




1 Между тјмъ Іегова сказалъ Авраму: поди изъ земли твоей, съ родины твоей, и изъ дома отца твоего въ землю, которую укажу тебј.

2 И Я произведу отъ тебя великій народъ, и благословлю тебя, и возвеличу имя твое; и будь ты въ благословеніе.

3 Я благословлю и благословлящихъ тебя, а злословящихъ тебя прокляну; и благословятся въ тебј всј племена земныя.

4 И пошелъ Аврамъ, какъ сказалъ ему Іегова; и съ нимъ пошелъ Лотъ. Семьдесятъ пять лјтъ отъ роду было Авраму, когда онъ вышелъ изъ Харрана.

5 Аврамъ взялъ съ собою жену свою Сару, племянника своего Лота, все имјніе, пріобрјтенное ими, и всјхъ людей, которыхъ они имјли въ Харранј, и пошли въ землю Ханаанскую; и пришли въ землю Ханаанскую.

6 По землј сей Аврамъ прошелъ до мјста Сихема, до дубравы Море. Въ землј сей тогда жили Хананеи.

7 И явился Іегова Авраму, и сказалъ: потомству твоему отдамъ Я землю сію; и тутъ создалъ Аврамъ жертвенникъ Іеговј, который явился ему.

8 Оттуда двигнулся онъ къ горј, лежащей на востокъ отъ Веѕиля, и поставилъ шатеръ свой такъ, что у него Веѕиль былъ отъ запада, а Гай отъ востока. Онъ создалъ и тутъ жергвенникъ Іеговј, и призвалъ имя Іеговы.

9 Потомъ Аврамъ поднялся и продолжалъ идти къ полудню.

10 И былъ гододъ въ землј той. И пошелъ Аврамъ въ Египетъ пожить тамъ; потому что усилился голодъ въ землј той.

11 Когда же онъ приближался къ Египту, то сказалъ Сарј, женј своей: вотъ я знаю, что ты женщина прекрасиая видомъ;

12 можетъ быть, Египтяне, увидјвъ тебя, скажутъ: это жена его, - и убьютъ меня, а тебя оставятъ въ живыхъ;

13 итакъ скажи, что ты мнј сестра, дабы мнј хорошо было ради тебя, и дабы сохранилась жизнь моя чрезъ тебя.

14 Такъ и случилось, что, когда пришелъ Аврамъ въ Египетъ, Египтяне увидјли, что это женщина весьма прекрасная;

15 увидјли ее также вельможи Фараоновы, и похвалили ее Фараону; почему она и взята въ домъ Фараоновъ.

16 Авраму же хорошо было ради ея, и былъ у него мелкій и крупный скотъ, и ослы, и рабы и рабыни, и ослицы и верблюды.

17 Но Іегова тяжкими ударами поразилј Фараона и домъ его за Сару, жену Аврамову.

18 Посему Фараонъ призвалъ Аврама и сказалъ: что ты это сдјлалъ надо мною? для чего не сказалъ мнј, что это жена твоя?

19 Для чего ты сказалъ: это сестра моя? и я взялъ было ее себј въ жену. Итакъ, теперь вотъ тебј жена твоя; возми, и поди.

20 И приказалъ Фараонъ людямъ, чтобы проводили его, и жену его, и все, что у него было.




Arcana Coelestia#1540




As has been stated, narratives in the Word that draw on true history began with the previous chapter. Down to that point, or rather down to Eber, they were made-up history. The continuation of the Abram story here means in the internal sense the Lord and in particular His life as it was at first before His External Man had been joined to His Internal to the point of their functioning as a unit, that is, before His external Man as well had become celestial and Divine. The historical details are what represent the Lord, while the actual words mean those things that are being represented. But because they are historical descriptions the mind of the reader. inevitably dwells upon them, especially nowadays when the majority, indeed almost everybody, does not believe in the existence of an internal sense at all, let alone within individual words. And perhaps they will still not acknowledge the existence of it even though it has been shown so clearly up to this point. There is the further reason that the internal sense seems to be so withdrawn from the sense of the letter that it is scarcely recognizable. Yet they can know of it merely from the consideration that historical records by themselves cannot ever constitute the Word, for there is no more of the Divine in them when they are separated from the internal sense than in any other historical narrative. It is the internal sense that makes it Divine. The fact that the internal sense is the Word itself is clear from many things that have been revealed, such as "Out of Egypt have I called My son" Matthew 2:15, besides many others like this. The Lord Himself also, after the Resurrection, taught the disciples what had been written concerning Himself in Moses and the Prophets, Luke 24:27, thus that nothing has been written in the Word which does not have regard to Him, to His kingdom, and to the Church. These are the spiritual and celestial things of the Word, but the sense of the letter consists for the most part of worldly, bodily, and earthly images which cannot possibly constitute the Word of the Lord. Nowadays people are such that they do not perceive anything except matters of this sort. They scarcely know what spiritual and celestial things are. It was different with the member of the Most Ancient Church or of the Ancient Church. If he were living today and reading the Word he would not pay any attention to the sense of the letter, which he would regard as nothing at all, but only to the internal sense. Members of those Churches are utterly amazed that anyone perceives the Word in any other way. All the books of the ancients therefore were written in such a fashion that they had a different import in the interior sense from what they had in the letter.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.