




1 αὗται δὲ αἱ γενέσεις ησαυ αὐτός ἐστιν εδωμ

2 ησαυ δὲ ἔλαβεν γυναῖκας ἑαυτῷ ἀπὸ τῶν θυγατέρων τῶν χαναναίων τὴν αδα θυγατέρα αιλων τοῦ χετταίου καὶ τὴν ελιβεμα θυγατέρα ανα τοῦ υἱοῦ σεβεγων τοῦ ευαίου

3 καὶ τὴν βασεμμαθ θυγατέρα ισμαηλ ἀδελφὴν ναβαιωθ

4 ἔτεκεν δὲ αδα τῷ ησαυ τὸν ελιφας καὶ βασεμμαθ ἔτεκεν τὸν ραγουηλ

5 καὶ ελιβεμα ἔτεκεν τὸν ιεους καὶ τὸν ιεγλομ καὶ τὸν κορε οὗτοι υἱοὶ ησαυ οἳ ἐγένοντο αὐτῷ ἐν γῇ χανααν

6 ἔλαβεν δὲ ησαυ τὰς γυναῖκας αὐτοῦ καὶ τοὺς υἱοὺς καὶ τὰς θυγατέρας καὶ πάντα τὰ σώματα τοῦ οἴκου αὐτοῦ καὶ πάντα τὰ ὑπάρχοντα καὶ πάντα τὰ κτήνη καὶ πάντα ὅσα ἐκτήσατο καὶ ὅσα περιεποιήσατο ἐν γῇ χανααν καὶ ἐπορεύθη ἐκ γῆς χανααν ἀπὸ προσώπου ιακωβ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ αὐτοῦ

7 ἦν γὰρ αὐτῶν τὰ ὑπάρχοντα πολλὰ τοῦ οἰκεῖν ἅμα καὶ οὐκ ἐδύνατο ἡ γῆ τῆς παροικήσεως αὐτῶν φέρειν αὐτοὺς ἀπὸ τοῦ πλήθους τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐτῶν

8 ὤ|κησεν δὲ ησαυ ἐν τῷ ὄρει σηιρ ησαυ αὐτός ἐστιν εδωμ

9 αὗται δὲ αἱ γενέσεις ησαυ πατρὸς εδωμ ἐν τῷ ὄρει σηιρ

10 καὶ ταῦτα τὰ ὀνόματα τῶν υἱῶν ησαυ ελιφας υἱὸς αδας γυναικὸς ησαυ καὶ ραγουηλ υἱὸς βασεμμαθ γυναικὸς ησαυ

11 ἐγένοντο δὲ υἱοὶ ελιφας θαιμαν ωμαρ σωφαρ γοθομ καὶ κενεζ

12 θαμνα δὲ ἦν παλλακὴ ελιφας τοῦ υἱοῦ ησαυ καὶ ἔτεκεν τῷ ελιφας τὸν αμαληκ οὗτοι υἱοὶ αδας γυναικὸς ησαυ

13 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ ραγουηλ ναχοθ ζαρε σομε καὶ μοζε οὗτοι ἦσαν υἱοὶ βασεμμαθ γυναικὸς ησαυ

14 οὗτοι δὲ ἦσαν υἱοὶ ελιβεμας θυγατρὸς ανα τοῦ υἱοῦ σεβεγων γυναικὸς ησαυ ἔτεκεν δὲ τῷ ησαυ τὸν ιεους καὶ τὸν ιεγλομ καὶ τὸν κορε

15 οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες υἱοὶ ησαυ υἱοὶ ελιφας πρωτοτόκου ησαυ ἡγεμὼν θαιμαν ἡγεμὼν ωμαρ ἡγεμὼν σωφαρ ἡγεμὼν κενεζ

16 ἡγεμὼν κορε ἡγεμὼν γοθομ ἡγεμὼν αμαληκ οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες ελιφας ἐν γῇ ιδουμαίᾳ οὗτοι υἱοὶ αδας

17 καὶ οὗτοι υἱοὶ ραγουηλ υἱοῦ ησαυ ἡγεμὼν ναχοθ ἡγεμὼν ζαρε ἡγεμὼν σομε ἡγεμὼν μοζε οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες ραγουηλ ἐν γῇ εδωμ οὗτοι υἱοὶ βασεμμαθ γυναικὸς ησαυ

18 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ ελιβεμας γυναικὸς ησαυ ἡγεμὼν ιεους ἡγεμὼν ιεγλομ ἡγεμὼν κορε οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες ελιβεμας

19 οὗτοι υἱοὶ ησαυ καὶ οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες αὐτῶν οὗτοί εἰσιν υἱοὶ εδωμ

20 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ σηιρ τοῦ χορραίου τοῦ κατοικοῦντος τὴν γῆν λωταν σωβαλ σεβεγων ανα

21 καὶ δησων καὶ ασαρ καὶ ρισων οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες τοῦ χορραίου τοῦ υἱοῦ σηιρ ἐν τῇ γῇ εδωμ

22 ἐγένοντο δὲ υἱοὶ λωταν χορρι καὶ αιμαν ἀδελφὴ δὲ λωταν θαμνα

23 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ σωβαλ γωλων καὶ μαναχαθ καὶ γαιβηλ σωφ καὶ ωμαν

24 καὶ οὗτοι υἱοὶ σεβεγων αιε καὶ ωναν οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ ωνας ὃς εὗρεν τὸν ιαμιν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ ὅτε ἔνεμεν τὰ ὑποζύγια σεβεγων τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ

25 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ ανα δησων καὶ ελιβεμα θυγάτηρ ανα

26 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ δησων αμαδα καὶ ασβαν καὶ ιεθραν καὶ χαρραν

27 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ ασαρ βαλααν καὶ ζουκαμ καὶ ιωυκαμ καὶ ουκαν

28 οὗτοι δὲ υἱοὶ ρισων ως καὶ αραμ

29 οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες χορρι ἡγεμὼν λωταν ἡγεμὼν σωβαλ ἡγεμὼν σεβεγων ἡγεμὼν ανα

30 ἡγεμὼν δησων ἡγεμὼν ασαρ ἡγεμὼν ρισων οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες χορρι ἐν ταῖς ἡγεμονίαις αὐτῶν ἐν γῇ εδωμ

31 καὶ οὗτοι οἱ βασιλεῖς οἱ βασιλεύσαντες ἐν εδωμ πρὸ τοῦ βασιλεῦσαι βασιλέα ἐν ισραηλ

32 καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἐν εδωμ βαλακ υἱὸς τοῦ βεωρ καὶ ὄνομα τῇ πόλει αὐτοῦ δενναβα

33 ἀπέθανεν δὲ βαλακ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ ιωβαβ υἱὸς ζαρα ἐκ βοσορρας

34 ἀπέθανεν δὲ ιωβαβ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ ασομ ἐκ τῆς γῆς θαιμανων

35 ἀπέθανεν δὲ ασομ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ αδαδ υἱὸς βαραδ ὁ ἐκκόψας μαδιαμ ἐν τῷ πεδίῳ μωαβ καὶ ὄνομα τῇ πόλει αὐτοῦ γεθθαιμ

36 ἀπέθανεν δὲ αδαδ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ σαμαλα ἐκ μασεκκας

37 ἀπέθανεν δὲ σαμαλα καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ σαουλ ἐκ ροωβωθ τῆς παρὰ ποταμόν

38 ἀπέθανεν δὲ σαουλ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ βαλαεννων υἱὸς αχοβωρ

39 ἀπέθανεν δὲ βαλαεννων υἱὸς αχοβωρ καὶ ἐβασίλευσεν ἀντ' αὐτοῦ αραδ υἱὸς βαραδ καὶ ὄνομα τῇ πόλει αὐτοῦ φογωρ ὄνομα δὲ τῇ γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ μαιτεβεηλ θυγάτηρ ματραιθ υἱοῦ μαιζοοβ

40 ταῦτα τὰ ὀνόματα τῶν ἡγεμόνων ησαυ ἐν ταῖς φυλαῖς αὐτῶν κατὰ τόπον αὐτῶν ἐν ταῖς χώραις αὐτῶν καὶ ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν αὐτῶν ἡγεμὼν θαμνα ἡγεμὼν γωλα ἡγεμὼν ιεθερ

41 ἡγεμὼν ελιβεμας ἡγεμὼν ηλας ἡγεμὼν φινων

42 ἡγεμὼν κενεζ ἡγεμὼν θαιμαν ἡγεμὼν μαζαρ

43 ἡγεμὼν μεγεδιηλ ἡγεμὼν ζαφωιμ οὗτοι ἡγεμόνες εδωμ ἐν ταῖς κατῳκοδομημέναις ἐν τῇ γῇ τῆς κτήσεως αὐτῶν οὗτος ησαυ πατὴρ εδωμ




Arcana Coelestia#4725



4725. 'And they said, a man to his brother' means the thoughts held mutually by them. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perceiving and thinking, dealt with in 3395; and from the meaning of 'a man to his brother' as mutually. Among the ancients 'a man to his brother' was a customary saying used by them to mean something mutual, the reason being that 'a man' meant truth, 3134, 3459, and 'a brother' good, 4121, and a perfect mutual bond exists between truth and good. For when truth is joined to good, and good to truth, the action is mutual and reciprocal, 2731.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4112



4112. 'And Jacob stole the heart of Laban the Aramean' means a change, as regards good, of the state meant by 'Laban'. This is clear from the meaning of 'stealing' as taking away that which is cherished and holy, and so changing the state, dealt with immediately above in 4111; from the meaning of 'the heart' as that which proceeds from the will, and - when the will desires good - as good, dealt with in 2930, 3313, 3888, 3889; and from the representation of 'Laban' as intermediate good which is now being separated. And because it is being separated Laban is now called the Aramean, as also in verse 24 below, for 'Laban the Aramean' means, as previously, a kind of good which does not have any Divine Good and Truth within it. The reason why this is meant is that Aram or Syria was separated from the land of Canaan by the river, namely the Euphrates, and so lay outside the land of Canaan which in the internal sense means the Lord's kingdom and in the highest sense the Lord's Divine Human, see above in 4108.

[2] Specifically 'Aram' or Syria means cognitions of truth and good, see 1232, 1234, 3051, 3249, 3664, 3680. The reason why it has this meaning is that the Ancient Church existed there also, with remnants of it remaining there for a long time, as is evident from Balaam who came from there and who was acquainted with Jehovah and also prophesied concerning the Lord. But after the growth of idolatry in that country, and after Abram had been summoned from it and the representative Church was established in the land of Canaan, 'Aram' or Syria took on the representation of a region outside the Church, that is, of a region separated from the Church and as a consequence remote from the things that constituted the Lord's kingdom. But it continued to mean cognitions of good and truth. The reason why Jacob is said to have 'stolen Laban's heart' by not giving any indication that he was fleeing is that immediately above a change of state as regards truth was spoken of, and therefore a change of state as regards good is spoken of here. For when truth is dealt with in the Word so also is good, on account of the heavenly marriage, which is the marriage of truth and good, present in every individual part of the Word, 683, 793, 801, 2516, 2712.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.