




1 Когда Авраму было девяносто девять лјтъ отъ рожденія, Іегова явился Авраму и сказалъ: Я Богъ всемогущій; ходи предъ лицемъ Моимъ, и будь непороченъ;

2 и Я поставлю завјтъ Мой между Мною и тобою, и весьма, весьма размножу тебя.

3 И палъ Аврамъ на лице свое; а Богъ говорилъ съ нимъ и сказалъ:

4 Я! се, завјтъ Мой съ тобою; и ты будёшь отецъ множества народовъ.

5 И отнынј ты не будешь называться Аврамомъ; но да будетъ тебј имя: Авраамъ; ибо Я дјлаю тебя отцемъ множества народовъ.

6 И весьма, весьма распложу тебя, и произведу отъ тебя народы, и цари произойдутъ отъ тебя.

7 И поставлю завјтъ Мой между Мною и тобою, и между потомками твоими въ роды ихъ, завјтъ вјчный, въ томъ, что Я буду Богомъ твоимъ, и потомства твоего послј тебя

8 И дамъ тебј и потомкамъ твоимъ послј тебя землю, по которой ты странствуешь, всю землю Ханаанскую, въ наслјдіе вјчное; и буду ихъ Богомъ.

9 И сказалъ Богъ Аврааму: ты же соблюди завјтъ Мой, ты и потомки твои послј тебя, въ роды ихъ.

10 Сей есть завјтъ Мой, который вы должны соблюдать между Мною и между вами, и между потомками твоими послј тебя: чтобъ у васъ весь мужескій полъ былъ обрјзанъ.

11 Обрјжьте край плоти вашей; и сіе будетъ знакомъ завјта между Мною и вами.

12 Осми дней оть рожденія да обрјжется у васъ въ роды ваши всякой младенецъ мужескаго пола, рожденный въ домј, и купленный за сребро у какого-нибудь иноплеменника, который не отъ вашего племени.

13 Непремјнно да обрјжется и рожденный въ домј твоемъ, и купленный за сребро; и завјтъ Мой на тјлј вашемъ будетъ завјтомъ вјчнымъ.

14 Не обрјзанный же мужескаго пола, который не обрјжетъ края плоти своея, истребится душа та изъ народа своего; ибо онъ нарушилъ завјтъ Мой.

15 Сказалъ Богъ также Аврааму: Сару жену твою не называй Сарою; но да будетъ имя ей: Сарра.

16 Я благословлю ее, и дамъ тебј отъ нея сына; благословлю ее, и произойдутъ отъ нея народы, и цари народовъ произойдутъ отъ нея.

17 Тогда Аврамъ палъ на лице свое, и разсмјялся, и сказалъ самъ въ себј: не ужели отъ столјтняго будутъ дјти? и Сарра, будучи девяносто лјтъ, не ужелн родитъ?

18 И сказалъ Авраамъ Богу: о! хотя бы Измаилъ былъ живъ предъ лицемъ Твоимъ.

19 Но Богъ. сказалъ: точно родитъ тебј сына Сарра жена твоя; и ты наречешь ему имя: Исаакъ; и Я поставлю завјтъ Мой съ нимъ, какъ завјтъ вјчный для потомства его послј него.

20 И о Измаилј Я услышалъ тебя; се, Я благословлю его, и возвращу его, и весьма, весьма размножу; двјнадцать князей родятся отъ него; и Я произведу отъ него великій народъ.

21 Но завјтъ Мой поставлю съ Исаакомъ, котораго родитъ тебј Сарра въ сіе самое время на другой годъ.

22 И окончилъБогъ разговоръ свой съ нимъ, и возшелъ отъ Авраама.

23 И взялъ Авраамъ Измаила сына своего, и всјхъ рожденныхъ въ дому своемъ, и всјхъ купленныхъ за сребро свое, весь мужескій полъ дома Авраамова; и обрјзалъ край плоти ихъ въ тотъ самый день, какъ сказалъ ему Богъ.

24 Аврааму было девяносто девять лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда онъ обрјзалъ край плоти своей.

25 Измаилу сыну его, было тринадцать лјтъ отъ рожденія, когда обрјзанъ край плоти его.

26 Въ тотъ же самый день обрјзаны были Авраамъ и Измаилъ, сынъ его;

27 и съ нимъ обрјзанъ былъ весь мужескій полъ дома его, рожденные въ домј, и купленные за сребро у иноплеменниковъ.




Arcana Coelestia#2041



2041. 'You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin' means the removal of self-love and love of the world. This is clear from the representation and the meaning of 'circumcision' as purification from filthy loves, dealt with just above in 2039, and also from the meaning of 'flesh' as man's proprium, dealt with already in 999. Man's proprium consists of nothing but self-love and love of the world, and so of every desire that stems from those loves. Just how filthy it is has been shown in Volume One, in 141, 150, 154, 210, 215, 694, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047.

Because this proprium that is to be removed is meant it is here called 'the flesh of the foreskin'.

[2] There are two loves so-called, and their desires, which obstruct the influx of heavenly love from the Lord. For when these reign in the interior man and in the external man and take possession there they either reject or they stifle, and also degrade and defile, heavenly love flowing in, for they are absolutely contrary to heavenly love. The fact that they are absolutely contrary will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown later on. To the extent they are removed however, heavenly love flowing in from the Lord starts to make its appearance, and in fact starts to dawn in his interior man; and to that extent he starts to notice first that he is under the influence of evil and falsity, then that he is under the influence of what is impure and filthy, and lastly that this has been his proprium.

[3] It is with those who are being regenerated that those loves are removed. That removal may also be recognized from what goes on in those who are not regenerate when the desires belonging to those loves become quiescent, as happens sometimes when they are engaging in meditation on holy things or when they are languishing - as is the case with them in times of misfortune, sickness, and disease, and above all when they are about to die. At these times, since bodily and worldly interests have grown languid and are so to speak dead, such persons become aware of something of heavenly light and of the comfort brought by this. But with these it is not a removal of those desires, only a languishing, for the moment that these people return to their previous state they sink back into those desires.

[4] With the evil as well, bodily and worldly interests can be made to languish, in which case they are able to be raised up into, as it seems, something heavenly, as is sometimes done to souls, especially those newly arrived in the next life, who have an intense desire to see the glory of the Lord because during their lifetime in the world they have heard so much about heaven. At such times their external interests languish and in this condition they are conveyed into the first heaven and enjoy what they have desired. But they are not able to remain there for long because their bodily and worldly interests are merely quiescent and have not been removed, as they have been with angels, regarding which see 541, 542. It should be realized that with man heavenly love from the Lord is flowing in constantly, and that nothing else stands in the way, obstructs, or prevents the reception of it than the desires belonging to those loves, and the falsities resulting from them.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.