

2 Mosebok第20章



1 Da talte Gud alle disse ord og sa:

2 Jeg er Herren din Gud, som førte dig ut av Egyptens land, av trælehuset.

3 Du skal ikke ha andre guder foruten mig.

4 Du skal ikke gjøre dig noget utskåret billede eller nogen avbildning av det som er oppe i himmelen, eller av det som er nede på jorden, eller av det som er i vannet nedenfor jorden.

5 Du skal ikke tilbede dem og ikke tjene dem; for jeg, Herren din Gud, er en nidkjær Gud, som hjemsøker fedres misgjerningerbarn inntil tredje og fjerde ledd, på dem som hater mig,

6 og som gjør miskunnhet mot tusen ledd, mot dem som elsker mig og holder mine bud.

7 Du skal ikke misbruke Herrens, din Guds navn; for Herren vil ikke holde den uskyldig som misbruker hans navn.

8 Kom hviledagen i hu, så du holder den hellig!

9 Seks dager skal du arbeide og gjøre all din gjerning.

10 Men den syvende dag er sabbat for Herren din Gud; da skal du intet arbeid gjøre, hverken du eller din sønn eller din datter, din tjener eller din tjenestepike eller ditt fe eller den fremmede som er hos dig innen dine porter.

11 For i seks dager gjorde Herren himmelen og jorden, havet og alt det som i dem er, og han hvilte på den syvende dag; derfor velsignet Herren sabbatsdagen og helliget den.

12 Hedre din far og din mor, så dine dager må bli mange i det land Herren din Gud gir dig.

13 Du skal ikke slå ihjel.

14 Du skal ikke drive hor.

15 Du skal ikke stjele.

16 Du skal ikke si falskt vidnesbyrd mot din næste.

17 Du skal ikke begjære din næstes hus. Du skal ikke begjære din næstes hustru eller hans tjener eller hans tjenestepike eller hans okse eller hans asen eller noget som hører din næste til.

18 Og alt folket så og hørte tordenen og luene og basunlyden og fjellet i røk; og da folket så og hørte dette, skalv de og holdt sig langt borte.

19 Og de sa til Moses: Tal du med oss, så vil vi høre; men la ikke Gud tale med oss, forat vi ikke skal !

20 Men Moses sa til folket: Frykt ikke! Gud er kommet for å prøve eder, og forat Frykt for ham skal være over eder, så I ikke synder.

21 Så blev folket stående langt borte, og Moses gikk nær til mørket hvor Gud var.

22 Og Herren sa til Moses: Så skal du si til Israels barn: I har sett hvorledes jeg talte til eder fra himmelen.

23 I skal ikke gjøre eder nogen gud ved siden av mig; guder av sølv eller guder av gull skal I ikke gjøre eder.

24 Et alter av jord skal du gjøre mig, og på det skal du ofre dine brennoffer og dine takkoffer, ditt småfe og ditt storfe; på ethvert sted hvor jeg lar mitt navn ihukomme, vil jeg komme til dig og velsigne dig.

25 Men dersom du vil gjøre mig et alter av sten, da skal du ikke bygge det av huggen sten; for bruker du ditt huggjern på stenene, da vanhelliger du dem.

26 Og du skal ikke gå op til mitt alter på trapper, forat ikke din blusel skal blottes over det.




Arcana Coelestia#8944



8944. In the world it is thought that the human being can recognize from the light of natural evidence alone, that is, without revelation, most of what religion involves, such as the beliefs that there is a God, that He is to be worshipped, and also that He is to be loved, and in addition that a person will be alive after death. and many other beliefs dependent on these. However, those beliefs are the products of self-intelligence. Much experience has taught me that of himself a person knows nothing whatever about Divine realities, or about things belonging to celestial and spiritual life; without revelation he knows nothing about them. For a person is born into the evils of self-love and love of the world, and the nature of these is such that they seal off influx from the heavens and let through influx from the hells. This being so, they blind a person and place him in a negative frame of mind about the reality of the Divine, of heaven and hell, and of life after death. This is plainly evident from the learned people of the world, who through study of different branches of knowledge have developed the inferior light of this natural evidence of theirs to a higher degree than others. As is well known, these more than others deny the Divine, acknowledging natural forces instead. Also, when they speak from what is in their heart and not just from doctrine they deny life after death, also heaven and hell, consequently all things that are matters of faith, which they call bonds for the common people. This makes plain what light received from natural evidence without revelation is like. I have also been shown that in the next life many of those who have written books about natural theology, and from the inferior light of their natural evidence have skillfully substantiated the teachings of their Church, deny those same things at heart more than any others, and also deny the Word itself, which they try to destroy completely. For in the next life people's hearts speak. I have also been shown that those same people are unable to receive anything of the influx from heaven, only that from the hells. All this makes plain what light received from natural evidence, without revelation, is like, and therefore what anything that is a product of self-intelligence is like.

[2] But there are two phenomena that might have placed the mind in doubt so far as this matter is concerned. The first is that people in ancient times who were gentiles nevertheless knew that there is a God, that He is to be worshipped, and that a person as to his soul is immortal. The second is that those things are also known by a large number of nations at the present day among whom no revelation exists. But in the case of the ancients, they did not know those things from the inferior light they received from natural evidence but from revelation that spread from the Church even to them. For the Lord's Church had existed since most ancient times in the land of Canaan, 3686, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517, 5136, 6516. From there such things as belonged to the worship of God spread to the nations round about and also to the neighbouring Greeks, and from the Greeks to the Italians or Romans. From the Church all these nations received the things they knew about a supreme deity, and about the immortality of the soul, which their learned men wrote about.

[3] As regards the nations at the present day who also know of God's existence and of life after death, they have not come to possess that knowledge from the inferior light they receive from natural evidence. They possess it from their religion which has come down to them from ancient times and which was founded on such things as had spread in various ways from the Church, where revelation existed. This happened in the Lord's Divine Providence. Furthermore those among them who from their religion acknowledge God above all things, and from their religion do what charity requires them to do for their neighbour, on receiving instruction in the next life accept the truths of faith and are saved, 258-2604.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.