

1 Mosebok第28章



1 Da kalte Isak Jakob til sig og velsignet ham og bød ham og sa til ham: Du skal ikke ta nogen av Kana'ans døtre til hustru.

2 Gjør dig rede og dra til Mesopotamia, til din morfar Betuels hus, og hent dig en hustru derfra, en av din morbror Labans døtre!

3 Og Gud den allmektige velsigne dig og gjøre dig fruktbar og gi dig en tallrik ætt, så du blir til en hel skare av folkeslag,

4 han gi dig Abrahams velsignelse, både dig og din ætt, så du kommer til å eie det land hvor du nu bor som fremmed, det som Gud gav Abraham!

5 Så lot Isak Jakob reise; og han drog til Mesopotamia, til arameeren Laban, Betuels sønn, som var bror til ebekka, Jakobs og Esaus mor.

6 Da Esau så at Isak hadde velsignet Jakob og sendt ham til Mesopotamia for å hente sig en hustru derfra - at han hadde velsignet ham og gitt ham den befaling: Du skal ikke ta nogen av Kana'ans døtre til hustru -

7 og at Jakob hadde adlydt sin far og sin mor og var reist til Mesopotamia,

8 og da Esau så at Kana'ans døtre mishaget Isak, hans far,

9 så gikk han til Ismael og tok Mahalat, datter til Abrahams sønn Ismael, Nebajots søster, til hustru foruten sine andre hustruer.

10 Jakob tok ut fra Be'erseba og gav sig på veien til Karan.

11 Og han kom til et sted hvor han blev natten over, for solen var gått ned; og han tok en av stenene som lå der, og la den under sitt hode, og så la han sig til å sove der.

12 Da drømte han og så en stige som var stilt op på jorden, og hvis topp nådde til himmelen, og se, Guds engler steg op og steg ned på den.

13 Og se, Herren stod øverst på den og sa: Jeg er Herren, din far Abrahams Gud og Isaks Gud; det land som du nu ligger i, det vil jeg gi dig og din ætt.

14 Og din ætt skal bli som støvet på jorden, og du skal utbrede dig mot vest og mot øst og mot nord og mot syd, og i dig og i din ætt skal alle jordens slekter velsignes

15 Og se, jeg er med dig og vil bevare dig hvor du så går, og jeg vil føre dig tilbake til dette land; jeg vil ikke forlate dig før jeg har gjort det jeg har lovt dig.

16 Da Jakob våknet av sin søvn, sa han: Sannelig, Herren er på dette sted, og jeg visste det ikke.

17 Og det kom en frykt over ham, og han sa: Hvor forferdelig er ikke dette sted ! Her er visselig Guds hus, her er himmelens port.

18 Morgenen efter stod Jakob tidlig op og tok den sten han hadde lagt under sitt hode, og reiste den op som en minnesten, og han helte olje over den.

19 Og han kalte dette sted Betel*; før hette byen Luz. / {* Guds hus.}

20 Og Jakob gjorde et løfte og sa: Dersom Gud vil være med mig og bevare mig på denne min ferd og gi mig brød å ete og klær å klæ mig med,

21 og jeg kommer vel hjem igjen til min fars hus, så skal Herren være min Gud,

22 og denne sten som jeg har reist op som en minnesten, skal være et Guds hus, og av alt det du gir mig, vil jeg gi dig tiende.




Apocalypse Explained#674



674. There was a great earthquake.- That this signifies a remarkable change of the state of the interiors in those who are of the church, is evident from the signification of a great earthquake (terrae motus), as denoting a remarkable change of the state of the church; for the earth (terra) signifies the church, motion, change of state, and great, what is remarkable. That an earthquake, in the Word, signifies a change of the state of the church, may be seen above (n.400:2, 499).

[2] That a change of state as to the truths and goods of the church, sprang from causes involved in the preceding verse, is evident; that is, because the two witnesses that had been slain and restored to life ascended by command into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies saw them. It is therefore clear that the cause was the separation of the good from the evil, as shown in preceding articles, where the ascent of the two witnesses has been explained. But these things cannot be made plain to the understanding, until the state of the case in the spiritual world be made known. For the things described in this verse - namely, that there was a great earthquake, that the tenth part of the city fell, and that there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand, also, that the rest became afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven - do take place, and also did take place at the time of the Last Judgment, but in the spiritual world, not in the natural world. For when it is necessary for the good there to be separated from the evil, and the good to be protected from being injured by the evil, then the good are removed from the societies, and the evil left, according to the words of the Lord in Matthew:

"Two shall be in the field, one shall be taken, the other shall be left; two [women] grinding, one shall be taken, the other shall be left" (24:40, 41);

this may be seen explained in the Arcana Coelestia 4334, 4335). When the good are taken away, then in the societies in which the good and evil were intermingled, a remarkable change takes place as to those things which pertain to the church.

[3] But the cause of that change shall be further explained. In the spiritual world there is a communication of all affections, and sometimes of thoughts; and within every society there is a general communication, extending itself from the midst in every direction, even to the boundaries, almost as light spreads from the centre to the circumference. The variations and changes of the affections arising from communication and its extension, spring from an influx of affections from other societies, which are either above or at the sides, also from the new comers who enter the society, and also from the fact of few or many being removed from the society.

[4] The societies upon which the Last Judgment took place, consisted of both the good and the evil, the evil being those who were interiorly, but not outwardly, opposed to the goods of love and the truths of doctrine, for outwardly they could act according to what was right and just, and speak what was pious and true not for the sake of rectitude, justice, piety, and truth, but from habit acquired in the world, for the sake of fame, glory, honour, gain, and various delights of the natural loves; also on account of the laws and their penalties. Such persons therefore, although interiorly evil, were still able to associate with those who were not only outwardly but also interiorly good. When therefore the good were being separated from those who appeared good only in external form, then the external good [of the latter] vanished, and their interior evil became apparent; for they were kept in such external good by communication with those within the same society, who, as said above, were not only outwardly but also interiorly, good. When external good then was removed from the evil, their interiors, which were full of mere evil and filthy things were opened, and consequently their real quality was made manifest. These are the things, therefore, that are specifically meant by the two witnesses ascending by command into heaven in a cloud, and their enemies seeing them; and here, that in that hour there was a great earthquake, that is, that when that state came, a remarkable change took place as to those things which pertain to the church.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.






16 The first came before him, saying, 'Lord, your mina has made ten more minas.'

17 "He said to him, 'Well done, you good servant! Because you were found faithful with very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.'

18 "The second came, saying, 'Your mina, Lord, has made five minas.'

19 "So he said to him, 'And you are to be over five cities.'

20 Another came, saying, 'Lord, behold, your mina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief,