




1 И было ко мне слово Господне:

2 сын человеческий! скажи начальствующему в Тире: так говорит Господь Бог: за то, что вознеслось сердце твое и ты говоришь: „я Бог, восседаю на седалище божием, в сердце морей", и будучи человеком, а не Богом, ставишь ум твой наравне с умом Божиим, –

3 вот, ты премудрее Даниила, нет тайны, сокрытой от тебя;

4 твоею мудростью и твоим разумом ты приобрел себе богатство и в сокровищницы твои собрал золота и серебра;

5 большою мудростью твоею, посредством торговли твоей, ты умножил богатство твое, и умтвой возгордился богатством твоим, –

6 за то так говорит Господь Бог: так как ты ум твой ставишь наравне с умом Божиим,

7 вот, Я приведу на тебя иноземцев, лютейших из народов, и они обнажат мечи свои против красы твоей мудрости и помрачат блеск твой;

8 низведут тебя в могилу, и умрешь в сердце морей смертью убитых.

9 Скажешь ли тогда перед твоим убийцею: „я бог", тогда как в руке поражающего тебя ты будешь человек, а не бог?

10 Ты умрешь от руки иноземцев смертью необрезанных; ибо Я сказал это, говорит Господь Бог.

11 И было ко мне слово Господне:

12 сын человеческий! плачь о царе Тирском и скажиему: так говорит Господь Бог: ты печать совершенства, полнота мудростии венец красоты.

13 Ты находился в Едеме, в саду Божием; твои одежды были украшены всякими драгоценными камнями; рубин, топаз и алмаз, хризолит, оникс, яспис, сапфир, карбункул и изумруд и золото, все, искусно усаженное у тебя в гнездышках и нанизанное на тебе, приготовлено было в день сотворения твоего.

14 Ты был помазанным херувимом, чтобы осенять, и Я поставил тебя на то; ты был на святой горе Божией, ходил среди огнистых камней.

15 Ты совершен был в путях твоих со дня сотворения твоего, доколе не нашлось в тебебеззакония.

16 От обширности торговли твоей внутреннее твое исполнилось неправды, и ты согрешил; и Я низвергнул тебя, как нечистого, с горы Божией, изгнал тебя, херувим осеняющий, из среды огнистых камней.

17 От красоты твоей возгордилось сердце твое, от тщеславия твоего ты погубил мудрость твою; за то Я повергну тебя на землю, перед царями отдам тебя напозор.

18 Множеством беззаконий твоих в неправедной торговле твоей ты осквернил святилища твои;и Я извлеку из среды тебя огонь, который и пожрет тебя: и Я превращу тебя в пепел на земле перед глазами всех, видящих тебя.

19 Все, знавшие тебя среди народов, изумятся о тебе; ты сделаешься ужасом, и не будет тебяво веки.

20 И было ко мне слово Господне:

21 сын человеческий! обрати лице твое к Сидону и изреки на него пророчество,

22 и скажи: вот, Я – на тебя, Сидон, и прославлюсь среди тебя, и узнают, что Я Господь, когда произведу суд над ним и явлю в нем святость Мою;

23 и пошлю на него моровую язву и кровопролитие на улицы его, и падут среди него убитые мечом, пожирающим его отовсюду; и узнают, что Я Господь.

24 И не будет он впредь для дома Израилева колючим терном и причиняющим боль волчцом, более всех соседей зложелательствующим ему, и узнают, что Я Господь Бог.

25 Так говорит Господь Бог: когда Я соберу дом Израилев из народов, между которыми они рассеяны, и явлю в них святость Мою перед глазами племен, и они будут жить на земле своей, которую Я дал рабу Моему Иакову:

26 тогда они будут жить на ней безопасно, и построят домы, и насадят виноградники, и будут жить в безопасности, потому что Я произведу суд над всеми зложелателями их вокруг них, и узнают, что Я Господь Бог их.




Arcana Coelestia#9688



9688. 'The work of an embroiderer' means things that belong to factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'the work of an embroiderer', or embroidery, as factual knowledge. A large number of places in the Word speak of that which has been embroidered and of embroidery, and in every case factual knowledge is meant by it. The reason for this goes back to representatives in the next life; there garments embroidered in various ways are seen, and by these garments truths on the level of factual knowledge are meant.

[2] Truths on the level of factual knowledge differ from those on the level of the understanding in the same way as outward things differ from inward ones, or as the natural level with a person differs from the spiritual. Facts serve the understanding as objects from which it may deduce truths; for the power of understanding is the internal or spiritual man's power of sight, and known facts are its objects in the external or natural man. These facts are meant by 'the work of an embroiderer' whereas that power of understanding is meant by 'the work of a designer', 9598, for designing is a function of the understanding, and embroidering a function of the knowledge and skill employed by the understanding. This explains why the objects within the dwelling-place, which were signs meaning inner realities, were the work of a designer, such as the curtains that formed it, verse 1, and the veil between the holy place and the holy of holies, verse 31. But the objects which were signs meaning outer realities were the work of an embroiderer, such as the screen in place of a tent door, and the screen in place of a gate of the court, Exodus 38:18, and also the girdle, Exodus 39:29, 'the girdle' being what is external linking everything internal, 'the court' being the lowest part of heaven, and 'the tent door' the place where there is an exit from the middle heaven into the lowest.

[3] The fact that 'embroidery' and that which has been 'embroidered' mean factual knowledge belonging to the external or natural man is clear from the following places in the Word: In Ezekiel,

Fine linen with embroidery from Egypt was your sail; violet and purple from the islands of Elishah was your covering. Syria was your merchant by reason of the multitude of your handiworks; [they exchanged for your wares] chrysoprase and purple, and embroidered work, and fine linen. The merchants of Sheba [came] with balls of violet and with embroidered work. Ezekiel 27:7, 16, 24.

This refers to Tyre, by which those in possession of cognitions or knowledge of truth and good are meant, and in the abstract sense those cognitions themselves, 1201. 'Fine linen with embroidery' means truth on the level of factual knowledge, for 'fine linen' means truth from a celestial origin, 5319, 9469, and 'embroidery' is factual knowledge. This also is the reason why it says that it came from Egypt - for 'Egypt' means factual knowledge, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 2588, 4749, 4964, 4966, 5700, 5702, 6004, 6015, 6125, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 6750, 7779 (end), 9391 - and also from Syria and from Sheba, since cognitions of truth and good are meant by 'Syria', 1232, 1234, 3051, 3249, 3664, 3680, 4112, and in like manner by 'Sheba', 1171, 3240. Cognitions of truth and good constitute the Church's factual knowledge. Anybody endowed with the ability to think intelligently and weigh things up can see that in these verses from Ezekiel one should not understand embroidery, fine linen, violet, or purple, but that these commodities mean things such as are worthy of mention in the Word, namely spiritual realities that belong to heaven and the Church.

[4] In the same prophet,

All the princes of the sea will step down from upon their thrones, and will cast away their robes and will strip off their embroidered garments. They will clothe themselves with tremblings. Ezekiel 26:16.

This too refers to Tyre. 'The princes of the sea' are the first and foremost known facts, which are called dogmas, 'princes' meaning things which are first and foremost, see 1482, 2089, 5044, and 'the sea' factual knowledge in general 28, 2850. 'Robes' are external truths, 'embroidered' are truths on the level of factual knowledge, which too are external ones. For the meaning of 'garments' as truths, 2576, 4545, 4763, 5248, 5319, 5954, 6914, 6917, 6918, 9093, 9158, 9212, 9216.

[5] In the same prophet,

I clothed you with embroidered cloth, and shod you with badger; I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. Thus were you adorned with gold and silver; and your garments were fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth. But you took your embroidered garments and covered the images, with which you committed whoredom. 1 Ezekiel 16:10, 13, 18.

This refers to Jerusalem, by which the Church is meant. 'Embroidered garments' stands for truths on the level of factual knowledge. 'Covering the images, with which she committed whoredom' stands for giving strength to falsities, for 'committing whoredom' means perverting truths by bringing them into contact with falsities or with evils. Is there anyone who cannot see that since these verses describe Jerusalem 'fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth' are not used to mean fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth? Yet what they really mean the Christian world does not seek to know, because it supposes that heavenly and spiritual matters in the Word reside in its literal sense; the more internal contents of the Word it calls mystical, but has no interest in them.

[6] In the same prophet,

A great eagle with great wings, with long pinions, full of feathers, 2 which had embroidery ... Ezekiel 17:3.

This refers to the house of Israel, which means the spiritual Church; and this Church is called 'an eagle' by virtue of its perception of truth, 3901, 8764, 'which had embroidery' standing for its possession of factual knowledge. In David,

All glorious is the king's daughter within, in her clothing with gold interweavings; in an embroidered [robe] she will be led to the king. Psalms 45:13-14.

'The king's daughter' stands for an affection for truth, 'an embroidered [robe]' for factual knowledge of truth. In the Book of Judges,

Will they not divide the spoil, ... the spoil of colours for Sisera, the spoil of colours of embroidered work, embroiderers' colour - on the necks of the spoil? 3 Judges 5:30.

In this verse, which is part of the Song of Deborah and Barak, 'embroidered [work]' stands for factual knowledge belonging to the natural man.


1. Here verse 18 of Ezekiel 16 has become confused with the preceding verse 17.

2. literally, A great eagle, great with wings, long with pinions, and full with feathers,

3. The meaning in the Hebrew of this verse is very obscure. The Latin rendering by Sebastian Schmidt, which Swedenborg relies on here, is literal and equally difficult to make sense of.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.