




1 И благословилъ Богъ Ноя и сыновъ его, и сказалъ имъ: плодитесь и размножайтесь, и наполняйте землю.

2 Да страшатся и да трепещутъ васъ всј звјри земные и всј птицы небесныя; все, что движется на землј, и всј рыбы морскія отданы въ ваши руки.

3 Все, что движется и живетъ, вамъ да будетъ въ пищу; вамъ даю Я все, подобно какъ и зелень травную.

4 Только плоти съ душею ея, то-есть, съ кровію ея, не јшьте.

5 Я взыщу и вашу кровь, въ которой душа ваша, взыщу ее отъ всякаго звјря, взыщу также душу человјка отъ руки человјка, брата его.

6 Кто прольетъ кровь человјческую, того и самого кровь прольется между человјками, ибо человјкъ созданъ по образу Божію.

7 И такъ вы плодитесь и размножайтесь, и распространяйтесь по землј, и умножайтесь на ней.

8 И сказалъ Богъ Ною и сынамъ его вмјстј съ нимъ:

9 Се, Я поставляю завјтъ Мой съ вами, и съ потомствомъ вашимъ послј васъ.

10 И со всякою, находящеюся съ вами душею живою, съ птицами, со скотомъ, и со всјми звјрьми земными, находящимися у васъ, со всјми вышедшими изъ ковчега, со всјми животными земными.

11 И поставляю завјтъ Мой съ вами въ томъ, что не будетъ опять истреблена водами потопа всякая плоть, и не будетъ уже потопа на опустошеніе земли.

12 И сказалъ Богъ: вотъ знакъ завјта, который Я поставляю между Мною и между вами, и между всякою душею живою, находящеюся съ вами въ роды навсегда:

13 Я полагаю дугу Мою въ облакј, чтобы она была знакомъ завјта между Мною и между землею.

14 Такимъ образомъ, когда Я наведу облако на землю: то явится дуга въ облакј;

15 и Я вспомню завјтъ Мой, который между Мною и между вами, и между всякою душею живою во всякой плоти; и воды не сдјлаются болје потопомъ на истребленіе всякой плоти:

16 ибо будетъ дуга въ облакј, и Я увижу ее, и вспомню завјтъ вјчный между Богомъ и между всякою душею живою во всякой плоти, какая есть на землј.

17 И сказалъ Богъ Ною: воть знакъ завјта, который Я поставляю между Мною и между всякою плотію, какая есть на землј.

18 Сыновья Ноя, вышедшіе изъ ковчега, были: Симъ, Хамъ и Іафетъ. Хамъ же былъ отецъ Ханаана.

19 Сіи трое были сыновья Ноевы. Отъ сихъ населилась вся земля.

20 Ной началъ воздјлывать землю, и насадилъ виноградникъ,

21 И выпилъ онъ вина, и опьянјлъ, и лежалъ обнаженъ посреди шатра своего.

22 Тогда Хамъ, отецъ Ханаана, увидјлъ наготу отца своего, и сказалъ двумъ братьямъ своимъ на дворј,

23 Симъ же и Іафетъ взяли одежду, и положили ее оба на плеча свои, и пошли задомъ, и покрыли наготу отца своего; и какъ они лицами были назадъ, то и не видјли наготы отца своего.

24 Когда Ной проспался отъ вина своего, и узналъ, что сдјлалъ надъ нимъ меньшій сынъ его:

25 тогда онъ сказалъ: Проклятъ Ханаанъ: Рабъ рабовъ будетъ у братьевъ своихъ.

26 Потомъ сказалъ: Благословенъ Іегова, Богъ Симовъ; Ханаанъ же будеть рабомъ ему.

27 Да распространитъ Богъ Іафета И да вселится онъ въ шатры Симовы, Ханаанъ же будетъ рабомъ ему.

28 И жилъ Ной послј потопа триста пятьдесятъ лјтъ.

29 Всјхъ же дней Ноевыхъ было девять сотъ пятьдесятъ лјтъ и онъ умеръ.




Arcana Coelestia#996



996. 'The edible plant' means very lowly manifestations of delights. This becomes clear from what has been stated. Such delights are called 'edible plants' because they are merely worldly and bodily, that is, external. For, as stated, the pleasures that consist in bodily or most external things have their origins in interior delights ranged in order. Delights that are felt in the most external or bodily things are comparatively lowly. It is true of all delight that the more lowly it is the closer it gets to things that are external, while the nobler it is the closer it gets to those that are internal. Consequently, as has been stated, as in order the external things are rolled away or peeled off, the more pleasant and noble delights become, something which becomes quite clear from the fact that the delight inherent in someone's pleasures during his lifetime is lowly in comparison with the delight that is his subsequently when he enters the world of spirits. Indeed it is so lowly that good spirits reject with utter disdain the delights of the body. Nor do they wish to go back to them even if they were granted all the delights existing in the whole world.

[2] The delight which these spirits enjoy becomes similarly lowly when they are raised up by the Lord into the heaven of angelic spirits, for at that point they cast away those interior delights and take on others more interior still. The same applies to angelic spirits - the delight which these have enjoyed in their heaven likewise becomes a lowly delight when they are taken up by the Lord into the angelic or third heaven. Since internal things in that heaven are living, and nothing else but mutual love reigns, the happiness there is indescribable. For interior delight or happiness, see what has been told from experience in 545.

[3] These considerations show what is meant by the statement 'as the edible plant I have given all this to you.' Because creeping things mean both pleasures of the body and pleasures of the senses, to which 'edible plants' has reference, the expression in the original language is one that means both edible plant and green plant, 'edible plant' in reference to pleasures of the will, which are from celestial affections, and 'green plant' in reference to those of the understanding, which are from spiritual affections. That 'edible plants' and 'green plants' mean things that are lowly is clear from the Word, as in Isaiah,

The waters of Nimrim will be desolations, for the grass has withered away, the herb has been consumed, and there is no green plant. Isaiah 15:6.

In the same prophet,

Their inhabitants were shorn of power, 1 they were dismayed and filled with shame; they became plants of the field and edible grass plants, hay on the rooftops. Isaiah 37:27.

'Edible grass plants' stands for that which is very lowly. In Moses,

The land, into which you are entering to take possession of it, is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come out; in it you may sow your seed and water it with your foot, like a garden of edible plants. Deuteronomy 11:10.

Here 'garden of edible plants' stands for what is lowly. In David,

The wicked are suddenly cut down like the grass, and destroyed like the edible plant. Psalms 37:2.

Here 'grass' and 'edible plant' stand for what is very lowly.


1. literally, short in the hand


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.