




1 Тогда изрекъ Богъ всј слова сіи, говоря:

2 Я Іегова, Богъ твой, Который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской, изъ дома рабства.

3 Да не будетъ у тебя другихъ боговъ предъ лицемъ Моимъ.

4 Не дјлай себј кумира, и никакого изображенія того, что на небј вверху, что на землј внизу, и что въ водахъ ниже земли.

5 Не поклонайса имъ и не служи имъ; ибо Я Іегова Богъ твой, Богъ ревнитель, наказывающій за вину отцевъ дјтей до третьяго и до четвертаго рода, ненавидящихъ Меня,

6 и благотворящій до тысячи родовъ любящимъ Меня и соблюдающимъ заповјди Мои.

7 Не произноси имени Іеговы, Бога твоего, напрасно; ибо Іегова не оставитъ безъ наказанія того, кто произноситъ имя Его нанрасно.

8 Помни день субботный, чтобы святить его.

9 Шесть дней работай, и дјлай всякія дјла свои:

10 а день седьмый суббота Іеговы, Бога твоего: не дјлай никакого дјла ни ты, ни сынъ твой, ни дочь твоя, ни рабъ твой, ни раба твоя, ни скотъ твой, ни пришлецъ твой, который въ жилищахъ твоихъ.

11 Ибо въ шесть дней Іегова создалъ небо и землю, море и все, что въ нихъ: а въ день седьмый почилъ. Посему благословилъ Іегова день субботный и освятилъ его.

12 Почитай отца твоего и матерь твою, чтобы продлились дни твои на землј, которую Іегова, Богъ твой, даетъ тебј.

13 Не убивай.

14 Не прелюбодјйствуй.

15 Не крадь.

16 Не произноси ложнаго свидјтельства на ближняго твоего.

17 Не желай дома ближняго твоего, не желай жены ближняго твоего, ни раба его, ни рабы его, ни вола его, ни осла его, ничего, что у ближняго твоего.

18 Весь народъ видјлъ громы, и молніи, и гласъ трубный, и гору дымящуюся: и видя то, народъ отступилъ, и сталъ вдали.

19 И сказали Моисею: говори ты съ нами, и мы будемъ слушать: но чтобы не говорилъ съ нами Богъ, дабы намъ не умеретъ.

20 Моисей сказалъ народу: не бойтесь; ибо для того Богъ пришелъ, чтобы испытать васъ, и чтобы страхъ Его былъ на лицахъ вашихъ; дабы вы не грјшили.

21 И стоялъ народъ вдали; а Моисей вступилъ во мракъ, гдј Богъ.

22 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: такъ скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: вы видјли, какъ Я съ неба говорилъ вамъ.

23 Не дјлайте предо Мною боговъ серебряныхъ, или боговъ золотыхъ, не дјлайте себј.

24 Сдјлай Мнј жертвенникъ изъ земли, и принеси на немъ всесожженія твои, овецъ твоихъ, и воловъ твоихъ; на всякомъ мјстј, гдј Я положу память имени Моего, Я приду къ тебј, и благословлю тебя

25 Если же будешь дјлать Мнј жертвенникъ изъ камней, то не сооружай изъ тесаныхъ. Ибо какъ скоро возложешь на нихъ тесло твое: то осквернишь ихъ.

26 И не восходи по ступенямъ къ жертвеннику Моему, дабы не открылась при немъ нагота твоя.




Arcana Coelestia#8868



8868. A brief statement must also be made about truths which come from a source other than the Lord. In general they are those which do not have the Lord within them. The truths a person knows do not have the Lord within them when he refuses to accept Him and His Divinity, or else when he does accept Him and yet believes that what is good and true does not begin in Him but in himself, as a result of which he claims righteousness for himself. Nor do those truths have the Lord within them which are taken from the Word, in particular from the sense of the letter there, and interpreted in favour of personal dominion and personal gain. In themselves these are truths because they come from the Word yet they are not truths because they are interpreted wrongly and thereby perverted. Such perversions of them are what the Lord means by the following in Matthew,

If anyone says, Behold, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead into error, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:23-26.

See 3900. And in Luke,

See that you are not led astray. For many will come in My name, saying, I am He; The time is near. Therefore do not go after them. Luke 21:8.

[2] Truths which come from the Lord never cease to be truths from the Lord in their inward form. But truths which do not come from the Lord appear to be truths only in their outward form, not in their inward form - for inwardly they are either empty, false, or evil. To be the truth, truth must have life within it; for truth devoid of life is not the truth of faith with a person, and life comes from no other source than good, that is, from the Lord by way of good. If therefore the Lord is not within truth it is truth devoid of life, and so is not truth. And if there is falsity or evil within it the actual truth with a person is falsity or evil. For what exists inwardly constitutes its essential nature, and also in the next life shines through the outward appearance. From all this one may now see how to understand the explanation that there must be no thought about truths from any source other than the Lord.

[3] Since few know about the nature of truths which are truths in their inward form, and so which have life from the Lord, something will be said from experience regarding them. In the next life when anyone speaks there others perceive plainly what lies concealed in the words he utters, such as whether inwardly it is closed or open, and also what kind of affection there is within it. If there is an affection for good it is inwardly soft, if there is an affection for evil it is inwardly hard; and so on. With the angels of heaven the whole content of what they say is open all the way to the Lord. This is not only clearly perceived to be so but is audible from the softness of their speech, indeed from the particular nature of its softness. From this too what lies concealed inwardly in truths is known, whether it is the Lord or not. Truths which have the Lord within them are truths that have life, but truths which do not have the Lord within them are truths that have no life. Those which have life are truths of faith grounded in love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour. Those which have no life are not truths, because inwardly they have self-love and love of the world in them. In this way spirits or angels in the next life can be told apart, for each individual's possession of truth is determined by the life he leads, that is, by that which reigns universally in him.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.