



1 야곱과 함께 각기 권속을 데리고 애굽에 이른 이스라엘 아들들의 이름은 이러하니

2 르우벤과, 시므온과, 레위와, 유다와

3 잇사갈과, 스불론과, 베냐민과

4 단과, 납달리와, 갓과, 아셀이요

5 이미 애굽에 있는 요셉까지 야곱의 혈속이 모두 칠십인이었더라

6 요셉과 그의 모든 형제와 그 시대 사람은 다 죽었고

7 이스라엘 자손은 생육이 중다하고 번식하고 창성하고 심히 강대하여 온 땅에 가득하게 되었더라

8 요셉을 알지 못하는 새 왕이 일어나서 애굽을 다스리더니

9 그가 그 신민에게 이르되 `이 백성 이스라엘 자손이 우리보다 많고 강하도다

10 자, 우리가 그들에게 대하여 지혜롭게 하자 두렵건대 그들이 더 많게 되면 전쟁이 일어날 때에 우리 대적과 합하여 우리와 싸우고 이 땅에서 갈까 하노라' 하고

11 감독들을 그들 위에 세우고 그들에게 무거운 짐을 지워 괴롭게 하여 그들로 바로를 위하여 국고성 비돔과 라암셋을 건축하게 하니라

12 그러나 학대를 받을수록 더욱 번식하고 창성하니 애굽 사람이 이스라엘 자손을 인하여 근심하여

13 이스라엘 자손의 역사를 엄하게 하여

14 고역으로 그들의 생활을 괴롭게 하니 곧 흙 이기기와 벽돌 굽기와 농사의 여러가지 일이라 그 시키는 역사가 다 엄하였더라

15 애굽 왕이 히브리 산파 십브라라 하는 자와 부아라 하는 자에게 일러

16 가로되 `너희는 히브리 여인을 위하여 조산할 때에 살펴서 남자여든 죽이고 여자여든 그는 살게 두라'

17 그러나 산파들이 하나님을 두려워하여 애굽 왕의 명을 어기고 남자를 살린지라

18 애굽 왕이 산파를 불러서 그들에게 이르되 `너희가 어찌 이같이 하여 남자를 살렸느냐 ?'

19 산파가 바로에게 대답하되 `히브리 여인은 애굽 여인과 같지 아니하고 건장하여 산파가 그들에게 이르기 전에 해산하였더이다' 하매

20 하나님이 그 산파들에게 은혜를 베푸시니라 백성은 생육이 번성하고 심히 강대하며

21 산파는 하나님을 경외하였으므로 하나님이 그들의 집을 왕성케 하신지라

22 그러므로 바로가 그 모든 신민에게 명하여 가로되 `남자가 나거든 너희는 그를 하수에 던지고 여자여든 살리라' 하였더라



Arcana Coelestia#6663



6663. 'And according as they afflicted them, so they multiplied' means that in the measure that there were molestations, so the truths increased. This is clear from the meaning of 'afflicting' as molestation, and from the meaning of 'multiplying' as increasing in truths, dealt with above in 6656. Since people at the present day cannot, without experience of what goes on in the next life, know what such molestations are like, something must be said about them. The majority of spirits who come from the world and have led a life in keeping with the Lord's commandments are subjected to molestation before they can be raised to heaven and become attached to communities there. The molestation is caused by the evils and falsities residing with them and takes place for the purpose of removing those evils and falsities, see 6639; for they are impurities which those spirits acquired during their lifetime and are wholly out of keeping with heaven. The molestations come about by engulfing those spirits in their own evils and falsities. While they are engulfed in them other spirits steeped in similar evils and falsities are present, and these others strive in every way to lead them away from what is true and good. Yet they are not engulfed too deeply in their evils and falsities for the Lord's influence coming by way of the angels to prevail. What happens is controlled precisely, as if weighed in a balance, to the end that the one who suffers molestation may appear to himself to be in freedom and so to be fighting on his own against the evils and falsities, yet acknowledging - if not at the time, then subsequently - that all power to resist has come from the Lord, see 1937, 1947, 2881, 5660. While all this is going on, not only are previously implanted truths and forms of good made stronger but also more are introduced. This is how it is with all spiritual conflict in which the one involved becomes the victor.

[2] The truth of this is also evident from everyday experience, for anyone who defends his opinion against others attacking it becomes all the more convinced of his opinion and also at the same time discovers further ideas which he has not previously taken note of that strengthen it, as well as many that refute opposing ideas. He thus becomes more firmly established in his opinion and also illuminates it with further ideas. The same applies but in a far more perfect way to spiritual conflicts, because that kind of conflict takes place in the spirit and has to do with forms of good and with truths, and especially because - since the conflict is over eternal life and salvation - the Lord is present and leads by means of angels. As a general rule in such conflicts the Lord turns all evils intended by the hells into good, and therefore the hells are not allowed to evoke evils in excess of or different from those which can be turned into good appropriate for the person involved in the conflict. The reason why things happen in this way is that the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of usefulness, and therefore nothing can take place there unless good can come out of it. From all this one may now see how to understand the idea that truths increase in the measure that there are molestations, meant by 'according as they afflicted them, so they multiplied'.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.