus said Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: "Seek from Me signs concerning My children; concerning the work of My hands, command Me." (Isaiah 45:11)

Your people are all just..., the offshoot of My planting, the work of My hands... (Isaiah 60:21)

...O Jehovah, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter, and all we the work of Your hands. (Isaiah 64:8)


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.