




1 Вотъ родословіе Адама: со дня, въ который Богъ сотворилъ человјка, Онъ создалъ его по подобію Божію.

2 Мущину и женщину сотворилъ ихъ, и благословилъ ихъ и нарекъ имъ имя: человјкъ, въ день сотворенія ихъ.

3 И жилъ Адамъ сто тридцать лјтъ, и родилъ сына по подобію своему, по образу своему, и нарекъ ему имя: Сиѕъ.

4 И было дней Адама по рожденін Сиѕа восемь сотъ лјтъ, и родилъ онъ сыновъ и дочерей,

5 Всјхъ же дней жизни Адамовой было девять сотъ тридцать лјтъ, и онъ умеръ.

6 И жилъ Сиѕъ сто пять лјтъ, и родилъ Эноса.

7 И жилъ Сиѕъ по рожденіи Эноса восемъ сотъ семь лјтъ и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

8 Всјхъ же дней Сиѕовыхъ было девятьсотъ двјнадцать лјтъ, и онъ умеръ.

9 И жилъ Эносъ девяносто лјтъ, и родилъ Каинана.

10 И жилъ Эносъ по рожденіи Каинана восемъ сотъ пятнадцать лјтъ и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

11 Всјхъ же дней Эноса было девять сотъ пять лјтъ и онъ умеръ.

12 И жилъ Каинанъ семьдесятъ лјтъ, и родилъ Малелеила.

13 И жилъ Каинанъ по рожденіи Малелеила восемь сотъ сорокъ лјтъ и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

14 Всјхъ же дней Каинана было девять сотъ десять лјтъ и онъ умеръ.

15 И жилъ Малелеилъ шестьдесятъ лјтъ; и родилъ Іареда.

16 И жилъ Малелеилъ по рожденіи Іареда восемь сотъ тридцать лјтъ, и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

17 Всјхъ же дней Малелеила было восемь сотъ девяносто пять лјтъ и онъ умеръ.

18 И жилъ Іаредъ сто шестьдесятъ два года, и родилъ Эноха.

19 И жилъ Іаредъ по рожденіи Эноха восемъ сотъ лјтъ, и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

20 Всјхъ же дней Іареда было девять сотъ шестьдесятъ два года; и онъ умеръ.

21 И жилъ Энохъ шестьдесятъ пять лјтъ, и родилъ Маѕусала.

22 И ходилъ Энохъ съ Богомъ, по рожденіи Маѕусала, триста лјтъ, и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

23 Всјхъ же лјтъ Эноха было триста шестьдесятъ пять лјтъ.

24 И ходилъ Энохъ съ Богомъ; и не стало его, потому что Богъ взялъ его.

25 И жилъ Маѕусалъ сто восемьдесятъ семь лјтъ; и родилъ Ламеха.

26 И жилъ Маѕусалъ по рожденіи Ламеха семь сотъ восемьдесятъ два года, и роділъ сыновъ и дочерей.

27 Всјхъ же дней Маѕусала было девять сотъ шестьдесятъ девять лјтъ, и онъ умеръ.

28 И жилъ Ламехъ сто восемьдесятъ два года, и родилъ сына.

29 И нарекъ ему имя: Ной, сказавь: онъ облегчитъ насъ отъ работы нашей и отъ изнуренія рукъ нашихъ при воздјлыванія земли, которую проклялъ Іегова.

30 И жилъ Ламехъ по рожденіи Ноя пять сотъ девяносто пять лјтъ, и родилъ сыновъ и дочерей.

31 Всјхъ же дней Ламеха было семь сотъ семьдесятъ семь лјтъ; и онъ умеръ.

32 И было Ною пять сотъ лјтъ отъ рожденія, и родилъ Ной Сима, Хама и Іафета.




Spiritual Experiences#5999



5999. Libraries in heaven

I was admitted into a Library where there were a great number of books. The books there were not shown to me, but [people] spoke with me. They said that were books there from the ancients, written using correspondences. Deeper within other Libraries were books written by those who were from the ancient Churches; and still more deeply within, books [written] for the most ancient, from whom the community called Enoch had collected the correspondences that were afterwards of service to those who were in succeeding Churches, which will be called the ancient Churches. There was an enormous number who studied the books, and some of them become learned, many intelligent, and others wise. Places, that is to say, repositories, for use in Libraries for deeper matters appeared in brighter and brighter light, but in a dimmer light to me and to them because we were not capable of penetrating the matters of wisdom that are there; and besides, for various reasons permission to enter is not given those who are taken up with outward things. The places there were divided into many [sections], according to the propensities of those who studied there.

[2] There are also Libraries elsewhere in the heavens, but not public ones as in that place. In the heavens those who are studious have communication with those in these Libraries for the public and receive information from them in regard to matters in question.

[3] On the left at a distance there are also Libraries, divided likewise into repositories. There are a great number, corresponding to the various branches of study and the learning in them. Those who pursue theological matters study their own doctrinal teachings; nevertheless from there they are led to accepting doctrinal teaching in other ways, for they are gradually bent to what is truer. But most do not come to the level of understanding, but rather to the level called knowing, which they themselves also admit.

[4] At the side there are those who don't study in such a way that they become intelligent and wise through study but base their thinking on what they have drawn from objects and from the sciences and are not interested in reading books, and choose to read books that are of service merely to the memory, such as lexicons and collections of information that are of use to the memory alone. They are given the ability to think, and it is given to them by the Lord to comprehend what things mean and to arrive at a conclusion regarding many things that are matters of understanding. The reason is that they do not have a memory like that of others, but instead of this they have thought. Etc. etc.

[5] Those from the present day were examined as to whether they could comprehend and so believe that there are books and Libraries in the spiritual world, and scarcely any of the learned was able.

It was said that they have there very many things from the ancients regarding correspondences, and explanations of the Word through its inner meaning; and also that the most ancient sages were in the innermost rooms there.


Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.