




1 Наконецъ Іаковъ призвалъ сыновъ своихъ и сказалъ: Соберитесь, и я возвјщу вамъ, Что случится съ вами въ грядущіе дни.

2 Сойдитесь, и послушайте, сыны Іакова, Послушайте Израиля, отца вашего

3 Рувимъ! ты мой первенецъ, Крјпость моя, и начатокъ силы моей, Верхъ достоинства, и верхъ могущества.

4 Но ты бушевалъ, какъ вода, - не будешь высшимъ; Ибо ты взошелъ на ложе отца твоего; Тогда осквернилъ ты постелю мою, На которую взошелъ.

5 Симеонъ и Левій братья; Орудія жестокости мечи ихъ.

6 Въ тайну ихъ да не внидетъ душа моя, И къ сонмищу ихъ да не пріобщится слава моя. Ибо они во гнјвј своемъ избили мужей; И въ своевольствј своемъ перерјзали жилы тельцевъ.

7 Проклятъ гнјвъ ихъ, ибо жестокъ; И ярость ихъ, ибо свирјпа; Раздјлю ихъ во Іаковј, И разсјю ихъ во Израилј.

8 Іуда! тебя восхвалятъ братія твои. Рука твоя на хребтј враговъ твоихъ. Поклонятся тебј сыны отца твоего.

9 Іуда юный левъ. Ты идешь съ ловитвы, сынъ мой. Онъ преклонился, возлегъ, Какъ левъ, и какъ львица. Кто возбудитъ его?

10 Не отнимется скипетръ отъ Іуды, И законоположникъ отъ чреслъ его, Пока не придетъ Примиритель, И Ему покорность народовъ.

11 Онъ привязываетъ къ виноградной лозј осленка своего, Омываетъ виномъ одежду свою, И кровію гроздовъ одјяніе свое.

12 Очи его красны отъ вина, И зубы его бјлы отъ молока.

13 Завулонъ при берегахъ моря жить будетъ, И при берегахъ, гдј корабли. И прострется до Сидона.

14 Иссахаръ оселъ крјпкій, Лежащій между протоками водъ.

15 Онъ видитъ, что покоище хорошо, И что земля пріятна; И преклоняетъ рамена свои для ношенія бременъ, И работаетъ, чтобы платить дань.

16 Данъ будетъ судить народъ свой, Подобно другимъ колјнамъ Израилевымъ.

17 Данъ будетъ змјй на пути, Аспидъ на дорогј, Уязвитъ ногу коня, И всадникъ упадетъ назадъ.

18 Твоего сиасенія жду я, Іегова!

19 Гадъ, толпа нападетъ на него, Но онъ отразитъ ее,

20 Отъ Ассира лучшій хлјбъ; онъ будетъ доставлять яства царскія.

21 Нефѕалимъ терпентинъ вјтвистый, Распускающій прекрасныя вјтви.

22 Іосифъ отрасль плодоноснаго древа, Отрасль плодоноснаго древа надъ источникомъ; Вјтви его простираются черезъ стјну.

23 Огорчаютъ его, стрјляютъ въ него, Враждуютъ на него стрјльцы.

24 Но твердъ останется лукъ его. Отъ крјпкаго Бот Іаковлева, - Оттолј пастырь онъ, камень Израиля,

25 Отъ Бога отца твоего, Который и помогаетъ тебј, И отъ Всемогущаго, Который и благословляетъ тебя Благословеніями небесъ свыше, Благословеніями бездны, лежащія долу, Благословеніями сосцевъ и утробы.

26 Благословенія отца твоего превышаютъ благословенія горъ древнихъ и пріятности холмовъ вјчныхъ. Да пріидутъ онј на главу Іосифа И на чело избраннаго между братьями своими!

27 Веніаминъ хищный волкъ, Утромъ будетъ јсть ловитву, И вечеромъ будетъ дјлить добычу.

28 Вотъ всј двјнадцать колјнъ Израильскихъ, и вотъ что сказалъ имъ отецъ ихъ; и благословилъ ихъ, и далъ имъ каждому свое благословеніе.

29 Потомъ далъ имъ приказаніе, и сказалъ имъ: я отхожу къ народу своему; похороните меня съ отцами моими въ пещерј, которая на полј Ефрона Хеттеяннна;

30 въ пещерј, которая на полј, Махпела, что противъ Мамре, въ землј Ханаанской, которое поле Авраамъ купилъ у Ефрона Хеттеянина въ собственность для погребенія.

31 Тамъ похоронили Авраама и жену его Сарру; тамъ похоронили Исаака и жену его Реввеку; тамъ похоронилъ я Лію.

32 Это поле съ пещерою, которая на немъ, куплено у сыновъ Хеттеевыхъ.

33 Окончивъ сіе завјщаніе сынамъ своимъ, Іаковъ положилъ ноги свои на одръ, и испустилъ духъ, и присоединился къ народу своему.




Arcana Coelestia#6405



6405. 'A troop will ravage him' means that works performed without judgement will dislodge him from a state of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'a troop' as works, dealt with in 3934, here works performed without judgement, for those who perform works that are motivated by truth but not as yet by good have a darkened understanding, whereas those whose works are motivated by good have an enlightened understanding because that good gives it light (the light of truth from the Lord flows by way of good into the understanding part of the mind, then on into truth, but not directly into truth, much as sunlight flows by means of heat into members of the vegetable kingdom - such as trees, young plants, and flowers - and causes them to grow and blossom; the direct inflow of sunlight does not cause them to do so, for when light flows in without heat, as in wintertime, nothing grows or blossoms); and from the meaning of 'ravaging him' as dislodging him from a state of truth.

[2] But one must state who exactly those people are who are meant here by 'Gad'. They are those who suffer delusions regarding what is true and yet are led by their deluded view of it to perform works, so that these are not works of truth, much less of good. Through those works they are dislodged from a state of truth, for as soon as the person guided by truth but not as yet by good is moved on religious grounds to put some idea into practice, he then defends that idea as though it were the absolute truth. He sticks to it and does not allow it to be altered except insofar as he moves on into good. For by putting the idea into practice he becomes engrossed in it and enamoured with it. In this way works dislodge him from a state of truth. But quite apart from all this, he believes things to be true which are not so; for these people too, like those meant by 'Dan', judge a thing from their senses, thus without judgement. Let some examples shed light on the matter. Take a person who has the idea that one person is his neighbour in exactly the same way as any other and who for that reason does what is good in exactly the same way to the evil as to the good, and by doing good to the evil, he does harm to others. After he has put the idea into practice several times he then defends it, saying that everyone is his neighbour, and that he is not concerned with what a person is like, only with doing good to him. Thus his works are performed without judgement, and he also acts in ways contrary to the real truth, for the real truth is that all are one's neighbour but each is so in a different degree, and that those governed by good are pre-eminently one's neighbour, 2417, 3419, 3820, 5025.

[3] 'Gad' also means those who think that the whole of salvation rests in works alone, like the Pharisee to whom the Lord referred in His parable,

The Pharisee stood and prayed these words to himself, God, I thank You that I am not like all other people - extortioners, unjust ones, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice in a week; I give tithes of all that I possess. Luke 18:11-12.

Thus he thought that absolute truths consisted in external actions. People such as he are also in the Lord's kingdom, though only on the edge of it, which is why the Lord says,

I tell you, the tax collector went down to his house [more] justified than the other. Luke 18:14.

In saying this He implied that the Pharisee too went down justified, since he had performed works because of the command to do them. In short, 'Gad' represents those who declare that to be true which is not in fact so and who are motivated to perform works by what is not in fact the truth. Consequently their works and truths are alike, for works are nothing else than will and understanding expressed in action. What saves those people is their intention to do what is good and the presence of a measure of innocence within their ignorance.

[4] People motivated to perform works of an external nature by what they believe to be true but which is not in fact so are also meant by 'Gad' in Isaiah,

You who forsake Jehovah, who forget My holy mountain, who set a table for Gad, and who fill a drink-offering for Meni. Isaiah 65:11.


'Setting a table for Gad' stands for an interest solely in works. And in Jeremiah,

Against the sons of Ammon. Thus said Jehovah, Israel, has he no heir? Why then does his king inherit God, and his people dwell in his cities? Jeremiah 49:1.

'Inheriting Gad' stands for leading a life in which works are motivated by what are not truths. 'The sons of Ammon' are people who falsify truths and lead lives in accordance with those falsified truths, 2468, and these things said about Gad in this prophet apply to them.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.