




1 Y HABLO Dios todas estas palabras, diciendo:

2 Yo soy JEHOVA tu Dios, que te saqué de la tierra de Egipto, de casa de siervos.

3 No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí.

4 No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza de cosa que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni en las aguas debajo de la tierra:

5 No te inclinarás á ellas, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, fuerte, celoso, que visito la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos, sobre los terceros y sobre los cuartos, á los que me aborrecen,

6 Y que hago misericordia en millares á los que me aman, y guardan mis mandamientos.

7 No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano; porque no dará por inocente Jehová al que tomare su nombre en vano.

8 Acordarte has del día del reposo, para santificarlo:

9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra;

10 Mas el séptimo día será reposo para Jehová tu Dios: no hagas en él obra alguna, tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está dentro de tus puertas:

11 Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, la mar y todas las cosas que en ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día: por tanto Jehová bendijo el día del reposo y lo santificó.

12 Honra á tu padre y á tu madre, porque tus días se alarguen en la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da.

13 No matarás.

14 No cometerás adulterio.

15 No hurtarás.

16 No hablarás contra tu prójimo falso testimonio.

17 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.

18 Todo el pueblo consideraba las voces, y las llamas, y el sonido de la bocina, y el monte que humeaba: y viéndolo el pueblo, temblaron, y pusiéronse de lejos.

19 Y dijeron á Moisés: Habla tú con nosotros, que nosotros oiremos; mas no hable Dios con nosotros, porque no muramos.

20 Y Moisés respondió al pueblo: No temáis; que por probaros vino Dios, y porque su temor esté en vuestra presencia para que no pequéis.

21 Entonces el pueblo se puso de lejos, y Moisés se llegó á la osbcuridad en la cual estaba Dios.

22 Y Jehová dijo á Moisés: Así dirás á los hijos de Israel: Vosotros habéis visto que he hablado desde el cielo con vosotros.

23 No hagáis conmigo dioses de plata, ni dioses de oro os haréis.

24 Altar de tierra harás para mí, y sacrificarás sobre él tus holocaustos y tus pacíficos, tus ovejas y tus vacas: en cualquier lugar donde yo hiciere que esté la memoria de mi nombre, vendré á ti, y te bendeciré.

25 Y si me hicieres altar de piedras, no las labres de cantería; porque si alzares tu pico sobre él, tú lo profanarás.

26 Y no subirás por gradas á mi altar, porque tu desnudez no sea junto á él descubierta.




Apocalypse Revealed#213



213. "'That the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed.'" This symbolically means, so as not to profane and adulterate the goodness of heavenly love.

No one can know the symbolic meaning of the shame of nakedness unless he knows that the reproductive organs in both sexes, called also the genitalia, correspond to celestial love.

To be shown that the human body and all its constituents have a correspondence with the heavens, see the book Heaven and Hell, published in London in , nos. 87-102. And to be shown that the reproductive organs correspond to celestial love, see Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), also published in London, nos. 5050-5062.

Now because these organs correspond to celestial love, which is the love found in the third or inmost heaven, and because a person is born of his parents into loves contrary to that love, it is apparent that if he does not acquire for himself the goodness of love and the truth of wisdom from the Lord, which are symbolically meant by gold refined in fire and white garments, he will be seen to be impelled by a contrary love, which in itself is profane.

[2] This latter circumstance is symbolically meant by uncovering nakedness and manifesting the shame of it, in the following places:

Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and his private parts be seen. (Revelation 16:15)

...daughter of Babylon (and of the Chaldeans), sit on the ground... Uncover your hair..., uncover the thigh, pass through the rivers. Let your nakedness be uncovered; yes, let your shame be seen. (Isaiah 47:1-3)

Woe to the bloody city! ...Because of the multitude of (her) harlotries... I will uncover your skirts in front of you, and I will show the nations your nakedness, and the kingdoms your disgrace. (Nahum 3:1, 4-5)

Contend with your mother... lest I strip her naked... (Hosea 2:2-4)

When I passed by you... I covered your nakedness... Then I washed you... and... I clothed you... But you... played the harlot... not remembering your youth, when you were naked and bare... (Therefore) your nakedness was uncovered... (Ezekiel 16:6ff.)

Jerusalem has sinned gravely; therefore... all... despise her, because they have seen her nakedness. (Lamentations 1:8)

Jerusalem, of which these things were said, means the church; and to play the harlot means, symbolically, to adulterate and falsify the Word (no. 134).

Woe to him who makes his neighbor drink..., making him drunk, that you may look on his nakedness! ...Drink, you too, that your uncircumcised foreskin may be exposed! (Habakkuk 2:15-16)

[3] Someone who knows what nakedness symbolizes can understand what is symbolically meant by the statement that when Noah was drunk from drinking wine he lay uncovered inside his tent, and Ham saw and laughed at his nakedness, but Shem and Japheth covered his nakedness, turning their faces away so as not to see it (Genesis 9:21-23). He can understand also why it was decreed that Aaron and his sons should not go up by steps to the altar, that their nakedness might not be exposed (Exodus 20:26). And so, too, why it was decreed that they should make for them linen trousers to cover their naked flesh, that they should have these on when they came near the altar, and that otherwise they would bear their iniquity and die (Exodus 28:42-43).

Nakedness in these places symbolizes the evils into which a person is born, which, because they are contrary to the goodness of celestial love, are in themselves profane and are removed only by truths and by living in accordance with those truths. Linen also symbolizes truth (no. 671[1-2]).

[4] Nakedness in addition symbolizes innocence, and also ignorance of goodness and truth. Innocence is symbolized by the statement, "they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they had no cause for shame" (Genesis 2:25). Ignorance of goodness and truth is symbolized by the following:

...this... fast that I choose: ...to break bread with the hungry..., and... when you see the naked man, to cover him. (Isaiah 58:6-7)

He gives his bread to the hungry man, and covers the naked one with clothing. (Ezekiel 18:7)

...I was hungry and you gave Me food...; I was naked and you clothed Me. (Matthew 25:35-36)


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.