




1 Veio sobre mim a mão do Senhor; e ele me levou no Espírito do Senhor, e me pôs no meio do vale que estava cheio de ossos;

2 e me fez andar ao redor deles. E eis que eram muito numerosos sobre a face do vale; e eis que estavam sequíssimos.

3 Ele me perguntou: Filho do homem, poderão viver estes ossos? Respondi: Senhor Deus, tu o sabes.

4 Então me disse: Profetiza sobre estes ossos, e dize-lhes: ossos secos, ouvi a palavra do Senhor.

5 Assim diz o Senhor Deus a estes ossos: Eis que vou fazer entrar em vós o fôlego da vida, e vivereis.

6 E porei nervos sobre vós, e farei crescer carne sobre vós, e sobre vos estenderei pele, e porei em vós o fôlego da vida, e vivereis. Então sabereis que eu sou o Senhor.

7 Profetizei, pois, como se me deu ordem. Ora enquanto eu profetizava, houve um ruído; e eis que se fez um rebuliço, e os ossos se achegaram, osso ao seu osso.

8 E olhei, e eis que vieram nervos sobre eles, e cresceu a carne, e estendeu-se a pele sobre eles por cima; mas não havia neles fôlego.

9 Então ele me disse: Profetiza ao fôlego da vida, profetiza, ó filho do homem, e dize ao fôlego da vida: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Vem dos quatro ventos, ó fôlego da vida, e assopra sobre estes mortos, para que vivam.

10 Profetizei, pois, como ele me ordenara; então o fôlego da vida entrou neles e viveram, e se puseram em , um exército grande em extremo.

11 Então me disse: Filho do homem, estes ossos são toda a casa de Israel. Eis que eles dizem: Os nossos ossos secaram-se, e pereceu a nossa esperança; estamos de todo cortados.

12 Portanto profetiza, e dize-lhes: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu vos abrirei as vossas sepulturas, sim, das vossas sepulturas vos farei sair, ó povo meu, e vos trarei à terra de Israel.

13 E quando eu vos abrir as sepulturas, e delas vos fizer sair, ó povo meu, sabereis que eu sou o Senhor.

14 E porei em vós o meu Espírito, e vivereis, e vos porei na vossa terra; e sabereis que eu, o Senhor, o falei e o cumpri, diz o Senhor.

15 A palavra do Senhor veio a mim, dizendo:

16 Tu, pois, ó filho do homem, toma um pau, e escreve nele: Por Judá e pelos filhos de Israel, seus companheiros. Depois toma outro pau, e escreve nele: Por José, vara de Efraim, e por toda a casa de Israel, seus companheiros;

17 e ajunta um ao outro, para que se unam, e se tornem um só na tua mão.

18 E quando te falarem os filhos do teu povo, dizendo: Porventura não nos declararás o que queres dizer com estas coisas?

19 Tu lhes dirás: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu tomarei a vara de José, que esteve na mão de Efraim, e as das tribos de Israel, suas companheiras, e lhes ajuntarei a vara de Judá, e farei delas uma só vara, e elas se farão uma só na minha mão.

20 E os paus, sobre que houveres escrito, estarão na tua mão, perante os olhos deles.

21 Dize-lhes pois: Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu tomarei os filhos de Israel dentre as nações para onde eles foram, e os congregarei de todos os lados, e os introduzirei na sua terra;

22 e deles farei uma nação na terra, nos montes de Israel, e um rei será rei de todos eles; e nunca mais serão duas nações, nem de maneira alguma se dividirão para o futuro em dois reinos;

23 nem se contaminarão mais com os seus ídolos, nem com as suas abominações, nem com qualquer uma das suas transgressões; mas eu os livrarei de todas as suas apostasias com que pecaram, e os purificarei. Assim eles serão o meu povo, e eu serei o seu Deus.

24 Também meu servo Davi reinará sobre eles, e todos eles terão um pastor só; andarão nos meus juízos, e guardarão os meus estatutos, e os observarão.

25 Ainda habitarão na terra que dei a meu servo Jacó, na qual habitaram vossos pais; nela habitarão, eles e seus filhos, e os filhos de seus filhos, para sempre; e Davi, meu servo, será seu príncipe eternamente.

26 Farei com eles um pacto de paz, que será um pacto perpétuo. E os estabelecerei, e os multiplicarei, e porei o meu santuário no meio deles para sempre.

27 Meu tabernáculo permanecerá com eles; e eu serei o seu Deus e eles serão o meu povo.

28 E as nações saberão que eu sou o Senhor que santifico a Israel, quando estiver o meu santuário no meio deles para sempre.




Apocalypse Explained#666



666. And they stood upon their feet.- That this signifies a new life such as the regenerated man of the church has, is evident from the signification of standing, as denoting to be and to live, and also to sustain (concerning which see above 414); and from the signification of feet, as denoting the Natural, which is the ultimate of Divine order, and the basis upon which things prior or higher rest and upon which they subsist (concerning which also, see above 69, 600:1, 606). Standing upon the feet therefore signifies life in fulness, because in the ultimate; new life is signified, because the witnesses, who are here treated of, were slain and lived again. Standing upon the feet signifies here such life as pertains to the regenerated man of the church, because these things are said of the two witnesses, by whom are meant all who are in the goods of love by means of truths of doctrine, and who are such as have been regenerated; also, because when the Natural signified by the feet, is regenerated, then the whole man has life, such as pertains to a regenerated man, according to the words of the Lord in John:

[2] Jesus said to Peter,

"He that is washed, needeth not save to be washed as to the feet, and he is wholly clean" (13:10).

To be washed signifies to be purified from evils and falsities, which is to be regenerated, therefore he that is washed signifies he who is purified, that is, regenerated, as to what is spiritual, which is the good of love and the truth of doctrine; and these are first to be received in the memory and understanding, that is, to be known and acknowledged. Needeth not save to be washed as to the feet signifies that the natural or external man is then to be purified or regenerated, which is done by a life according to the precepts of love and faith, that is, according to the goods and truths of doctrine from the Word; when this takes place, the man himself is purified or regenerated. For to live according to the goods and truths of doctrine from the Word, is to will them, and thus to do them, which is the same thing as to be affected with them, and to love them; for what is done from the will, is done from affection and love, consequently from the man himself, the will being the man himself, because a man is his own love and his own affection; it is therefore said that then the whole man is clean.

[3] From these considerations it is evident why it is, that to stand upon the feet denotes life such as pertains to a regenerated man. Also of the dry bones seen by the prophet on the face of the valley, after they were covered with sinews, flesh, and skin it is said, "When I prophesied" concerning the spirit, "the spirit entered into them, and they lived again, and stood upon their feet" (Ezekiel 37:10). Here also by standing upon the feet is signified new life, such as pertains to a regenerated man. For the dry bones to which the house of Israel is likened signify the state of the church with them, namely, that it was without the goods of love and truths of doctrine; and by being clothed with sinews, flesh, and skin, is signified regeneration, and by the spirit which entered, new life by the influx and reception of Divine Truth; it is therefore then said, that they lived again and stood upon their feet. The signification of standing upon the feet elsewhere in the same prophet is similar.

A voice speaking to me said "Son of Man, stand upon thy feet, that I may speak to thee; then the spirit entered into me, when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, and I heard him speaking to me" (Ezekiel 2:1, 2).

And again:

"I fell upon my faces, but the spirit entered into me, and raised me upon my feet" (Ezekiel 3:23, 24).

These things happened, because life itself, when it is in its fulness, is signified by standing upon the feet, and it is in its fulness when the Natural lives from the Spiritual. For the ultimate of man's life is in his Natural, this ultimate being a base as it were for his interior and higher [things], for these terminate in the ultimate and subsist there. Unless therefore life be in the ultimate, it is not full, thus not perfect; and moreover, all the interior or higher co-exist in the ultimate, as in their simultaneity; thus interior or higher things are according to the quality of the ultimate, for these accommodate themselves to the ultimate, because it receives them.

[4] The signification of standing upon the feet in David is similar:

"Thou hast made my feet to stand in a broad place" (Psalm 31:8).

A broad place signifies the truth of doctrine from the Word, therefore to make my feet to stand in a broad place signifies to cause him to live according to Divine truths.

Again in the same:

"He made me to come up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock" (Psalm 40:2).

The pit of destruction signifies falsity of doctrine, and the miry clay, evil of life; the signification of setting his feet upon a rock is similar to that of making his feet stand in a broad place, for a rock signifies the truth of doctrine from the Word, and, in the highest sense, the Lord as to Divine truth.

[5] It is therefore evident, what is signified in the spiritual sense by Jehovah "will not suffer my foot to totter" (Psalm 121:3), namely, that He will not suffer the Natural to go astray from truths; for in proportion as the natural goes astray, the interiors which belong to the understanding and will also go astray.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.