




1 По прошествіи двухъ лјтъ случилось, что Фараонъ видјлъ во снј, будто онъ стоялъ у рјки.

2 И вотъ, выходятъ изъ рјки семь коровъ хорошихъ видомъ, и тучныхъ плотію,

3 и пасутся на травј рјчной. Но вотъ, послј нихъ выходятъ изъ рјки семь коровъ другихъ, худыхъ видомъ, и тощихъ плотію; и стали подлј тјхъ коровъ, на берегу рјки.

4 И съјли коровы худые видомъ и тощія плотію семь коровъ хорошихъ видомъ и тучныхъ. Тутъ Фараонъ проснулся.

5 Заснулъ опять, и въ другой разъ видјлось ему во снј, будто изъ одного стебля вышло семь колосьевъ тучныхъ и хорошихъ.

6 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выросло семь колосьевъ тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ.

7 Наконецъ тощіе колосья пожрали семь колосьевъ тучныхъ и полныхъ. Фараонъ проснулся и видитъ, что это сонъ.

8 По утру, въ смущеніи духа, послалъ онъ, и призвалъ всјхъ Египетскихъ толкователей тайнъ, и всјхъ тамошнихъ мудрецовъ, и разсказалъ имъ Фараонъ сны свои; но никто не истолковалъ ихъ Фараону.

9 Тогда главный виночерпій сталъ говорить Фараону, и сказалъ: грјхъ мой воспоминаю я нынј.

10 Фараонъ прогнјвался на рабовъ своихъ, и отдалъ меня и главнаго хлјбодара подъ стражу, въ домъ начальника тјлохранителей.

11 Тамъ видјлись намъ сны въ одну ночь, каждому видјлся сонъ особеннаго значенія,

12 Тамъ же былъ съ нами молодой Еврей, рабъ начальника тјлохранителей. Мы разсказали ему сны наши, и онъ истолковалъ намъ, истолковалъ каждому, соотвјтственно съ его сновидјніемъ.

13 И какъ онъ истолковалъ намъ, такъ и случилось: я поставленъ на прежнее мјсто; а тотъ повјшенъ.

14 Фараонъ послалъ призвать Іосифа; н тотчасъ взяли его изъ темницы. Онъ остригся, и перемјнилъ одежду свою, и пришелъ къ Фараону.

15 Фараонъ сказалъ Іосифу: мнј видјлся сонъ, и нјтъ никого, кто бъ истолковалъ его; а о тебј я слышалъ, что ты, выслушавъ сонъ, можешь истолковать его.

16 Іосифъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ Фараону: это не мое, Богъ дастъ отвјтъ во благо Фараону.

17 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: мнј видјлосъ во снј, будто я стоялъ на берегу рјки.

18 И вотъ, выходягъ изъ рјки семь коровъ тучныхъ плотію, и хорошихъ видомъ, и пасутся на травј рјчной.

19 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выходятъ семь коровъ другихъ, очень худыхъ видомъ и тощихъ плотію; я не видывалъ во всей землј Египетской такихъ худыхъ, какъ онј.

20 И съјли тощія и худыя коровы семь прежнихъ коровъ тучныхъ.

21 И вошли въ утробу ихъ, но непримјтно было, что онј вошли въ утробу ихъ. Онј были также худы видомъ, какъ и съ начала. Тутъ я проснулся.

22 Потомъ видјлось мнј въ сновидјніи моемъ, будто изъ одного стебля вышло семь колосьевъ полныхъ и хорошихъ.

23 Но вотъ, послј нихъ выросло семь колосьевъ тонкихъ, тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ.

24 И сіи колосья тощіе пожрали семь колосьевъ хорошихъ. Я разсказалъ это толкователямъ тайнъ; но никто не истолковалъ мнј.

25 И сказалъ Іосифъ Фараону: сонъ Фараоновъ одинъ. Богъ показалъ Фараону, что хочетъ творить.

26 Семь коровъ хорошихъ значатъ Семь лјтъ; и Семь колосьевъ хорошихъ значатъ Семь лјтъ: это одинъ сонъ.

27 И семь коровъ тощихъ и худыхъ, вышедшихъ послј тјхъ, значатъ семь лјтъ, также и семь колосьевъ тощихъ и обожженныхъ вјтромъ. Будетъ семь лјтъ голода.

28 Вотъ къ чему сказалъ я Фараону, что Богъ показалъ Фараону, что Онъ хочетъ творить.

29 Вотъ приходятъ семь лјтъ, въ которыя будетъ великое плодородіе во всей землј Египетской.

30 Послј нихъ настанутъ семь лјтъ голода: и забудется все оное изобиліе въ землј Египетской; и истощитъ голодъ землю.

31 Такъ что прежнее изобиліе и непримјтно будетъ на землј, по причинј голода сего, который наступитъ потомъ; ибо онъ будетъ очень великъ.

32 Что же сонъ повторился Фараону дважды, - это значитъ, что сіе рјшено Богомъ, и что вскорј Богъ исполнитъ сіе,

33 Итакъ да усмотритъ Фараонъ мужа разумнаго и мудраго, и да поставитъ его надъ землею Египетскою.

34 Да повелитъ Фараонъ поставить надъ землею надзирателей, и собирать въ семь лјтъ изобилія пятую часть всјхъ произведеній земли Египетской.

35 Пусть они берутъ всякій хлјбъ наступающихъ хорошихъ годовъ, и соберутъ хлјбъ подъ вјденіе Фараона, въ пищу по городамъ, и пусть берегутъ.

36 И будетъ сія пища въ запасъ для земли на семь лјтъ голода, которые будутъ въ землј Египетской; дабы земля не погибла отъ голода.

37 Сія рјчь понравилась Фараону и всјмъ рабамъ его.

38 И сказалъ Фараонъ рабамъ своимъ: найдемъ ли мы такого, какъ онъ, человјка, въ которомъ бы былъ духъ Божій?

39 Тогда Фараонъ сказалъ Іосифу: когда Богъ открылъ тебј все сіе, то нјтъ разумнје и мудрје тебя.

40 Ты будешь надъ домомъ моимъ; и твоего слова держаться будетъ весь народъ мой; только престоломъ я буду больше тебя.

41 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: вотъ, я поставляю тебя надъ всею землею Египетскою.

42 И снялъ Фараонъ перстень свой съ руки своей, и надјлъ его на руку Іосифу; одјлъ его въ виссонныя одежды, возложилъ на шею ему золотую цјпь.

43 Велјлъ везти на второй у себя колесницј, и провозглашать предъ нимъ: преклоняйте колјна! Такимъ образомъ поставилъ его надъ всею землею Египетскою.

44 И сказалъ Фараонъ Іосифу: я Фараонъ; безъ тебя никто не долженъ тронуться ни рукою, ни ногою во всей землј Египетской.

45 И нарекъ Фараонъ Іосифу имя: Цафнаѕ-панеахъ; и далъ ему въ жену Асенаѕу, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго. И пошелъ Іосифъ по землј Египетской.

46 Іосифу было тридцать лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда онъ предсталъ предъ лице Фараона, царя Египетскаго. И вышелъ Іосифъ отъ лица Фараонова, и прошелъ по всей землј Египетской.

47 Земля же въ семь лјтъ обилія приносила изъ зерна по горсти.

48 Итакъ онъ собралъ всякой хлјбъ семи лјтъ, которые были плодородны въ землј Египетской, и положилъ хлјбъ въ городахъ; въ каждомъ городј положилъ хлјбъ полей, окружающихъ его.

49 Такимъ образомъ Іосифъ собралъ хлјба весьма много, какъ песку морскаго, такъ что пересталъ и считать, ибо счета не было.

50 Еще до наступленія голодныхъ годовъ, у ІосиФа родились два сына, которыхъ родила ему Асенаѕа, дочь Поти-Фера, жреца Иліопольскаго.

51 И нарекъ Іосифъ имя первенцу: Манассія, потому что, говорилъ онъ, Богъ привелъ у меня въ забвеніе всј несчастія мои, и весь домъ отца моего.

52 А другому нарекъ имя Ефремъ, потому что, говорилъ онъ, Богъ сдјлалъ меня плодовитымъ въ землј страданія моего.

53 И прошли семь лјтъ обилія, которое было въ землј Египетекой;

54 и наступили семь лјтъ голода, какъ сказалъ Іосифъ. И былъ голодъ во всјхъ земляхъ, а во всей землј Египетской былъ хлјбъ.

55 Потомъ и вся земля Египетская начала терпјть голодъ; и народъ возопилъ къ Фараону о хлјбј. Тогда Фараонъ сказалъ всему Египту: подите къ Іосифу, и дјлайте, что онъ вамъ скажетъ.

56 И какъ былъ голодъ по всей землј: то Іосифъ отворилъ всј житницы, и сталъ продавать хлјбъ Египту. Голодъ же усиливался въ землј Египетской.

57 И изъ всјхъ странъ приходили въ Египетъ, покупать хлјбъ у Іосифа: ибо голодъ усилился по всей землј.




Arcana Coelestia#5225



5225. 'And there was no one to interpret them for Pharaoh' means that no knowledge existed of what was going to happen. This is clear from the meaning of 'interpreting' as knowing what was going to happen, dealt with in 5141, and therefore 'no one to interpret' means no knowledge of it since 'no one' in the internal sense means the absence and so non-existence of some reality. For the idea of a person is converted in the internal sense into that of some reality. For example, the idea of a man, husband, woman, wife, son, daughter, boy, or virgin is converted into the idea of some truth or form of good. Or, as above in 5223, the idea of a magus and a wise man is converted into that of factual knowledge, interior and exterior. The reason for this is that in the spiritual world, that is, in heaven, angels' attention is fixed not on persons but on spiritual realities. For persons narrow an idea down and focus it on some finite thing, whereas spiritual realities do not involve any such narrowing down or focusing but spread to what is Infinite, and so to the Lord. This explains too why in heaven no one ever perceives a person mentioned in the Word; instead they perceive the reality represented by that person. Nor for the same reason does anyone in heaven perceive a people or nation, only its essential nature. Indeed in heaven they have no knowledge at all of any historical detail in the Word about any person, nation, or people; consequently they have no knowledge of who Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or the people of Israel are, nor of who the Jewish people are. Instead they perceive what is represented by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the people of Israel, the Jewish people, and so on with everything else. This explains why angelic language has no limitations and is also a universal one compared with other languages.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#1186



1186. That 'Asshur' is reasoning is clear from the meaning of 'Asshur' or Assyria in the Word, where in every case it stands for those things that belong to reason. It stands for them in both senses, namely for rational things and for reasonings - reason and rational things being used strictly speaking to mean things that are true, and reasoning and reasonings to mean those that are false. Because 'Asshur' means reason and reasoning it is very frequently linked with Egypt, which means facts, for reason and reasoning are based on facts. That Asshur means reasoning is clear in Isaiah,

Woe to Asshur, the rod of My anger, he does not think what is right and his heart does not consider what is right He has said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I have intelligence. Isaiah 10:5, 7, 13.

Here 'Asshur' stands for reasoning, and therefore he is referred to as 'not thinking and not considering what is right', and it is said that 'he acts by his own wisdom, for he has intelligence'.

[2] In Ezekiel,

Two women, the daughters of one mother, committed whoredom in Egypt. In their youth they committed whoredom. One committed whoredom and doted on her lovers, on Asshur (the Assyrians), her neighbours, clothed in violet, leaders and governors, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding on horses The sons of Babel came to her and they defiled her with their whoredom. Ezekiel 23:2-3, 5-6, 17.

Here 'Egypt' stands for facts, 'Asshur' for reasoning, 'the sons of Babel' for falsities springing from evil desires.

[3] In the same prophet,

Jerusalem, you committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, you committed whoredom with the sons of Asshur, you multiplied your whoredom even into the land of Canaan towards Chaldaea. Ezekiel 16:26, 28-29.

Here likewise 'Egypt' stands for facts, 'Asshur' for reasoning. Reasoning, based on facts, concerning spiritual and celestial things is called 'whoredom' both here and elsewhere in the Word. Anyone may see that committing whoredom with Egyptians and with Assyrians is not the meaning.

[4] In Jeremiah,

Israel, what have you to do with the way to Egypt, to drink the waters of Shihor? And what have you to do with the way to Asshur, to drink the waters of the River (the Euphrates)? Jeremiah 2:18, 36.

Here likewise 'Egypt' stands for facts, 'Asshur' for reasoning. In the same prophet,

Israel is a scattered flock; the lions have driven him away. First the king of Asshur has devoured him, and last this king of Babel has removed his bones. Jeremiah 50:17-18

'Asshur' stands for reasoning concerning spiritual things.

[5] In Micah,

And this will be peace, when Asshur comes into our land and when he treads our palaces, and we will set up over him seven shepherds and eight princes of men and they will rule the land of Asshur with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in its gates; and he will deliver [us] from Asshur when he comes into our land and when he treads our border. Micah 5:5-6.

This refers to Israel, or the spiritual Church, concerning which it is said that 'Asshur will not enter in', that is, reasoning will not do so. 'The land of Nimrod' stands for the kind of worship meant by Nimrod, which has interior evils and falsities within it.

[6] The fact that in the Word 'Asshur' also means reason present with the member of the Church, by means of which reason he sees clearly what is true and what is good, is clear in Hosea,

They will tremble like a bird out of Egypt, and like a dove from the land of Asshur. Hosea 11:11.

Here 'Egypt' stands for the knowledge a member of the Church possesses, 'Asshur' for his reason. That 'a bird' means facts that are known and understood, and 'a dove' rational good, has been shown already.

[7] In Isaiah,

On that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Asshur, and Asshur will come into Egypt and Egypt into Asshur, and the Egyptians will serve Asshur. 1 On that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Asshur, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom Jehovah Zebaoth will bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt My people, and Asshur the work of My hands, and Israel My heritage. Isaiah 19:23-25.

This refers to the spiritual Church, meant by Israel, 'Asshur' being its reason, and 'Egypt' its knowledge. These three constitute the intellectual powers of the member of the spiritual Church which come in that order one after another. In other places where Asshur is mentioned it means the rational, true or false, as in Isaiah 20:1-6; 23:13; 27:13; 30:31; 31:8; 36, 37; 52:4; Ezekiel 27:23-24; Ezekiel 31:3-18; 32:22; Micah 7:12; Zephaniah 2:13; Zechariah 10:11; Psalms 83:8. 'Asshur' stands for reasoning in Hosea 5:13; 7:11; 10:6; 11:5; 12:1; 14:3; and in Zechariah 10:10, where the reference is to Ephraim who means the intellectual part of the mind, though in this instance when perverted.


1. The Hebrew of this text in Isaiah may be read in two different ways - serve Asshur or serve with Asshur. Most English versions of Isaiah prefer the second of these.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.